parse_file_matches: Subset file matches to the order they appear in the config...

View source: R/utils-paths-source.R

parse_file_matchesR Documentation

Subset file matches to the order they appear in the config file


Subset file matches to the order they appear in the config file


parse_file_matches(reality, hopes = NULL, warn = FALSE, subfolder)



a list of paths that exist in the lesson


a list of files in the order they should appear in the lesson


a boolean. If TRUE and the sandpaper.show_draft option is set to TRUE, then the files that are not in hopes are shown to the screen as drafts


a character. The folder where we should find the files in hopes. This is only used for creating an error message.


a character vector of reality subset in the order of hopes


# setup ----------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: we need to define our namespace here because using `:::`
# in example calls is illegal.
snd <- asNamespace("sandpaper")
print(need <- c("a", "bunch", "of", "silly", "files"))
print(exists <- fs::path("path", "to", sample(need)))

# Rearrange files ------------------------------------------
snd$parse_file_matches(reality = exists, hopes = need,
  subfolder = "episodes")

# a subset of files ----------------------------------------
snd$parse_file_matches(reality = exists,
  hopes = need[4:5], subfolder = "episodes")

# a subset of files with a warning -------------------------
op <- getOption("sandpaper.show_draft")
options(sandpaper.show_draft = TRUE)
on.exit(options(sandpaper.show_draft = op))
snd$parse_file_matches(reality = exists,
  hopes = need[-(4:5)], warn = TRUE, subfolder = "episodes")

# files that do not exist give an error --------------------
try(snd$parse_file_matches(reality = exists,
  hopes = c("these", need[4:5]), subfolder = "episodes"))

zkamvar/sandpaper documentation built on June 30, 2024, 2:57 p.m.