ci_deploy: (INTERNAL) Build and deploy the site with continous...

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ci_deployR Documentation

(INTERNAL) Build and deploy the site with continous integration


A platform-agnostic method of deploying a lesson website and cached content. This function takes advantage of git worktrees to render and push content to orphan branches, which can be used to host the lesson website. This function assumes that you are in a git clone from a remote and have write access to that remote.


  path = ".",
  md_branch = "md-outputs",
  site_branch = "gh-pages",
  remote = "origin",
  reset = FALSE



path to the lesson


the branch name that contains the markdown outputs


the branch name that contains the full HTML site


the name of the git remote to which you should deploy.


if TRUE, the markdown cache is cleared before rebuilding, this defaults to FALSE meaning the markdown cache will be provisioned and used.


ci_deploy() does the same thing as build_lesson(), except instead of storing the outputs under the ⁠site/⁠ folder, it pushes the outputs to remote orphan branches (determined by the md_branch and site_branch arguments). These branches are used as the cache and the website, respectively. If these branches do not exist, they will be created.


This function can only run in a non-interactive fashion. If you try to run it interactively, you will get an error message. It assumes that the following are true:

  • it is running in a script or automated workflow

  • it is running in a clone of a git repository

  • the remote exists and is writable

Unexpected consequences can arise from violating these assumptions.


This function has a similar two-step workflow as build_lesson(), with a few extra steps to ensure that the git branches are set up correctly. Below are the steps with elements common to build_lesson() annotated with *

  1. check that a git user and email is registered

  2. * Validate the lesson and generate global variables with validate_lesson()

  3. provision, build, and deploy markdown branch with ci_build_markdown() i. provision markdown branch with git_worktree_setup() ii. * build the markdown source documents with build_markdown() iii. commit and push the git worktree to the remote branch with github_worktree_commit()

  4. provision, build, and deploy site branch with ci_build_site() i. provision site branch with git_worktree_setup() ii. * build the site HTML documents with build_site() iii. commit and push the git worktree to the remote branch with github_worktree_commit() iv. remove the git worktree with github_worktree_remove()

  5. remove markdown git worktree with github_worktree_remove()


Nothing, invisibly. This is used for it's side-effect


this function is not for interactive use. It requires git to be installed on your machine and will destroy anything you have in the ⁠site/⁠ folder. For R-based lessons it will rebuild all components if the lockfile has changed.


# For this example, we are setting up a temporary repository with a local
# remote called `sandpaper-local`. This demonstrates how `ci_deploy()`
# modifies the remote, but there are setup and teardown steps to run.
# The actual example is highlighted below under the DEPLOY comment.

# SETUP -------------------------------------------------------------------
snd <- asNamespace("sandpaper")
tik <- Sys.time()
cli::cli_h1("Set up")
cli::cli_h2("Create Lesson")
restore_fixture <- snd$create_test_lesson()
res <- getOption("sandpaper.test_fixture")
cli::cli_h2("Create Remote")
rmt <- fs::file_temp(pattern = "REMOTE-")
snd$setup_local_remote(repo = res, remote = rmt, verbose = FALSE)
tok <- Sys.time()
cli::cli_alert_info("Elapsed time: {round(tok - tik, 2)} seconds")

# reporting -----
# The repository should only have one branch and the remote should be in
# sync with the local.
cli::cli_h2("Local status")
gert::git_branch_list(repo = res)[c('name', 'commit', 'updated')]
cli::cli_h2("First episode status")
gert::git_stat_files("episodes/introduction.Rmd", repo = res)
gert::git_stat_files("episodes/introduction.Rmd", repo = rmt)

# DEPLOY ------------------------------------------------------------------
tik <- Sys.time()
cli::cli_h1("deploy to remote")
sandpaper:::ci_deploy(path = res, remote = "sandpaper-local")
tok <- Sys.time()
cli::cli_alert_info("Elapsed time: {round(tok - tik, 2)} seconds")

# reporting -----
# The repository and remote should both have three branches
cli::cli_h2("Local status")
gert::git_branch_list(repo = res)[c('name', 'commit', 'updated')]

# An indicator this worked: the first episode should be represented as
# different files across the branches:
# - main: Rmd
# - md-outputs: md
# - gh-pages: html
cli::cli_h2("First episode status")
gert::git_stat_files("episodes/introduction.Rmd", repo = rmt)
cli::cli_h3("rendered markdown")
gert::git_stat_files("", repo = rmt, ref = "md-outputs")
cli::cli_h3("html file")
gert::git_stat_files("introduction.html", repo = rmt, ref = "gh-pages")

# CLEAN -------------------------------------------------------------------
tik <- Sys.time()
cli::cli_h1("Clean Up")
snd$remove_local_remote(repo = res)
# remove the test fixture and report
tryCatch(fs::dir_delete(res), error = function() FALSE)
tok <- Sys.time()
cli::cli_alert_info("Elapsed time: {round(tok - tik, 2)} seconds")

zkamvar/sandpaper documentation built on Feb. 2, 2025, 5:17 p.m.