
#' Takes in comma separated months and days, returns a vector of POSIX dates.
#' @param x a string of comma separated dates.
#' @return a vector of POSIX dates.
#' @details One of the items in the survey asks the participants to choose the 
#'   date that they are available. This is rendered as a single column with
#'   comma separated values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_availability(c("Jan 4 2015, Sep 6, March 20 2016"))
get_availability <- function(x){
  x <- utils::read.table(text = x, sep = ",", header = FALSE)  
  x <- unlist(x, use.names = FALSE)
  y <- setNames(lubridate::parse_date_time(x, c("md", "mdy")), x)

#' Takes in a vector of sundays and returns a logical vector stating which 
#' Sundays in the year the person is available.
#' @param x a vector of POSIX dates produced from \code{\link{get_availability}}
#' @param any_given_sunday a vector of POSIX dates defining the range of 
#'   possible Sundays.
#' @return a vector of logical elements indicating which dates are available for
#'   a person.
#' @export
save_the_date <- function(x, any_given_sunday){
  setNames(any_given_sunday %in% x, any_given_sunday)

#' Compare a vector of hierarchical categories.
#' @param x a character vector representing names of hierarchical categories.
#' @param set_missing a value or set of values to indicate the result should be 
#'   missing.
#' @return a character vector of length one specifying the hierarchical category
#'   chosen.
#' @details The participants are asked to provide what dates they are available 
#'   and what date in particular is best for them. We also are scheduling 
#'   participants all the time. Thus, we have a hierarchical structure for 
#'   deciding participants: Unavialable/Available < Preference < Scheduled. If 
#'   we have already scheduled the date, then we need to set that value as 
#'   missing so we know we can't schedule it.
#'   This is for use when creating a final table of availability since the
#'   original data is in a 3D array with dates, guests, and availability
#'   category.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' compare_array(c("Available", "Preference", NA))
#' compare_array(c("Available", NA, "Scheduled"))
#' compare_array(c("Unavailable", NA, NA))
compare_array <- function(x, set_missing = "Scheduled"){
  res <- x[max(which(!]
  if (res %in% set_missing) return(NA)

#' Display function for html visualization
#' The info tip will display information of the participants.
#' @param x a data frame used to create the ggvis object.
#' @return a string encoding html.
#' @rdname infohover
#' @export
infohover <- function(x){
  if (is.null(x)) return(NULL)
  avail <- switch(x$value,
                  Available = "<b>yes<b>",
                  Unavailable = "no",
                  Preference = "<b><font color = 'red'>YES!!!</font></b>"
  sunday <- paste0(month(x$Sunday,label = TRUE), " ", day(x$Sunday), 
                   ", ", year(x$Sunday))
  if (x$Scheduled < 1){
    sdf   <- scheduler::scheduled$get()
    iddf  <- scheduler::IDS$get()
    guest <- sdf$Name[lubridate::ymd(sdf$Date) == lubridate::ymd(x$Sunday)]
    DEPT  <- iddf$Dept[iddf$Name == guest]
    return(paste0("<font color = 'gray'><h4>", sunday, ":</h4><h4>", 
                  guest, " (", DEPT, ")</h4></font>"))
  paste0("<h4>", sunday, "</h4>", x$Guest, "<br>Available: ", avail)

#' @rdname infohover
#' @export
infoclick <- function(x){
  if (is.null(x)) return(NULL)
  avail <- switch(x$value,
                  Available = "<b>yes<b>",
                  Unavailable = "no",
                  Preference = "<b><font color = 'red'>YES!!!</font></b>"
  sunday <- paste0(month(x$Sunday,label = TRUE), " ", day(x$Sunday), 
                   ", ", year(x$Sunday))
  sdf   <- scheduler::scheduled$get()
  iddf  <- scheduler::IDS$get()
  if (x$Scheduled == 1){
    guest <- x$Guest
  } else {
    guest <- sdf$Name[lubridate::ymd(sdf$Date) == lubridate::ymd(x$Sunday)]
  DEPT  <- iddf$Dept[iddf$Name == guest]
  INFO  <- iddf$Desc[iddf$Name == guest]
  res   <- paste0("<h4>", sunday, ": ", 
                  guest, " (", DEPT, ")</h4>",
                  "<h4>Research Description:</h4>",
                  INFO, "<br />")
  if (x$Scheduled == 1){
    res <- paste0(res, "Available: ", avail, "<br />") 

#' Function to create a markdown dossier for each participant
#' @param x a name of a participant
#' @param df a data frame containing relevant information
#' @param xlist a list with one element per participant containing the dates for
#'   availability.
#' @param wd the location of the directory that contains the 'dossiers' folder.
#' @return nothing. 
#' @rdname make_dossier
#' @export
make_dossier <- function(x, df, xlist, wd = "."){
  dname <- make_filename(x, wd)
  i <- which(df$Name == x)
  f <- file(dname, "w")
  template <- system.file("files/template.txt", package = "scheduler")
  out <- infuser::infuse(template, as.list(df[i, ]))
  cat(out, file = f)
  # parsing availability
  avail <- as.character(xlist[[x]])
  pref  <- df$Pref[i]
  pref  <- which(xlist[[x]] == pref)
  avail[pref] <- paste0("**", avail[pref], "**")
  avail <- ifelse(, names(avail), avail)
  cat("", avail, sep = "\n - ", file = f)

#' @rdname make_dossier
#' @export
make_filename <- function(x, wd = ".", newdir = "/dossiers/"){
  dname <- gsub(" ", "_", x)
  paste0(path.expand(wd), newdir, dname, ".md")

VALFUN <- function(){
  val <- NULL
    get = function(v) {if (missing(v)) val else val[[v]]},
    set = function(v) {val <<- v }

scheduled <- VALFUN()
IDS       <- VALFUN()

#' @title Global Data
#' @name scheduled
#' @usage scheduled$get()
#' @description a list stored in an internal environment 
#' @rdname scheduled
#' @export

#' @rdname scheduled
#' @usage IDS$get()
#' @export

#' Return the date for last Sunday
#' @param now Today's date in ymd format. Defaults to the output of \code{Sys.Date()}.
#' @return Last Sunday's date in POSIXct format
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_last_sunday()
#' get_last_sunday("2014-02-13")
get_last_sunday <- function(now = Sys.Date()){
  now <- lubridate::parse_date_time(now, "ymd")
  days_since_sunday <- (lubridate::wday(now) - 1) %>% lubridate::days()
  return(now - days_since_sunday)

#' Pretty print month day year
#' This will print the month, day, and year for any Date object
#' @param Date a date in POSIXct format
#' @return A character string
#' @export
#' @examples
#' make_my_day(ymd(Sys.Date()))
make_my_day <- function(Date){
  paste(month(Date, label = TRUE), day(Date), year(Date))
zkamvar/InspirationDisseminationSchedule documentation built on May 4, 2019, 11:24 p.m.