
Defines functions dgp.fgarch dgp.fiid

Documented in dgp.fgarch dgp.fiid

#' Data Generating Process - Independent Process
#' @description dgp.fiid function generates iid functional curve data following the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process.
#' @param grid_point The number of grid point in each curve observation.
#' @param N The sample size.
#' @return A (grid_point) x (number of observations) matrix for iid sequences, where the finite realization of curves are stored in columns.
#' @export
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @details
#' \eqn{x_i(t)=e^{-t/2}W_i(e^t)}, \eqn{t \in [0,1]},\cr
#' where \eqn{W_i(t)} is a standard Brownian Motion.
#' @seealso \code{\link{dgp.fgarch}}
#' @examples
#' # generate discrete evaluations of 100 iid curves that each curve is realized on 50 grid points.
#' yd_iid = dgp.fiid(50, 100)
#' # smooth discrete data into functional curves.
#' fd = fda::Data2fd(argvals=seq(0,1,len = 50),y=yd_iid,fda::create.bspline.basis(nbasis = 32))
dgp.fiid <- function(grid_point, N){
  # control the covariance structure
  for (i in 1:grid_point){
  fiid=mvrnorm(n = N, mu = c(rep(0,grid_point)), Sigma = comat, empirical = FALSE)


#' Data Generating Process - Functional ARCH/GARCH Process
#' @description dgp.fgarch function generates functional curve data following the functional ARCH(1) or GARCH(1,1) process.
#' @param grid_point The number of grid point in each curve observation.
#' @param N The sample size.
#' @param type A string to switch data generating process between "arch" - functional ARCH and "garch" - functional GARCH.
#' @param alpha_par The ARCH kernel coefficient function in the conditional volatility equation. If it is missing, "\eqn{12 * t * (1-t) * s * (1-s)}" is used to generate FGARCH, and "\eqn{16 * t * (1-t) * s * (1-s)}" is used to generate FARCH, for \eqn{t\in[0,1]} and \eqn{s\in[0,1]}.
#' @param beta_par The GARCH kernel coefficient function in the conditional volatility equation. If it is missing, "\eqn{12 * t * (1-t) * s * (1-s)}" is used to generate FGARCH, for \eqn{t\in[0,1]} and \eqn{s\in[0,1]}.
#' @return List of generated processes:
#' @return garch_mat: FARCH/GARCH sequences, where the finite realization of curves are stored in columns;
#' @return sigma_mat: Conditional volatility sequences,  where the finite realization of curves are stored in columns.
#' @export
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @details
#' If \eqn{x_i(t)} follows an FARCH(1) process,\cr
#' \eqn{x_i(t)=\sigma_i(t)\varepsilon_i(t)}, \eqn{t \in [0,1]},\cr
#' \eqn{\sigma_i^2(t)=\omega(t)+\int \alpha(t,s) x^2_{i-1}(s)ds}.\cr
#' If \eqn{x_i(t)} follows an FGARCH(1,1) process,\cr
#' \eqn{x_i(t)=\sigma_i(t)\varepsilon_i(t)}, \eqn{t \in [0,1]},\cr
#' \eqn{\sigma_i^2(t)=\omega(t)+\int \alpha(t,s) x^2_{i-1}(s)ds+\int \beta(t,s) \sigma^2_{i-1}(s)ds},\cr
#' where the innovation \eqn{\varepsilon_i(t)} follows an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process \code{\link{dgp.fiid}}, and the constant coefficient \eqn{\omega(t)=0.1t(1-t)}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{dgp.fiid}}
#' @examples
#' # generate discrete evaluations of 100 FARCH curves that each curve is realized on 50 grid points.
#' yd = dgp.fgarch(50, 100, "garch")
#' yd_garch = yd$garch_mat
#' # smooth discrete data into functional curves.
#' fd = fda::Data2fd(argvals=seq(0,1,len=50),y=yd_garch,fda::create.bspline.basis(nbasis=32))
#' @references
#' Hormann, S., Horvath, L., Reeder, R. (2013). A functional version of the ARCH model. Econometric Theory. 29(2), 267-288. <doi:10.1017/S0266466612000345>.\cr
#' Aue, A., Horvath, L., F. Pellatt, D. (2017). Functional generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity. Journal of Time Series Analysis. 38(1), 3-21. <doi:10.1111/jtsa.12192>.\cr
dgp.fgarch <- function(grid_point, N, type, alpha_par=NULL, beta_par=NULL){
  times = 1:grid_point/grid_point
  int_approx <- function(x){
    temp_n = nrow(x)
    return((1/(temp_n)) * sum(x))

