
Defines functions var.ricf

Documented in var.ricf

#' Maximum Likelihood Method for Linear Structural Equation Models
#' Calculate Fisher information for non-structural zeros in B and Omega matrix. The ordering of the estimates
#' in the Information matrix follows standard vec(-) convention indexing over rows first then columns. The elements of B
#' are ordered before the elements of Omega. Duplicate elements of Omega are not included.
#' @param Y V by n data matrix where each row corresponds to an observed variable and each column 
#'    corresponds to a multivariate observation  
#' @param B V by V matrix with {0,1} giving structure of directed edges
#' @param Omega V by V matrix with {0,1} giving structure of bi-directed edges
#' @param B.hat V by V matrix giving estimated edges weights for directed edges
#' @param Omega.hat V by V matrix giving estimated edge weights for bi-directed edges
#' @param type string describing which Fisher Information to calculate. Options are "expected", "observed", or "sandwich".
#' @return The inverse (scaled by n) Fisher information matrix as derived by Fox and Drton 2014 or
#'  the Huber-White misspecified model covariance estimate
var.ricf <- function(Y, B, Omega,  B.hat, Omega.hat, type = "expected")
  # Model based SE's with either expected or observed information
  if(type == "expected" | type == "observed"){
    V <- dim(B)[1]
    I <- matrix(0, nrow = sum(B) + (sum(Omega)-V)/2 + V,
                ncol = sum(B) + (sum(Omega)-V)/2 + V)
    n <- dim(Y)[2]
    S <- Y %*% t(Y) / n
    #### Setup permutation matrix P for B
    P <- matrix(0, nrow = V^2, ncol = sum(B))
    temp <- matrix(c(which(c(B)==1),1:sum(B)), nrow = sum(B), ncol = 2)
    P[temp] <- 1
    ### Setup permutation matrix Q for Omega
    Omega.temp <- matrix(0, nrow = V, ncol = V)
    Omega.temp[lower.tri(Omega.temp, diag = T) & Omega == 1] <- c(1:((sum(Omega) - V)/2 + V))
    Omega.temp <- Omega.temp + t(Omega.temp) - diag(diag(Omega.temp))
    Q <- matrix(0, nrow = V^2, ncol = (sum(Omega)-V)/2 + V)
    Q[cbind(c(1:V^2), c(Omega.temp))] <- 1
    ### Setup Transpositon matrix such that vec(t(I-B)) = Tr %*% vec(I-B)
    Tr <- matrix(0, nrow = V^2, ncol = V ^2)
    Tr[matrix(c(1:V^2, (rep(c(1:V), V)-1) *V + rep(c(1:V), each = V)), ncol = 2)] <- 1
    ### precompute quantities of interest
    omega.inv <- solve(Omega.hat)
    eye.minus.b.inv <- solve(diag(rep(1, V)) - B.hat)
    if(type == "expected"){
      ## Expected Information where we assume E(S) = Sigma
      # information for beta elements
      I[1:sum(B), 1:sum(B)] <- t(P) %*% (S %x% omega.inv + (eye.minus.b.inv %x% t(eye.minus.b.inv)) %*% Tr) %*% P
      # information for omega elements
      I[-c(1:sum(B)),-c(1:sum(B))] <- 1/2 * t(Q) %*% (omega.inv %x% omega.inv) %*% Q
      # co-information
      I[c(1:sum(B)),-c(1:sum(B))] <- t(P) %*% ( eye.minus.b.inv %x% omega.inv) %*% Q
      I[-c(1:sum(B)),c(1:sum(B))] <- t(I[c(1:sum(B)),-c(1:sum(B))])
    } else if (type == "observed"){
      ## Observed Information where we do not assume E(S) = Sigma
      # precompute term
      back_term <- omega.inv %*% (diag(rep(1, V)) - B.hat) %*% S %*% t((diag(rep(1, V)) - B.hat)) %*% omega.inv
      # information for beta elements
      I[1:sum(B), 1:sum(B)] <- t(P) %*% (S %x% omega.inv + (eye.minus.b.inv %x% t(eye.minus.b.inv)) %*% Tr) %*% P
      # information for omega elements (notice difference between this and expected info above)
      I[-c(1:sum(B)),-c(1:sum(B))] <- -1/2 * t(Q) %*%((omega.inv %x% omega.inv) - (omega.inv %x% back_term) - 
