Man pages for zkamvar/sandpaper
Create and Curate Carpentries Lessons

build_404Build the 404 page for a lesson
build_aggBuild a page for aggregating common elements
build_episode_htmlBuild a single episode html file
build_episode_mdBuild an episode to markdown
build_handoutCreate a code handout of challenges without solutions
build_homeBuild a home page for a lesson
build_htmlBuild instructor and learner HTML page
build_lessonBuild your lesson site
build_markdownBuild plain markdown from the RMarkdown episodes
build_siteWrapper for site builder
build_statusIdentify what files need to be rebuilt and what need to be...
check_lessondeprecated Check the lesson structure for errors
check_pandocCheck the existence of pandoc
ci_buildBuild and deploy individual site components to a remote...
ci_deploy(INTERNAL) Build and deploy the site with continous...
ci_session_infoReport session information to the user
copy_templatecopy a sandpaper template file to a path with data
create_episodeCreate an Episode from a template
create_lessonCreate a carpentries lesson
create_sidebarCreate the sidebar for varnish
create_sidebar_itemCreate a single item that appears in the sidebar
dependency_managementLesson Runtime Dependency Management
dot-lesson_storeInternal Global Lesson Storage Generator
dot-list_storeList Storage Generator
fill_translation_varsApply template items to translated strings
fix_sidebar_hrefFix the refs for a vector of sidebar nodes
fixturesTest fixture functions for sandpaper
get_configGet the configuration parameters for the lesson
get_contentGet sections from an episode's HTML page
get_draftsShow files in draft form
get_dropdownHelpers to extract contents of dropdown menus on the site
get_nav_dataGenerate the navigation data for a page
get_resource_listGet the full resource list of markdown files
get_syllabusCreate a syllabus for the lesson
git_worktreeSetup a git worktree for concurrent manipulation of a...
hash_childrenUpdate file checksums to account for child documents
known_languagesShow a list of languages known by '{sandpaper}'
lesson_storageInternal cache for storing pre-computed lesson objects
make_aio_sectionMake a section and place it inside the All In One page
make_images_sectionMake a section of aggregated images
make_instructornotes_sectionMake a section of aggregated instructor notes
move_episodeMove an episode in the schedule
package_cacheGive Consent to Use Package Cache
parse_file_matchesSubset file matches to the order they appear in the config...
provisionProvision an aggregate page in a lesson
read_all_htmlread all HTML files in a folder
render_htmlRender html from a markdown file
renv_diagnosticsPrint a diagnostics report for the package cache
renv_lockfile_hashGet the hash for the previous and current lockfile (as...
reserved_dbFilter reserved markdown files from the built db
reset_episodesClear the schedule in the lesson
reset_siteRemove all files associated with the site
sandpaper.optionsGlobal Options
sandpaper-packagesandpaper: Create and Curate Carpentries Lessons
sandpaper_siteSite generator for sandpaper
serveBuild your lesson and work on it at the same time
set_configSet individual keys in a configuration file
set_dropdownSet the order of items in a dropdown menu
set_globalsSet the necessary common global variables for use in the...
strip_prefixThis will strip existing episode prefixes and set the...
templateTemplate files
translationsEstablish and Manage Translation Strings
try_use_renvTry to use '{renv}'
update_github_workflowsUpdate github workflows
update_varnishUpdate the local version of the carpentries style
validate_lessonPre-build validation of lesson elements
work_with_cache(Experimental) Work with the package cache
yaml_listCreate a valid, opinionated yaml list for insertion into a...
zkamvar/sandpaper documentation built on Feb. 2, 2025, 5:17 p.m.