
Defines functions analyzeTrio

# Perform trio-based analysis, such as de novo variants, autosomal recessive analysis, and TDT
analyzeTrio<-function(geno, trio, analyses=list(
    de.novo = TRUE, # whether to summarize de novo mutations
    ar = TRUE # whether to summarize autosomal recessive variants
  )) {
  # gene        Coded genotype matrix (-1, 0, 1, 2, ...)
  # trio        A data.frame of three ID columns: child, parent1, parent2; corresponding to column names in the <geno> matrix
  # analyses    Whether to run a specific analysis, such as summarize de novo mutations
  # all results
  find.sample<-sapply(1:3, function(i) as.vector(trio[, i]) %in% cn & !is.na(as.vector(trio[, i])));
  trio<-trio[rowSums(find.sample)==3, , drop=FALSE];
  if (nrow(trio) == 0) {
    warnings("No complete trio was found in the genotyping data");
  } else {
    g<-lapply(1:3, function(i) geno[, as.vector(trio[, i]), drop=FALSE]);
    # summarize de novo mutations
    if (analyses$de.novo) {
      ttl<-!is.na(g[[1]]) & !is.na(g[[2]]) & !is.na(g[[3]]) & g[[2]]==0 & g[[3]]==0;
      yes<-ttl & g[[1]]==1;
      no<-ttl & g[[1]]==0;
      results$de.novo<-list(Yes=yes, No=no, Summary=list(By.Variant=cbind(Yes=rowSums(yes), No=rowSums(no)), By.Sample=cbind(Yes=colSums(yes), No=colSums(no))));
    } else if (analyses$ar) {
      ct<-lapply(0:2, function(i) g[[1]]==i & g[[2]]==1 & g[[3]]==1);
      names(ct)<-c('AA', 'AB', 'BB');
      smm<-list(Total=sapply(ct, sum), By.Variant=sapply(ct, rowSums), By.Sample=sapply(ct, colSums));
      results$auto.recessive<-list(Yes=ct, Summary=smm);
zhezhangsh/GtUtility documentation built on May 4, 2019, 11:20 p.m.