move_episode: Move an episode in the schedule

View source: R/move_episode.R

move_episodeR Documentation

Move an episode in the schedule


If you need to move a single episode, this function gives you a programmatic or interactive interface to accomplishing this task, whether you need to add and episode, draft, or remove an episode from the schedule.


move_episode(ep = NULL, position = NULL, write = FALSE, path = ".")



the name of a draft episode or the name/number of a published episode to move.


the position in the schedule to move the episode. Valid positions are from 0 to the number of episodes (+1 for drafts). A value of 0 indicates that the episode should be removed from the schedule.


defaults to FALSE, which will show the potential changes. If TRUE, the schedule will be modified and written to config.yaml


the path to the lesson (defaults to the current working directory)

See Also

create_episode(), set_episodes(), get_drafts(), get_episodes()


if (interactive() || Sys.getenv("CI") != "") {
  tmp <- tempfile()
  create_episode_md("getting-started", path = tmp, open = FALSE)
  create_episode_rmd("plotting", path = tmp, open = FALSE)
  create_episode_md("experimental", path = tmp, add = FALSE, open = FALSE)
  set_episodes(tmp, c("", "introduction.Rmd", "plotting.Rmd"),
    write = TRUE)

  # Default episode order is alphabetical, we can use this to nudge episodes
  move_episode("introduction.Rmd", 1L, path = tmp) # by default, it shows you the change
  move_episode("introduction.Rmd", 1L, write = TRUE, path = tmp) # write the results

  # Add episodes from the drafts
  move_episode("", 2L, path = tmp) # view where it will live
  move_episode("", 2L, write = TRUE, path = tmp)

  # Unpublish episodes by setting position to zero
  move_episode("", 0L, path = tmp) # view the results
  move_episode("", 0L, write = TRUE, path = tmp)

  # Interactively select the position where the episode should go by omitting
  # the position argument
  if (interactive()) {
    move_episode("", path = tmp)

zkamvar/sandpaper documentation built on Feb. 2, 2025, 5:17 p.m.