push_dag = function(Beta_est_by_lam, data_info, lambdas, eps = 1e-8,
method = c("no_path_constr", "path_constr", "hardthre")){
if (missing(method)) method = "no_path_constr"
method = switch(method, no_path_constr = "n", path_constr = "p", hardthre = "h")
n_nodes = data_info$n_nodes
intcpt = data_info$intcpt
if (intcpt != "none") idx_intcpt = data_info$n_expls + 1
Sr = data_info$Sr
Se = data_info$Se
n_lams = length(Beta_est_by_lam)
A_est_by_lam = as.list(rep(0, n_lams))
# graph_est_by_lam = as.list(rep(0, n_lams))
n_edges_by_lam = c()
modified_dag_by_lam = c()
dagness_by_lam = c()
init_dagness_by_lam = c()
for (ell in 1:n_lams){ # ell = 1
Beta_est = Beta_est_by_lam[[ell]]
if (intcpt == "none") {
Beta1_est = Beta_est
} else {
Beta1_est = Beta_est[-idx_intcpt, ]
K = Se %*% Beta1_est^2 %*% t(Sr)
nz_coef = sort(K[K > eps])
A_temp = (K > eps)*1
graph_temp = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(A_temp)
isdag = is_dag(graph_temp)
init_dagness_by_lam[[ell]] = isdag
if ( method != "h"){
i = 0
while (!isdag){
A_temp_prev = A_temp
i = i + 1
A_temp = (K > nz_coef[i])*1
graph_temp = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(A_temp)
isdag = is_dag(graph_temp)
if (ell > 1 & method == "p") {
if (n_edges_by_lam[ell-1] >= sum(A_temp == 1)) {
A_temp = A_temp_prev
} # end of while loop (!isdag)
n_edges_by_lam[ell] = sum(A_temp == 1) # to be attr
# dagness_by_lam[ell] = isdag # to be attr
# graph_est_by_lam[[ell]] = graph_temp
colnames(A_temp) = paste0("Z",1:n_nodes)
rownames(A_temp) = paste0("Z",1:n_nodes)
A_est_by_lam[[ell]] = A_temp
attr(A_est_by_lam[[ell]], "is_dag") = isdag
attr(A_est_by_lam[[ell]], "n_edges") = sum(A_temp == 1)
attr(A_est_by_lam[[ell]], "lambda") = lambdas[ell]
attr(A_est_by_lam[[ell]], "graph_est") = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(A_temp)
} # end of for loop ell = 1:n_lams
# attr(A_est_by_lam,"is_dag") = dagness_by_lam
attr(A_est_by_lam,"n_edges") = n_edges_by_lam
} # end of function
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