
Defines functions sample.depth.cont.for.mu sample.max.depth.for.mu sample.max.depth

############# Functions from lsd.package! #############

# Calculates the maximum sample location-scale depth for the data set y
# Uses function sample.depth.cont.for.mu and sample.max.depth.for.mu
# p.length is the maximum length of the precision step at the end
sample.max.depth <- function(y, iter = 100, eps = 0.0001, p.length = 10) {
    y <- sort(y)
    N <- length(y)
    d.min <- floor(N / 3)
    n.mid <- round(N / 2)
    res <- sample.max.depth.for.mu(mu = y[n.mid], y = y, d.min = d.min,
                                   iter = iter, eps = eps)
    d <- res["d"]
    s <- res["sigma"]
    difb <- res["difbound"]
    i.mu <- res["i"]

    if (d < N / 2) {
      i <- 1
      n.up <- ceiling(N * 2 / 3)
      n.low <- floor(N / 3)
      dec <- 1

      while (i < iter && n.up - n.low > 1 && dec > 0) {
        i <- i + 1
        n.mid.low <- ceiling((n.mid + n.low) / 2)
        n.mid.up <- floor((n.mid + n.up) / 2)
        res.low <- sample.max.depth.for.mu(mu = y[n.mid.low], y = y,
                                           d.min = d.min, iter = iter,
                                           eps = eps)
        res.up <- sample.max.depth.for.mu(mu = y[n.mid.up], y = y,
                                          d.min = d.min, iter = iter, eps = eps)
        i.mu <- cbind(i.mu, res.low["i"])
        i.mu <- cbind(i.mu, res.up["i"])
        d.low <- res.low["d"]
        d.up <- res.up["d"]

        if (d.low > d) {
          d <- d.low
          s <- res.low["sigma"]
          difb <- res.low["difbound"]
          n.up <- n.mid
          n.mid <- n.mid.low
          # cat("1.Fall (low): ", "depth: ", d,  "s: ", s,  "n.low: ", n.low,
          #     "n.mid: ", n.mid, " n.up: ", n.up, "\n")
        } else {

          if (d.up > d) {
            d <- d.up
            s <- res.up["sigma"]
            difb <- res.up["difbound"]
            n.low <- n.mid
            n.mid <- n.mid.up
            cat("2. Fall (up) ", "depth: ", d, "s: ", s, "n.low: ", n.low,
                "n.mid: ", n.mid, " n.up: ", n.up, "\n")
          } else {

            if (d.low < d | d.up < d) {

              if (d.low < d) {
                n.low <- n.mid.low
                # cat("3. Fall (d.low<d): ", "depth: ", d, "s: ", s, "n.low: ",
                #     n.low, "n.mid: ", n.mid, " n.up: ", n.up, "\n")
              if (d.up < d) {
                n.up <- n.mid.up
                # cat("4. Fall (d.up<d): ", "depth: ", d, "s: ", s, "n.low: ",
                #     n.low, "n.mid: ", n.mid, " n.up: ", n.up, "\n")
            } else {
              dec <- 0
              cat("5. Fall: ", "depth: ", d, "s: ", s,  "n.low: ", n.low,
                  "n.mid: ", n.mid, " n.up: ", n.up, "\n")

    # Precision step
    length <- max(c(p.length, 2 * (n.up - n.low + 1)))
    mu <- seq(y[n.low], y[n.up], length = length)
    res <- sample.max.depth.for.mu(mu = mu[1], y = y, d.min = d.min,
                                   iter = iter, eps = eps)
    i.mu <- cbind(i.mu, res["i"])

    for (i in 2:length) {
      res <- rbind(res,
                   sample.max.depth.for.mu(mu = mu[i], y = y, d.min = d.min,
                                           iter = iter, eps = eps))
      i.mu <- cbind(i.mu, res[i, "i"])

    d <- max(res[, "d"])
    dmax <- rep(1, length)

    for (i in 1:length) {

      if (res[i, "d"] < d) {
        dmax[i] <- 0

    dmax <- as.logical(dmax)
    res <- res[dmax, ]
    mu <- mu[dmax]

    if (length(mu) > 1) {
      length.half <- round(length(mu) / 2)
      mu <- mu[length.half]
      s <- res[length.half, "sigma"]
      difb <- res[length.half, "difbound"]
    } else {
      s <- res["sigma"]
      difb <- res["difbound"]

    cat("Sum of all iterations: ", sum(i.mu),
        " Maximum number of iterations in substeps: ", max(i.mu),
        " Number of substeps: ", length(i.mu), "\n")
    res <- c(d, mu, s, difb)
    names(res) <- c("max.depth", "mu", "sigma", "difbound")

