#' @importFrom methods new validObject
#' @slot w feature factor matrix
#' @slot d scaling diagonal vector
#' @slot h sample factor matrix
#' @slot misc list often containing components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item tol : tolerance of fit
#' \item iter : number of fitting updates
#' \item runtime : runtime in seconds
#' \item mse : mean squared error of model (calculated for multiple starts only)
#' \item w_init : initial w matrix used for model fitting
#' }
#' @name nmf
#' @aliases nmf, nmf-class
#' @exportClass nmf
representation(w = "matrix", d = "numeric", h = "matrix", misc = "list"),
prototype(w = matrix(), d = NA_real_, h = matrix(), misc = list()),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- NULL
if (ncol(object@w) != nrow(object@h))
msg <- c(msg, "ranks of 'w' and 'h' are not equal")
if (ncol(object@w) != length(object@d))
msg <- c(msg, "ranks of 'd' and 'w' are not equal")
if (nrow(object@h) != length(object@d))
msg <- c(msg, "ranks of 'd' and 'h' are not equal")
if (is.null(msg)) TRUE else msg
#' @method subset nmf
#' @rdname nmf-class-methods
#' @param x object of class \code{nmf}
#' @param i indices
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @param na.rm remove na values
#' @export
setMethod("subset", signature("nmf"), function(x, i, ...) {
x@w <- x@w[, i]
x@h <- x@h[i,]
x@d <- x@d[i]
#' @export
#' @rdname nmf-class-methods
#' @param x object of class \code{nmf}
#' @param i indices
setMethod("[", signature("nmf"), function(x, i) {
x@w <- x@w[, i]
x@h <- x@h[i,]
x@d <- x@d[i]
#' nmf class methods
#' @method head nmf
#' @importFrom utils str
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname nmf-class-methods
#' @param n number of rows/columns to show
#' @param ... additional parameters
setMethod("head", signature("nmf"), function(x, n = getOption("digits"), ...) {
cat(nrow(x@w), "x", ncol(x@h), "x", length(x@d), "factor model of class \"nmf\"\n")
n <- n_h <- n_w <- n
if (nrow(x@w) < n) n_w <- nrow(x@w)
if (ncol(x@h) < n) n_h <- ncol(x@h)
if (length(x@d) < n) n <- length(x@d)
cat("@ w\n")
print.table(x@w[1:n_w, 1:n], zero.print = ".")
if (nrow(x@w) > n_w && ncol(x@w) > n) {
cat("...suppressing", nrow(x@w) - n_w, "rows and", ncol(x@w) - n, "columns\n")
} else if (nrow(x@w) > n_w) {
cat("...suppressing", nrow(x@w) - n_w, "rows\n")
} else if (ncol(x@w) > n) {
cat("...suppressing", ncol(x@w) - n, "columns\n")
cat("\n@ d\n")
d_ <- x@d[1:n]
for (i in 1:length(d_))
cat(d_[i], " ")
if (length(x@d) > n) cat("...suppressing", length(x@d) - n, "values\n")
cat("\n@ h\n")
print.table(x@h[1:n, 1:n_h], zero.print = ".")
if (ncol(x@h) > n_h && nrow(x@h) > n) {
cat("...suppressing", nrow(x@h) - n, "rows and", ncol(x@h) - n_h, "columns\n")
} else if (ncol(x@h) > n_h) {
cat("...suppressing", ncol(x@h) - n_h, "columns\n")
} else if (nrow(x@h) > n) {
cat("...suppressing", nrow(x@h), "rows\n")
cat("\n@ misc\n")
#' @export
#' @method show nmf
#' @param object object of class \code{nmf}
#' @rdname nmf-class-methods
setMethod("show", signature("nmf"), function(object) {
#' @export
#' @method dimnames nmf
#' @param x object of class \code{nmf}
#' @rdname nmf-class-methods
setMethod("dimnames", signature = "nmf", function(x) {
print(list(rownames(x@w), colnames(x@h)))
#' @export
#' @method dim nmf
#' @rdname nmf-class-methods
setMethod("dim", signature = "nmf", function(x) {
c(nrow(x@w), ncol(x@h), ncol(x@w))
#' @export
#' @method t nmf
#' @rdname nmf-class-methods
setMethod("t", signature = "nmf", function(x) {
tx <- new("nmf", w = t(x@h), d = x@d, h = t(x@w), misc = x$misc)
#' @export
#' @method sort nmf
#' @rdname nmf-class-methods
#' @param decreasing logical. Should the sort be increasing or decreasing?
setMethod("sort", signature = "nmf", function(x, decreasing = TRUE, ...) {
x <- x[order(x@d, decreasing = decreasing)]
#' @export
#' @method prod nmf
#' @rdname nmf-class-methods
#' @param x object of class \code{nmf}.
