
Defines functions meanForecast naiveForecast snaiveForecast rwForecast thetaForecast lmForecast stsForecast stl.Forecast arimaForecast auto.arimaForecast etsForecast batsForecast tbatsForecast nnetarForecast caretForecast createTSfolds

Documented in arimaForecast auto.arimaForecast batsForecast caretForecast createTSfolds etsForecast lmForecast meanForecast naiveForecast nnetarForecast rwForecast snaiveForecast stl.Forecast stsForecast tbatsForecast thetaForecast

#' Mean forecast wrapper
#' @export
meanForecast <- function(x,h,...) {
  forecast::meanf(x, h, ..., level=99)$mean

#' Naive forecast wrapper
#' @export
naiveForecast <- function(x,h,...) {
  forecast::naive(x, h, ..., level=99)$mean

#' Seasonal naive forecast wrapper
#' @export
snaiveForecast <- function(x,h,...) {
  forecast::snaive(x, h, ..., level=99)$mean

#' Random walk forecast wrapper
#' @export
rwForecast <- function(x,h,...) {
  forecast::rwf(x, h, ..., level=99)$mean

#' Theta forecast wrapper
#' @export
thetaForecast <- function(x,h,...) {
  out <- forecast::thetaf(x, h, ..., level=99)$mean

#' Linear model forecast wrapper
#' @export
lmForecast <- function(x,h,xreg=NULL,newxreg=NULL,...) {
  x <- data.frame(x)
  colnames(x) <- 'x'
  if (is.null(xreg) & is.null(newxreg)) {
    fit <- tslm(x ~ trend + season, data=x, ...)
    return(forecast(fit, h=h, level=99)$mean)
  } else if ((!is.null(xreg)) & !(is.null(newxreg))) {
    newnames <- c('x',colnames(xreg))
    x <- cbind(x,xreg)
    colnames(x) <- newnames
    fmla <- as.formula(paste("x ~ trend + season +", paste(colnames(xreg), collapse= "+")))
    fit <- tslm(fmla, data=x, ...)
    return(forecast(fit, h=h, level=99, newdata=newxreg)$mean)
  } else {
    stop('xreg and newxreg must both be NULL or both be provided')

#' Structural time series forecast wrapper
#' @export
stsForecast <- function(x,h,...) {
  fit <- StructTS(x, ...)
  forecast::forecast(fit, h=h, level=99)$mean

#' Stl forecast wrapper
#' @export
stl.Forecast <- function(x, h, method='ets', ...) {
  forecast::stlf(x, h=h, method, level=99, ...)$mean

#' Arima forecast wrapper
#' @export
arimaForecast <- function(x,h,xreg=NULL,newxreg=NULL,...) {
  fit <- forecast::Arima(x, xreg=xreg, ...)
  forecast::forecast(fit, h=h, level=99, xreg=newxreg)$mean

#' auto.arima forecast wrapper
#' @export
auto.arimaForecast <- function(x,h,xreg=NULL,newxreg=NULL,...) {
  fit <- forecast::auto.arima(x, xreg=xreg, ...)
  forecast::forecast(fit, h=h, level=99, xreg=newxreg)$mean

#' Ets forecast wrapper
#' @export
etsForecast <- function(x,h,...) {
  fit <- forecast::ets(x, ...)
  forecast::forecast(fit, h=h, level=99)$mean

#' BATS forecast wrapper
#' @export
batsForecast <- function(x,h,...) {
  fit <- forecast::bats(x, ...)
  forecast::forecast(fit, h=h, level=99)$mean

#' TBATS forecast wrapper
#' @export
tbatsForecast <- function(x,h,...) {
  fit <- forecast::tbats(x, ...)
  forecast::forecast(fit, h=h, level=99)$mean

#' NNetar forecast wrapper
#' @export
nnetarForecast <- function(x, h, nn_p=1, ...) {
  fit <- forecast::nnetar(x, p=nn_p, ...)
  forecast::forecast(fit, h=h, level=99)$mean

#' Caret forecast wrapper
#' @export
caretForecast <- function(x, h, xreg, newxreg=NULL,...) {
  myData <- data.frame(x=as.numeric(x), xreg)
  fit <- caret::train(x~., data=myData, ...)
  predict(fit, newdata=newxreg)

#' Create folds for a time series model UPDATE TO USE CARET!
#' Define time-series cv indexes for caretForecast.
#' @export
createTSfolds <- function(y, Min = max(2/3*length(y), 3), k = NA){
  out = plyr::llply(Min:(length(y) - 1), seq)
  if (!is.na(k)) {out = out[seq(1, length(out), k)]}
  names(out) <- paste("Fold", gsub(" ", "0", format(seq(along = out))), sep = "")
zachmayer/cv.ts documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:02 p.m.