           (back_term %x% omega.inv)) %*% Q
      # co-information for omega elements
      I[c(1:sum(B)),-c(1:sum(B))] <- t(P) %*% ((S %*% t(diag(rep(1, V)) - B.hat) %*% omega.inv) %x% omega.inv) %*% Q
      I[-c(1:sum(B)),c(1:sum(B))] <- t(I[c(1:sum(B)),-c(1:sum(B))])
    # return inverse of FI
    ret <- solve(I)/n
    colnames(ret) <- rownames(ret) <- c(apply(which(B != 0, arr.ind = T), MAR = 1, function(x){paste("B[", paste(x, collapse = ","), "]", sep = "")}),
                                        apply(which(Omega != 0 & lower.tri(Omega, diag = T), arr.ind = T), MAR = 1, function(x){paste("O[", paste(x, collapse = ","), "]", sep = "")}))
  } else if (type == "sandwich") {
    #### Sandwich Variance based on misspecified model ####
    n <- dim(Y)[2]
    V <- dim(B)[1]
    S <- Y %*% t(Y) / dim(Y)[2]
    ## Setup permutation matrix P for B
    P <- matrix(0, nrow = V^2, ncol = sum(B))
    temp <- matrix(c(which(c(B)==1),1:sum(B)), nrow = sum(B), ncol = 2)
    P[temp] <- 1
    ## Setup permutation matrix Q for Omega
    Omega.temp <- matrix(0, nrow = V, ncol = V)
    Omega.temp[lower.tri(Omega.temp, diag = T) & Omega == 1] <- c(1:((sum(Omega) - V)/2 + V))
    Omega.temp <- Omega.temp + t(Omega.temp) - diag(diag(Omega.temp))
    Q <- matrix(0, nrow = V^2, ncol = (sum(Omega)-V)/2 + V)
    Q[cbind(c(1:V^2), c(Omega.temp))] <- 1
    ## Setup Transpositon matrix such that vec(t(I-B)) = Tr %*% vec(I-B)
    Tr <- matrix(0, nrow = V^2, ncol = V ^2)
    Tr[matrix(c(1:V^2, (rep(c(1:V), V)-1) *V + rep(c(1:V), each = V)), ncol = 2)] <- 1
    ## precompute quantities of interest
    omega.inv <- solve(Omega.hat)
    eye.minus.b.inv <- solve(diag(rep(1, V)) - B.hat)
    omega.inv.eye.minus.b <- omega.inv %*% (diag(rep(1, V)) - B.hat)
    K <- J <-  matrix(0, nrow = sum(B) + (sum(Omega)-V)/2 + V,
                      ncol = sum(B) + (sum(Omega)-V)/2 + V)
    for(i in 1:dim(Y)[2]){
      l <- c(t(P) %*% c(omega.inv.eye.minus.b %*% (Y[,i] %*% t(Y[,i])) - t(eye.minus.b.inv)),
             t(Q) %*% c(omega.inv - omega.inv.eye.minus.b %*% Y[,i] %*% t(Y[,i]) %*% t(omega.inv.eye.minus.b)) / (-2) ) 
      K <- K + l %*% t(l)
    K <- K / dim(Y)[2]
    # precompute term
    back_term <- omega.inv %*% (diag(rep(1, V)) - B.hat) %*% S %*% t((diag(rep(1, V)) - B.hat)) %*% omega.inv
    # information for beta elements
    J[1:sum(B), 1:sum(B)] <- t(P) %*% (S %x% omega.inv + (eye.minus.b.inv %x% t(eye.minus.b.inv)) %*% Tr) %*% P
    # information for omega elements (notice difference between this and expected info above)
    J[-c(1:sum(B)),-c(1:sum(B))] <- -1/2 * t(Q) %*%((omega.inv %x% omega.inv) - (omega.inv %x% back_term) - 
                                                      (back_term %x% omega.inv)) %*% Q
    # co-information for omega elements
    J[c(1:sum(B)),-c(1:sum(B))] <- t(P) %*% ((S %*% t(diag(rep(1, V)) - B.hat) %*% omega.inv) %x% omega.inv) %*% Q
    J[-c(1:sum(B)),c(1:sum(B))] <- t(J[c(1:sum(B)),-c(1:sum(B))])
    # return estimate of variance
    ret <- solve(J) %*%K %*% t(solve(J)) / n
    colnames(ret) <- rownames(ret) <- c(apply(which(B != 0, arr.ind = T), MAR = 1, function(x){paste("B[", paste(x, collapse = ","), "]", sep = "")}),
                                        apply(which(Omega != 0 & lower.tri(Omega, diag = T), arr.ind = T), MAR = 1, function(x){paste("O[", paste(x, collapse = ","), "]", sep = "")}))
  } else {
    stop("Invalid type given. Options are: observed, expected, sandwich")

ysamwang/BCD documentation built on Sept. 3, 2023, 1:33 a.m.