#' @param ... additional parameters
setMethod("prod", signature = "nmf", function(x, ...) {
return(crossprod(t(as.matrix(x@w %*% Diagonal(x = x@d))), x@h))
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @rdname nmf-class-methods
#' @param x object of class \code{nmf}.
#' @param name name of nmf class slot
#' @export
setMethod("$", signature = "nmf", function(x, name) {
name <- tolower(name)
if (!(name %in% c("w", "d", "h", "misc"))) {
if (!(name %in% names(x@misc))) {
stop("'name' not a slot in 'object' or component in 'object@misc'")
} else x@misc[[name]]
} else slot(x, name)
#' @export
#' @param from class which the coerce method should perform coercion from
#' @param to class which the coerce method should perform coercion to
#' @rdname nmf-class-methods
setMethod("coerce", signature(from = "nmf", to = "list"), function(from, to) {
list("w" = slot(from, "w"), "d" = slot(from, "d"), "h" = slot(from, "h"), "misc" = slot(from, "misc"))
#' Compute the sparsity of each NMF factor
#' @details
#' For \code{\link{nmf}} models, the sparsity of each factor is computed and summarized
#' or \eqn{w} and \eqn{h} matrices. A long \code{data.frame} with columns \code{factor}, \code{sparsity}, and \code{model} is returned.
#' @export
#' @param object object of class \code{nmf}.
#' @param ... additional parameters
setGeneric("sparsity", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("sparsity"))
#' @rdname sparsity
#' @method sparsity nmf
setMethod("sparsity", signature = "nmf", function(object, ...) {
w <- colSums(object$w == 0) / nrow(object$w)
h <- rowSums(object$h == 0) / ncol(object$h)
w <- data.frame("factor" = names(w), "sparsity" = as.vector(w))
h <- data.frame("factor" = names(h), "sparsity" = as.vector(h))
w$model <- "w"
h$model <- "h"
result <- rbind(w, h)
result$model <- as.factor(result$model)
#' Align two NMF models
#' @details
#' For \code{\link{nmf}} models, factors in \code{object} are reordered to minimize the cost of bipartite matching
#' (see \code{\link{bipartiteMatch}}) on a \code{\link{cosine}} or correlation distance matrix. The \eqn{w} matrix is used for matching, and
#' must be equidimensional in \code{object} and \code{ref}.
#' @param object nmf model to be aligned to \code{ref}
#' @param ref reference nmf model to which \code{object} will be aligned
#' @param method either \code{cosine} or \code{cor}
#' @param ... arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats cor
setGeneric("align", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("align"))
#' @rdname align
#' @method align nmf
setMethod("align", signature = "nmf", function(object, ref, method = "cosine", ...) {
if (all(dim(ref$w) != dim(object$w))) stop("dimensions of object$w and ref$w are not identical")
if (method == "cosine") {
cost <- 1 - cosine(object$w, ref$w) + 1e-10
} else if (method == "cor") {
cost <- 1 - cor(object$w, ref$w) + 1e-10
cost[cost < 0] <- 0
#' Align two matrices with bipartite matching
#' Same as the \code{align} S4 method for the `nmf` class, but operates only on the `w` matrices.
#' @param w matrix with columns to be aligned to columns in \code{wref}
#' @param wref reference matrix to which columns in \code{w} will be aligned
#' @param method distance metric (either \code{cor} or \code{cosine}) to use for constructing the cost matrix
#' @param ... additional arguments
align_models <- function(w, wref, method = "cosine", ...) {
if (all(dim(wref) != dim(w))) stop("dimensions of 'w' and 'wref' are not identical")
if (method == "cosine") {
cost <- 1 - cosine(w, wref) + 1e-10
} else if (method == "cor") {
cost <- 1 - cor(w, wref) + 1e-10
cost[cost < 0] <- 0
#' Summarize NMF factors
#' \code{summary} method for class "\code{nmf}". Describes metadata representation in NMF factors. Returns object of class \code{nmfSummary}. Plot results using \code{plot}.
#' @param object an object of class "\code{nmf}", usually, a result of a call to \code{\link{nmf}}
#' @param group_by a discrete factor giving groupings for samples or features. Must be of the same length as number of samples in \code{object$h} or number of features in \code{object$w}.
#' @param stat either \code{sum} (sum of factor weights falling within each group), or \code{mean} (mean factor weight falling within each group).
