
Defines functions phl_with_table phl_with_text phl_with_plot phl_with_vg phl_with_gg layOfficerAddInnerMargins phl_layout print.OfficerCustomLayout

Documented in phl_layout phl_with_gg phl_with_plot phl_with_table phl_with_text phl_with_vg print.OfficerCustomLayout

#' Print a OfficerCustomLayout object.
#' @param x object of class OfficerCustomLayout
#' @param ... optional arguments to print or plot methods. Not used here.
#' @export
#' @return Invisibly returns \code{x}.
#' @seealso lay_new lay_show phl_layout
#' @examples
#' lay  <- lay_new(matrix(1:4,nc = 2),widths = c(3, 2),heights = c(2, 1))
#' lay2 <- lay_new(matrix(1:3))
#' cl <- lay_bind_col(lay,lay2, widths=c(3,1))
#' ofl <- phl_layout(cl, innerMargins = rep(0.1,4))
#' print(ofl)
print.OfficerCustomLayout <- function(x, ...) {
  xname <- deparse(substitute(x))
  cat("OfficerCustomLayout object:\n")
  att <- attributes(x)
  print_attr <- function(att, name) {
        "\n  %s: %s",
        paste(round(att[[name]], 2), collapse = ", ")
  cat("  Elements:", length(x))
  print_attr(att, "slideWidth")
  print_attr(att, "slideHeight")
  print_attr(att, "margins")
  print_attr(att, "innerMargins")

#' Create layout for the officer PowerPoint slide.
#' @param cl layout object
#' @param slideWidth width of the slide in inches (default 10)
#' @param slideHeight height of the slide in inches (default 7.5)
#' @param margins A numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right)f
#'  which gives the size of margins on the four sides of the layout.
#'  The default is c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25).
#' @param innerMargins A numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right)
#'  which gives the size of margins on the four sides of the each placeholder in the layout.
#'  The default is c(0.025, 0.025, 0.025, 0.025).
#' @return
#' A list containing the coordinates of the slide segments created from layout scheme.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(officer)
#' library(customLayout)
#' library(magrittr)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' lay = lay_new(matrix(1:4,nc = 2),widths=c(3, 2),heights=c(2, 1))
#' lay2 = lay_new(matrix(1:3))
#' cl = lay_bind_col(lay,lay2, widths = c(3,1))
#' allPositions <- phl_layout(cl, innerMargins = rep(0.1,4))
#' my_pres <- read_pptx() %>% 
#'   add_slide(master = "Office Theme", layout = "Two Content")
#' p <- qplot(mpg, wt, data = mtcars)
#' for(pos in allPositions) {
#'   my_pres <- my_pres %>% officer::ph_with(
#'     p, location = ph_location(
#'     width = pos["width"],
#'     height = pos["height"], 
#'     left = pos["left"],
#'     top = pos["top"]) )
#' }
#' if(interactive()) {
#'   if(!dir.exists("tmp")) dir.create("tmp")
#'   print(my_pres, target = "tmp/test-officer-layout.pptx")
#' }
phl_layout <- function(cl, slideWidth = 10, slideHeight = 7.5,
    margins = c(bottom = 0.25, left = 0.25, top = 0.25, right = 0.25),
    innerMargins = c(bottom = 0.025, left = 0.025, top = 0.025, right = 0.025)
    ) {
    length(margins) == 4,
    length(innerMargins) == 4
  x <- slideWidth  - sum(margins[c(2,4)])
  y <- slideHeight - sum(margins[c(1,3)])
  widths <- cl$widths / sum(cl$widths) * x
  heights  <- cl$heights / sum(cl$heights) * y
  ids <- seq_len(max(cl$mat))
  mat <- cl$mat
  startWidths <- c(0, cumsum(widths))
  startHeights <- c(0, cumsum(heights))
  getPositions <- function(id) {
    yy <- apply(mat, 1, function(x) any(x == id))
    xx <- apply(mat, 2, function(x) any(x == id))
    res <- c(
      left = as.numeric(startWidths[which(xx)[1]] + margins[2]),
      top = as.numeric(startHeights[which(yy)[1]] + margins[3]),
      width = sum(xx * widths),
      height = sum(yy * heights)
    layOfficerAddInnerMargins(res, innerMargins = innerMargins)
  allPositions <- stats::setNames(lapply(ids, getPositions), ids)
  attr(allPositions, "layout") <- cl
  attr(allPositions, "slideWidth") <- slideWidth
  attr(allPositions, "slideHeight") <- slideHeight
  attr(allPositions, "innerMargins") <- innerMargins
  attr(allPositions, "margins") <- margins
  class(allPositions) <- "OfficerCustomLayout"

layOfficerAddInnerMargins <- function(x, innerMargins) {
  x[1] <- x[1] + innerMargins[2]
  x[2] <- x[2] + innerMargins[3]
  x[3] <- x[3] - sum(innerMargins[c(2,4)])
  x[4] <- x[4] - sum(innerMargins[c(1,3)])

