
Defines functions gen.stat.miss

gen.stat.miss <- function(resp.var, null, family, G, X, lambda, options, cid){
  if(options$impute & any(is.na(G))){
    msg <- paste0('Imputing missing genotype with means in chromosome ', cid, ': ', date())
    if(options$print) message(msg)
    for(j in 1:ncol(G)){
      id <- which(is.na(G[, j]))
      if(length(id) > 0){
        G[id, j] <- mean(G[, j], na.rm = TRUE)
  formula <- paste(resp.var, "~ . -1")
  mdl0 <- glm(formula, data = null, family = family)
  ng <- ncol(G)
  nx <- ncol(X)
  if(family == 'binomial'){
    y0 <- mdl0$fitted.values
    A0 <- y0 * (1 - y0)
    r0 <- null[, resp.var] - y0
    tmp <- try(V <- t(G) %*% (A0 * G) - t(G) %*% (A0 * X) %*% solve(t(X) %*% (A0 * X)) %*% t(X) %*% (A0 * G), silent = TRUE)
      msg <- "Potential existence of multicollinearity detected and ARTP2 cannot automatically deal with it right now. Please check your covariates specified in formula"
    score0 <- as.vector(t(G) %*% r0)
    r0 <- mdl0$residuals
    s02 <- sum(r0^2)/(length(r0) - nx)
    tmp <- try(V <- (t(G) %*% G - t(G) %*% X %*% solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% G) / s02, silent = TRUE)
      msg <- "Potential existence of multicollinearity detected and ARTP2 cannot automatically deal with it right now. Please check your covariates specified in formula"
    score0 <- as.vector(t(G) %*% r0 / s02)
    msg <- paste0('Some genotypes are missing in chromosome ', cid, ': ', date())
    if(options$print) message(msg)
    V.m <- matrix(NA, ng, ng)
    score0.m <- rep(NA, ng)
    rs <- colnames(G)
    rownames(V.m) <- rs
    colnames(V.m) <- rs
    names(score0.m) <- rs
    I.ab <- matrix(NA, nx, ng)
    obs.id <- !is.na(G)
    suff.n <- t(obs.id) %*% obs.id
    if(family == 'binomial'){
      inv.I.aa <- solve(t(X[,,drop = FALSE]) %*% (A0 * X[,,drop = FALSE])/length(y0))
      for(k in 1:ng){
        id <- as.vector(which(obs.id[,k]))
        if(length(id) == 0){
          msg <- paste('All genotypes of SNP', rs[k], 'are missing')
        if(length(id) == nrow(X)){
          mdl <- mdl0
          mdl <- glm(formula, data = null[id,,drop=FALSE], family = 'binomial')
        y.hat <- as.vector(mdl$fitted.values)
        res <- null[id, resp.var] - y.hat
        A <- y.hat * (1 - y.hat)
        I.ab[, k] <- t(X[id, ,drop=FALSE]) %*% (A * G[id, k]) / length(y.hat)
        V.m[k, k] <- t(G[id, k]) %*% (A * G[id, k]) / length(y.hat) - t(I.ab[, k]) %*% inv.I.aa %*% I.ab[, k]
        score0.m[k] <- sum(G[id,k] * res)
      if(ng > 1){
        for(k in 1:(ng-1)){
          for(l in (k+1):ng){
            id <- as.vector(which(obs.id[, k] & obs.id[, l]))
            if(length(id) == 0){
              V.m[k, l] <- 0
              V.m[l, k] <- 0
            mdl <- glm(formula, data = null[id,,drop=FALSE], family = 'binomial')
            y.hat <- mdl$fitted.values
            A <- y.hat * (1 - y.hat)
            V.m[k, l] <- t(G[id, k]) %*% (A * G[id, l]) / length(y.hat) - t(I.ab[, k]) %*% inv.I.aa %*% I.ab[, l]
            V.m[l, k] <- V.m[k, l]
      inv.I.aa <- solve(t(X[,,drop=FALSE]) %*% X[,,drop=FALSE] / s02/ng)
      for(k in 1:ng){
        id <- as.vector(which(obs.id[,k]))
        if(length(id) == 0){
          msg <- paste('All genotypes of SNP', rs[k], 'are missing')
        if(length(id) == nrow(X)){
          mdl <- mdl0
          mdl <- lm(formula,data=null,subset = id)
        res <- mdl$residuals
        s2 <- sum(res^2)/(length(res)-nx)
        I.ab[,k] <- t(X[id,,drop=FALSE]) %*% G[id,k]/s2/length(res)
        V.m[k,k] <- t(G[id,k]) %*% G[id,k] /s2/length(res) - t(I.ab[,k]) %*% inv.I.aa %*% I.ab[,k]
        score0.m[k] <- sum(G[id,k] *res)/s2
      if(ng > 1){
        for(k in 1:(ng-1)){
          for(l in (k+1):ng){
            id <- as.vector(which(obs.id[,k] & obs.id[,l]))
            if(length(id) == 0){
              V.m[k,l] <- 0
              V.m[l,k] <- 0
            mdl <- lm(formula,data = null, subset = id)
            res <- mdl$residuals
            s2 <- sum(res^2)/(length(res)-nx)
            V.m[k,l] <- t(G[id,k]) %*% G[id,l] /s2/length(res) - t(I.ab[,k]) %*% inv.I.aa %*% I.ab[,l]
            V.m[l,k] <- V.m[k,l]
    V.m <- V.m * suff.n
    V[is.na(V)] <- V.m[is.na(V)]
    score0[is.na(score0)] <- score0.m[is.na(score0)]
  score0 <- score0 / sqrt(nrow(X)) / sqrt(lambda)
  V <- V / nrow(X)
  names(score0) <- colnames(V)
  rs <- sort(names(score0))
  score0 <- score0[rs]
  V <- V[rs, rs, drop = FALSE]
  return(list(score0 = score0, V = V))
zhangh12/ARTP3 documentation built on Aug. 16, 2019, 7:39 p.m.