
# Decompresses ZIP files
# @param fetched list of data about the ZIP files
# @return tibble with aditional info about the files extracted from the ZIP files
# @md
decompress <- function(fetched) {
    Verbose("extracting ZIP files")
    # assumption checking
        # TODO
    # back to work
    # TODO: include Verbose() messages
    fetched %>%
            unzipped.where =
                normalizePath(inepdata:::.options$temp.path) %+% "/" %+% program %+% "/" %+% year,
            create.dir.ok = sapply(unzipped.where, dir.create, recursive = T, showWarnings = F)
        ) %>%
            extracted =
                purrr::map2(filename, unzipped.where, ~ unzip(zipfile = .x, exdir = .y))
zyxdef/inepdata documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:59 p.m.