# Teaching app
# data with 3 dimensions
# df.isotop$Pb206_Pb204.perc <- round((df.isotop$Pb206_Pb204/(df.isotop$Pb206_Pb204 + df.isotop$Pb207_Pb204 + df.isotop$Pb208_Pb204) * 100), 2)
# df.isotop$Pb207_Pb204.perc <- round((df.isotop$Pb207_Pb204/(df.isotop$Pb206_Pb204 + df.isotop$Pb207_Pb204 + df.isotop$Pb208_Pb204) * 100), 2)
# df.isotop$Pb208_Pb204.perc <- round((df.isotop$Pb208_Pb204/(df.isotop$Pb206_Pb204 + df.isotop$Pb207_Pb204 + df.isotop$Pb208_Pb204) * 100), 2)
# write.csv2(df.isotop, paste0(getwd(), "/dfisotops.csv"))
dfisotops <- read.csv2(paste0(getwd(), "/dfisotops.csv"), sep = ";") # server
# dfisotops <- read.csv2(paste0(getwd(), "/dfisotops.csv"), sep = ";") # locally
dfisotops$Pb206_Pb204.perc <- (dfisotops$Pb206_Pb204/(dfisotops$Pb206_Pb204 + dfisotops$Pb207_Pb204 + dfisotops$Pb208_Pb204))*100
dfisotops$Pb207_Pb204.perc <- (dfisotops$Pb207_Pb204/(dfisotops$Pb206_Pb204 + dfisotops$Pb207_Pb204 + dfisotops$Pb208_Pb204))*100
dfisotops$Pb208_Pb204.perc <- (dfisotops$Pb208_Pb204/(dfisotops$Pb206_Pb204 + dfisotops$Pb207_Pb204 + dfisotops$Pb208_Pb204))*100
dfisotops$lbl <- paste0(dfisotops$num, "\n",
"Pb206/204: ", round(dfisotops$Pb206_Pb204.perc, 2), "% \n",
"Pb207/204: ", round(dfisotops$Pb207_Pb204.perc, 2), "% \n",
"Pb208/204: ", round(dfisotops$Pb208_Pb204.perc, 2), "%")
m <- list(
l = 50,
r = 50,
b = 50,
t = 100,
pad = 20
ui <- fluidPage(
br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(),
# tags$style('.container-fluid {
# background-color: #000000;
# }'),
h3("Relative % of lead isotops for mines and EIA items"),
checkboxGroupInput("objects", "objects",
choices = c("golasecca", "hochdorf"),
selected = "hochdorf"
checkboxGroupInput("mines", "mines",
choices = c("France", "Iberian Peninsula", "Switzerland"),
selected = "France"
height = "600px")
server <- function(input, output, session){
output$graph <- renderPlotly({
df.isotop.filtered <- dfisotops[dfisotops$object %in% c(input$objects, input$mines), ]
min206 <- min(df.isotop.filtered$Pb206_Pb204.perc)
min207 <- min(df.isotop.filtered$Pb207_Pb204.perc)
min208 <- min(df.isotop.filtered$Pb208_Pb204.perc)
fig <- plot_ly(df.isotop.filtered) %>%
type = 'scatterternary',
mode = 'markers',
a = ~Pb206_Pb204.perc,
b = ~Pb207_Pb204.perc,
c = ~Pb208_Pb204.perc,
text = ~lbl,
marker = list(
# symbol = ~symbol,
symbols = 'square',# unique(df.isotop$symbol),
color = ~color.object,
size = 10,
line = list('width' = 1, color = 'black')
) %>%
title = "Relative percentages of lead isotops",
margin = m,
# title = list(orientation = "h", # show entries horizontally
# xanchor = "center", # use center of legend as anchor
# x = 0.5,
# text = "Relative percentages of lead isotops"),
ternary = list(
legend = list(orientation = "h"),
sum = 100,
aaxis = list(min = min206, title = 'Pb206/Pb204'),
baxis = list(min = min207, title = 'Pb207/Pb204'),
caxis = list(min = min208, title = 'Pb208/Pb204')
shinyApp(ui, server)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.