seqBlockApply: Apply Functions Over Array Margins via Blocking

View source: R/Methods.R

seqBlockApplyR Documentation

Apply Functions Over Array Margins via Blocking


Returns a vector or list of values obtained by applying a function to margins of genotypes and annotations via blocking.


seqBlockApply(gdsfile,, FUN, margin=c("by.variant"),"none", "list", "unlist"), var.index=c("none", "relative", "absolute"),
    bsize=1024L, parallel=FALSE, .useraw=FALSE, .padNA=TRUE, .tolist=FALSE,
    .progress=FALSE, ...)



a SeqVarGDSClass object

the variable name(s), see details


the function to be applied


giving the dimension which the function will be applied over

returned value: a list, an integer vector, etc; return nothing by default"none"; can be a connection object, or a GDS node gdsn.class object; if "unlist" is used, produces a vector which contains all the atomic components, via unlist(..., recursive=FALSE)


if "none" (by default), call FUN(x, ...) without variable index; if "relative" or "absolute", add an argument to the user-defined function FUN like FUN(index, x, ...) where index is an index of variant starting from 1 if margin="by.variant": "relative" for indexing in the selection defined by seqSetFilter, "absolute" for indexing with respect to all data


block size


FALSE (serial processing), TRUE (multicore processing), numeric value or other value; parallel is passed to the argument cl in seqParallel, see seqParallel for more details.


TRUE, force to use RAW instead of INTEGER for genotypes and dosages; FALSE, use INTEGER; NA, use RAW instead of INTEGER if possible; for genotypes, 0xFF is missing value if RAW is used


TRUE, pad a variable-length vector with NA if the number of data points for each variant is not greater than 1


if TRUE, return a list of vectors instead of the structure list(length, data) for variable-length data


if TRUE, show progress information


optional arguments to FUN


The variable name should be "", "", "position", "chromosome", "allele", "genotype", "annotation/id", "annotation/qual", "annotation/filter", "annotation/info/VARIABLE_NAME", or "annotation/format/VARIABLE_NAME".

"@genotype", "annotation/info/@VARIABLE_NAME" or "annotation/format/@VARIABLE_NAME" are used to obtain the index associated with these variables.

"$dosage" is also allowed for the dosages of reference allele (integer: 0, 1, 2 and NA for diploid genotypes).

"$dosage_alt" returns a RAW/INTEGER matrix for the dosages of alternative allele without distinguishing different alternative alleles.

"$dosage_sp" returns a sparse matrix (dgCMatrix) for the dosages of alternative allele without distinguishing different alternative alleles.

"$num_allele" returns an integer vector with the numbers of distinct alleles.

"$ref" returns a character vector of reference alleles

"$alt" returns a character vector of alternative alleles (delimited by comma)

"$chrom_pos" returns characters with the combination of chromosome and position, e.g., "1:1272721". "$chrom_pos_allele" returns characters with the combination of chromosome, position and alleles, e.g., "1:1272721_A_G" (i.e., chr:position_REF_ALT).

"$variant_index" returns the indices of selected variants starting from 1, and "$sample_index" returns the indices of selected samples starting from 1.

The algorithm is highly optimized by blocking the computations to exploit the high-speed memory instead of disk.


A vector, a list of values or none.


Xiuwen Zheng

See Also

seqApply, seqSetFilter, seqGetData, seqParallel, seqGetParallel


# the GDS file
(gds.fn <- seqExampleFileName("gds"))

# display
(f <- seqOpen(gds.fn))

# get '
( <- seqGetData(f, ""))
# "NA06984" "NA06985" "NA06986" ...

# get ''
head( <- seqGetData(f, ""))

# set sample and variant filters
seqSetFilter(f,[c(2,4,6,8,10)],, 10))

# read in block
seqGetData(f, "$dosage")
seqBlockApply(f, "$dosage", print, bsize=3)
seqBlockApply(f, "$dosage", function(x) x,"list", bsize=3)
seqBlockApply(f, c(dos="$dosage", pos="position"), print, bsize=3)

# close the GDS file

zhengxwen/SeqArray documentation built on Feb. 13, 2025, 5:43 a.m.