Man pages for zshao1/ERSSA
Empirical RNA-seq Sample Size Analysis

comb_genCalculate unique combinations of samples at varying replicate...
combinations.partialExample list of combinations generated by comb_gen function.
condition_table.fullExample table of sample names and conditions
condition_table.partialExample table of sample names and conditions
count_filterFilter RNA-seq expression table
count_table.filtered.partialExample count table of GTEx RNA-seq experiment, fitered by...
count_table.fullExample count table of GTEx RNA-seq experiment
count_table.partialExample count table of GTEx RNA-seq experiment
deg.partialExample list of DE genes generated by edgeR
erssaEmpirical RNA-seq Sample Size Analysis
erssa_deseq2Run DESeq2 for computed sample combinations
erssa_deseq2_parallelRun DESeq2 for computed sample combinations with parallel...
erssa_edgerRun edgeR for computed sample combinations
erssa_edger_parallelRun edgeR for computed sample combinations with parallel...
ggplot2_dotplotPlot number of DE genes
ggplot2_intersectPlotPlot number of DE genes that is common across combinations
ggplot2_marginPlotPlot percent increase in detection of DE genes across...
ggplot2_TPR_FPRPlotPlot TPR and FPR of each combination
zshao1/ERSSA documentation built on July 19, 2023, 9:20 p.m.