         arch = {
           no_proc = 1000 + N
           sim_sigma2_matrix = sim_garch_matrix = matrix(NA, grid_point, no_proc)
           error_matrix = dgp.fiid(grid_point = grid_point, N = no_proc)

           if(is.null(alpha_par) == TRUE) {
             alpha_par = function(t,s){
               return(16 * t * (1-t) * s * (1-s))
           delta_par = function(t){
             return(0.1* t * (1-t))
           #fill the initial values
           sim_sigma2_matrix[,1] = delta_par(times)
           sim_garch_matrix[,1] = delta_par(times) * error_matrix[,1]

           #fill in the rest of sigma2 and functional garch process matrices:
           for(j in 2:no_proc){
             #first fill in sigma2 column:
             for(i in 1:grid_point){
               vector_op = alpha_par(times[i], times) * ((sim_garch_matrix[,(j-1)])^2)
               sim_sigma2_matrix[i,j] = delta_par(times[i]) + int_approx(as.matrix(vector_op))
             #fill in garch process values for column:
             sim_garch_matrix[,j] = sqrt(sim_sigma2_matrix[,j]) * error_matrix[,j]
         garch = {
           no_proc = 1000 + N
           sim_sigma2_matrix = sim_garch_matrix = matrix(NA, grid_point, no_proc)
           error_matrix = dgp.fiid(grid_point = grid_point, N = no_proc)

           if( is.null(alpha_par) == TRUE) {
             alpha_par = function(t,s){
               return(12 * t * (1-t) * s * (1-s))
           if( is.null(beta_par) == TRUE) {
             beta_par = function(t,s){
               return(12 * t * (1-t) * s * (1-s))
           delta_par = function(t){
             return(0.5* t * (1-t))
           #fill the initial values
           sim_sigma2_matrix[,1] = delta_par(times)
           sim_garch_matrix[,1] = delta_par(times) * error_matrix[,1]

           #fill in the rest of sigma2 and functional garch process matrices:
           for(j in 2:no_proc){
             #first fill in sigma2 column:
             for(i in 1:grid_point){
               vector_for_alpha_op = alpha_par(times[i], times) * ((sim_garch_matrix[,(j-1)])^2)
               vector_for_beta_op = beta_par(times[i], times) * ((sim_sigma2_matrix[,j-1]))
               sim_sigma2_matrix[i,j] = delta_par(times[i]) + int_approx(as.matrix(vector_for_alpha_op)) + int_approx(as.matrix(vector_for_beta_op))
             #fill in garch process values for column:
             sim_garch_matrix[,j] = sqrt(sim_sigma2_matrix[,j]) * error_matrix[,j]
         stop("Enter something to switch me!"))
  return(list(garch_mat = sim_garch_matrix[,1001:(1000 + N)],
              sigma_mat = sim_sigma2_matrix[,1001:(1000 + N)]))

#' @title Sample Data for Analysis
#' @description A dataset of S&P 500 intra-day price at one-minute frequence from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.. The sample ranges from 02/January/2015 to 29/March/2018, and trading days with missing intra-day observations have been eliminated from the sample.
#' @format a 390 by 788 matrix that each column containing the raw intra-day price discretely observed at daily basis.
#' @seealso \code{\link{intra.return}}
#' @examples
#' # load the data
#' yd = as.matrix(sample_data)
#' grid_point = dim(yd)[1]
#' N = dim(yd)[2]
#' # smooth data into functional objects by using B-spline bases.
#' fd = fda::Data2fd(y=yd, argvals=seq(0,1,len = grid_point), fda::create.bspline.basis(nbasis = 32))
yzhao7322/CurVol documentation built on Sept. 5, 2021, 8:41 p.m.