# Calculates the maximum sample location-scale
# depth for a given mu for the data set y
# Uses function sample.depth.cont.for.mu
sample.max.depth.for.mu <- function(mu, y, d.min = 0, iter = 100,
                                    eps = 0.0000001) {
    y <- sort(y)
    M <- 0
    N <- length(y)

    for (i in 1:N) {

      if (y[i] < mu) {
        M <- M + 1

    i <- 0

    if (y[M + 1] > mu) {
      d <- min(M, N - M)
    } else {
      d <- min(M, N - M - 1)

    cont <- sample.depth.cont.for.mu(d, mu, y = y)
    difbound <- cont["ubound"] - cont["lbound"]

    if (abs(difbound) > eps) {
      i <- 1
      d.up <- d
      d.low <- d.min

      while (i < iter && abs(difbound) > eps && d.up - d.low > 1) {
        i <- i + 1

        if (difbound < -eps) {
          d.up <- d
          d <- round((d.up + d.low) / 2)
          cont <- sample.depth.cont.for.mu(d, mu, y = y)
          difbound <- cont["ubound"] - cont["lbound"]
        } else {
          d.low <- d
          d <- round((d.up + d.low) / 2)
          cont <- sample.depth.cont.for.mu(d, mu, y = y)
          difbound <- cont["ubound"] - cont["lbound"]
    if (difbound < -eps) {
      d <- d - 1
      cont <- sample.depth.cont.for.mu(d, mu, y = y)
      difbound <- cont["ubound"] - cont["lbound"]

    res <- c(d, (cont["ubound"] + cont["lbound"]) / 2, i, difbound)
    names(res) <- c("d", "sigma", "i", "difbound")

# Calculates the depth contours with respect to sigma
# for a given mu for the the data set y for depth d
# The result is a vector, where lbound denoted the lower bound,
# ubound the upperbound and tbound is a logic variable which is true
# if lbound <= ubound
sample.depth.cont.for.mu <- function(d, mu, y, length = 100) {
    y <- sort(y)
    M <- 0
    N <- length(y)

    for (i in 1:N) {

      if (y[i] < mu) {
        M <- M + 1

      i <- i + 1

    if (y[M + 1] > mu) {

      if (d <= M && d <= N - M && d > 0) {
        k <- seq(M - d + 1, M, 1)
        lk <- (mu - y[k]) * (y[d + k] - mu)
        lbound <- max(sqrt(abs(lk)))
        k <- seq(1, d, 1)
        uk <- (mu - y[k]) * (y[N - d + k] - mu)
        ubound <- min(sqrt(abs(uk)))

        case <- 0

        if (lbound <= ubound) {
          tbound <- TRUE
        } else {
          tbound <- FALSE
      } else {
        lbound <- 1
        ubound <- 0
        case <- 0
        tbound <- FALSE
    if (y[M + 1] == mu) {

      if (d <= M && d <= N - M - 1 && d > 0) {
        k <- seq(M - d + 1, M, 1)
        lk <- (mu - y[k]) * (y[d + k] - mu)
        lbound <- max(sqrt(abs(lk)))
        k <- seq(1, d, 1)
        uk <- (mu - y[k]) * (y[N - d + k] - mu)

        ubound <- min(sqrt(abs(uk)))

        case <- 1

        if (lbound <= ubound) {
          tbound <- TRUE
        } else {
          tbound <- FALSE
      } else {
        lbound <- 1
        ubound <- 0
        case <- 1
        tbound <- FALSE

    bound <- c(lbound, ubound, tbound, case, M)
    names(bound) <- c("lbound", "ubound", "tbound", "case", "M")
zzawadz/DepthProc documentation built on Feb. 4, 2022, 8:39 p.m.