
# DISCLAIMER: All TI table (e.g., titable) and reconstruction (e.g.,
# reverse.gwave) functions and their respective Rcpp counterparts
# are ported into R from MATLAB functions BMSMShrink and TISumProd
# as part of the BMSM project maintained by Eric Kolaczyk.

# @title Interleave two vectors.
# @param x A vector.
# @param y A vector of the same length as y.
# @return A vector of length twice that of x (or y).
interleave = function (x, y)

# @title Shift a vector one unit to the right.
# @param x A vector.
# @return A vector of the same length as that of x.
rshift = function (x) {
  L = length(x)

# @title Shift a vector one unit to the left.
# @param x A vector.
# @return A vector of the same length as that of x.
lshift = function (x)

# @description Produces two TI tables. One table contains the
#   difference between adjacent pairs of data in the same resolution,
#   and the other table contains the sum.
# @param sig a signal of length a power of 2
titable = function (sig) {
  n = length(sig)
  J = log2(n)
  dmat = matrix(0, nrow = J + 1, ncol = n)
  ddmat = matrix(0, nrow = J + 1, ncol = n)
  dmat[1, ] = sig
  ddmat[1, ] = sig
  for (D in 0:(J - 1)) {
    nD = 2^(J - D)
    nDo2 = nD/2
    twonD = 2 * nD
    for (l in 0:(2^D - 1)) {
      ind = (l * nD + 1):((l + 1) * nD)
      x = dmat[D + 1, ind]
      lsumx = x[seq(from = 1, to = nD - 1, by = 2)] +
              x[seq(from = 2, to = nD, by = 2)]
      ldiffx = x[seq(from = 1, to = nD - 1, by = 2)] -
               x[seq(from = 2, to = nD, by = 2)]
      rx = rshift(x)
      rsumx = rx[seq(from = 1, to = nD - 1, by = 2)] +
              rx[seq(from = 2, to = nD, by = 2)]
      rdiffx = rx[seq(from = 1, to = nD - 1, by = 2)] -
               rx[seq(from = 2, to = nD, by = 2)]
      dmat[D + 2, ind] = c(lsumx, rsumx)
      ddmat[D + 2, ind] = c(ldiffx, rdiffx)
  return(list(sumtable = dmat, difftable = ddmat))

# @description Produces a TI table containing the log difference
#   between adjacent pairs of data in the same resolution.
# @param sig A signal of length a power of 2.
# @return A TI table in the form of a matrix.
tirtable = function (sig) {
  n = length(sig)
  J = log2(n)
  dmat = matrix(0, nrow = J + 1, ncol = n)
  ddmat = matrix(0, nrow = J + 1, ncol = n)
  dmat[1, ] = sig
  ddmat[1, ] = sig
  for (D in 0:(J - 1)) {
    nD = 2^(J - D)
    nDo2 = nD/2
    twonD = 2 * nD
    for (l in 0:(2^D - 1)) {
      ind = (l * nD + 1):((l + 1) * nD)
      x = dmat[D + 1, ind]
      lsumx  = x[seq(from = 1, to = nD - 1, by = 2)] +
               x[seq(from = 2, to = nD, by = 2)]
      ldiffx = log(x[seq(from = 1, to = nD - 1, by = 2)]) -
               log(x[seq(from = 2, to = nD, by = 2)])
      rx = rshift(x)
      rsumx = rx[seq(from = 1, to = nD - 1, by = 2)] +
              rx[seq(from = 2, to = nD, by = 2)]
      rdiffx = log(rx[seq(from = 1, to = nD - 1, by = 2)]) -
               log(rx[seq(from = 2, to = nD, by = 2)])
      dmat[D + 2, ind] = c(lsumx, rsumx)
      ddmat[D + 2, ind] = c(ldiffx, rdiffx)

# @title Reverse wavelet transform a set of wavelet coefficients in
#   TItable format for Gaussian data.
# @param lp A J by n matrix of estimated wavelet coefficients.
# @param lq A J by n matrix of complementary wavelet coefficients.
# @param est An n-vector. Usually a constant vector with each element
#   equal to the estimated total mean.
# @return Reconstructed signal in the original data space.
reverse.gwave = function (est, lp, lq = NULL) {
  if (is.null(lq))
    lq = -lp
  if (length(est) == 1)
    est = rep(est, ncol(lp))
  J = nrow(lp)
  for (D in J:1) {
    nD = 2^(J - D + 1)
    nDo2 = nD/2
    for (l in 0:(2^(D - 1) - 1)) {
      ind = (l * nD + 1):((l + 1) * nD)
      estvec = est[ind]/2
      lpvec = lp[D, ind]
      lqvec = lq[D, ind]
      estl = estvec[1:nDo2]
      lpl = lpvec[1:nDo2]
      lql = lqvec[1:nDo2]
      nestl = interleave(estl + lpl, estl + lql)
      estr = estvec[(nDo2 + 1):nD]
      lpr = lpvec[(nDo2 + 1):nD]
      lqr = lqvec[(nDo2 + 1):nD]
      nestr = interleave(estr + lpr, estr + lqr)
      nestr = lshift(nestr)
      est[ind] = 0.5 * (nestl + nestr)

# @description Reverse wavelet transform a set of posterior variances
# for wavelet coefficients in TItable format, for Gaussian data.
# @param lp A J by n matrix of estimated variances.
# @param lq A J by n matrix of complementary variances (=lp).
# @param est Nn n-vector. Usually 0.
# @return Reconstructed posterior variance in the original data space.
reverse.gvwave = function (est, lp, lq = NULL) {
  if (is.null(lq))
    lq = -lp
  if (length(est) == 1)
    est = rep(est, ncol(lp))
  J = nrow(lp)
  for (D in J:1) {
    nD = 2^(J - D + 1)
    nDo2 = nD/2
    for (l in 0:(2^(D - 1) - 1)) {
      ind = (l * nD + 1):((l + 1) * nD)
      estvec = est[ind]/4
      lpvec = lp[D, ind]
      lqvec = lq[D, ind]
      estl = estvec[1:nDo2]
      lpl = lpvec[1:nDo2]
      lql = lqvec[1:nDo2]
      nestl = interleave(estl + lpl, estl + lql)
      estr = estvec[(nDo2 + 1):nD]
      lpr = lpvec[(nDo2 + 1):nD]
      lqr = lqvec[(nDo2 + 1):nD]
      nestr = interleave(estr + lpr, estr + lqr)
      nestr = lshift(nestr)
      est[ind] = 0.5 * (nestl + nestr)
zrxing/smash documentation built on June 9, 2021, 11:09 a.m.