#' @param ... arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @export
#' @return \code{data.frame} with columns \code{group}, \code{factor}, and \code{stat}
#' @method summary nmf
setMethod("summary", signature = "nmf", function(object, group_by, stat = "sum", ...) {
if (!is.factor(group_by)) group_by <- as.factor(group_by)
bins <- list()
if (length(group_by) == ncol(object$h)) {
for (group in levels(group_by)) {
if (stat == "sum") {
bins[[group]] <- rowSums(object$h[, which(group_by == group)])
} else {
bins[[group]] <- rowMeans(object$h[, which(group_by == group)])
} else if (length(group_by) == nrow(object$w)) {
for (group in levels(group_by)) {
if (stat == "sum") {
bins[[group]] <- colSums(object$w[which(group_by == group),])
} else {
bins[[group]] <- colMeans(object$w[which(group_by == group),])
} else stop("'group_by' was not of length equal to rows in 'object$w' (which would correspond to features) or columns in 'object$h' (which would correspond to samples")
bins <- do.call(cbind, bins)
bins <- apply(bins, 1, function(x) x)
result <- list()
for (i in 1:ncol(bins))
result[[length(result) + 1]] <- data.frame("group" = rownames(bins), "factor" = colnames(bins)[i], "stat" = as.vector(bins[, i]))
result <- do.call(rbind, result)
class(result) <- c("nmfSummary", "data.frame")
#' Evaluate an NMF model
#' Calculate mean squared error for an NMF model, accounting for any masking schemes requested during fitting.
#' @inheritParams nmf
#' @param x fitted model, class \code{nmf}, generally the result of calling \code{nmf}, with models of equal dimensions as \code{data}
#' @param missing_only calculate mean squared error only for missing values specified as a matrix in \code{mask}
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
setGeneric("evaluate", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("evaluate"))
#' @rdname evaluate
#' @method evaluate nmf
setMethod("evaluate", signature = "nmf", function(x, data, mask = NULL, missing_only = FALSE, ...) {
if (missing_only && is.null(mask)) stop("a mask matrix must be specified to set 'missing_only = TRUE'")
# get 'data' in either sparse or dense matrix format and look for NA's
if (is(data, "sparseMatrix")) {
if (class(data)[[1]] != "dgCMatrix") data <- as(data, "dgCMatrix")
if (any(is.na(data@x))) {
if (!is.null(mask) && mask != "NA") stop("data contains 'NA' values. Either remove these values or specify \"mask = 'NA'\"")
mask <- is.na(data)
} else if (canCoerce(data, "matrix")) {
data <- as.matrix(data)
if (!is.numeric(data)) data <- as.numeric(data)
if (any(is.na(data))) {
if (!is.null(mask) && mask != "NA") stop("data contains 'NA' values. Either remove these values or specify \"mask = 'NA'\"")
mask <- is.na(as(data, "dgCMatrix"))
} else stop("'data' was not coercible to a matrix")
if (is.null(mask)) {
mask_matrix <- new("dgCMatrix")
mask_zeros <- FALSE
} else if (class(mask)[[1]] == "character" && mask == "zeros") {
mask_matrix <- new("dgCMatrix")
mask_zeros <- TRUE
} else {
mask_zeros <- FALSE
if (!canCoerce(mask, "dgCMatrix")) {
if (canCoerce(mask, "matrix")) {
mask <- as.matrix(matrix)
} else stop("could not coerce the value of 'mask' to a sparse pattern matrix (dgCMatrix)")
mask_matrix <- as(mask, "dgCMatrix")
if (class(data)[[1]] == "dgCMatrix") {
if (missing_only) {
Rcpp_mse_missing_sparse(data, mask_matrix, t(x@w), x@d, x@h, getOption("RcppML.threads"))
} else {
Rcpp_mse_sparse(data, mask_matrix, t(x@w), x@d, x@h, getOption("RcppML.threads"), mask_zeros)
} else {
if (missing_only) {
Rcpp_mse_missing_dense(data, mask_matrix, t(x@w), x@d, x@h, getOption("RcppML.threads"))
} else {
Rcpp_mse_dense(data, mask_matrix, t(x@w), x@d, x@h, getOption("RcppML.threads"), mask_zeros)
#' Mean squared error of factor model
#' Same as the \code{evaluate} S4 method for the \code{nmf} class, but allows one to input the `w`, `d`, `h`, and `data` independently.
#' @export
#' @param w feature factor matrix (features as rows)
#' @param h sample factor matrix (samples as columns)
#' @param d scaling diagonal vector (if applicable)
#' @inheritParams nmf
#' @param missing_only only calculate mean squared error at masked values
#' @param ... additional arguments
mse <- function(w, d = NULL, h, data, mask = NULL, missing_only = FALSE, ...) {
if (is.null(d)) d <- rep(1, nrow(h))
m <- new("nmf", w = w, d = d, h = h)
evaluate(m, data, mask = mask, missing_only = missing_only)
#' @export
#' @rdname nmf-class-methods
setMethod("[[", signature("nmf"), function(x, i) {
i <- i[[1]]
if (i < 1 || i > length(x@u)) stop("specified index was < 1 or > the number of models in the 'lmf' object")
w <- cbind(x@w, x@u[[i]])
h <- rbind(x@h[[i]], x@v[[i]])
d <- c(x@d_wh[[i]], x@d_uv[[i]])
d_order <- order(d, decreasing = TRUE)
new("nmf", w = w[, d_order], h = h[d_order,], d = d[d_order], misc = x@misc)
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