#' Add ggplot into layout placeholder
#' @param x rpptx object
#' @param olay an OfficerLayout object created using \code{\link{phl_layout}}
#' @param id an single integer with an id of the placeholder from \code{olay} object.
#' @param value a ggplot object
#' @param ... other arguments passed to \code{\link{ph_with}}
#' @return \code{rpptx} object which represents PowerPoint presentation in \code{officer}. The returned object contains a new element on the slide.
#' @export
#' @importFrom officer ph_location external_img ph_location_template ph_with
#' @importFrom rvg dml
phl_with_gg <- function(x, olay, id, value, ...) {
  assert_id_inlayout(id, olay)
    ph_location(width = olay[[id]]["width"],
                height = olay[[id]]["height"], 
                left = olay[[id]]["left"],
                top = olay[[id]]["top"]),

#' Add a plot as vector graphics into layout placeholder
#' @param x rpptx object
#' @param olay an OfficerLayout object created using \code{\link{phl_layout}}
#' @param id an single integer with an id of the placeholder from \code{olay} object.
#' @param code plot instructions.
#' @param ggobj ggplot objet to print. Argument code will be ignored if this argument is supplied.
#' @param ... other arguments passed to \code{\link{dml_pptx}}
#' @return \code{rpptx} object which represents PowerPoint presentation in \code{officer}. The returned object contains a new element on the slide.
#' @export
phl_with_vg <- function(x, olay, id, code, ggobj = NULL, ...) {
  assert_id_inlayout(id, olay)
    x, dml(code = code, ggobj = ggobj),
    location = ph_location(width = olay[[id]]["width"],
                           height = olay[[id]]["height"], 
                           left = olay[[id]]["left"],
                           top = olay[[id]]["top"]),

#' Add plot into layout placeholder
#' @param x rpptx object
#' @param olay an OfficerLayout object created using \code{\link{phl_layout}}
#' @param id an single integer with an id of the placeholder from \code{olay} object.
#' @param plotFnc a function which creates a plot when called.
#' @param res The nominal resolution in ppi which will be recorded in the bitmap file. Default 300. See \code{res} parameter in \code{\link{png}}.
#' @param ... other arguments passed to \code{\link{png}} function.
#' @return \code{rpptx} object which represents PowerPoint presentation in \code{officer}. The returned object contains a new element on the slide.
#' @export
phl_with_plot <- function(x, olay, id, plotFnc, res = 300, ...) {
  assert_id_inlayout(id, olay)
  file <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
  grDevices::png(filename = file,
      width = olay[[id]]["width"],
      height = olay[[id]]["height"],
      units = "in", 
      res = res, ...)
    x, external_img(src = file),
    location = ph_location(width = olay[[id]]["width"],
                           height = olay[[id]]["height"], 
                           left = olay[[id]]["left"],
                           top = olay[[id]]["top"])

#' add text into layout placeholder
#' @param x rpptx object
#' @param olay an OfficerLayout object created using \code{\link{phl_layout}}
#' @param id an single integer with an id of the placeholder from \code{olay} object.
#' @param str text to add.
#' @param type type of the text placeholder. See \code{\link{ph_add_text}} for more details.
#' @param ... other arguments passed to \code{\link{ph_add_text}}.
#' @return \code{rpptx} object which represents PowerPoint presentation in \code{officer}. The returned object contains a new element on the slide.
#' @export
#' @importFrom officer slide_summary
phl_with_text <- function(x, olay, id, str, type = "title", ...) {
  assert_id_inlayout(id, olay)
  sldSum <- officer::slide_summary(x)
  x <- officer::ph_with(x, str, 
    location = ph_location_template(
      width = olay[[id]]["width"],
      height = olay[[id]]["height"], 
      left = olay[[id]]["left"],
      top = olay[[id]]["top"], 
      type = type

#' add table into layout placeholder
#' @param x rpptx object
#' @param olay an OfficerLayout object created using \code{\link{phl_layout}}
#' @param id an single integer with an id of the placeholder from \code{olay} object.
#' @param value a data.frame
#' @param ... other arguments passed to \code{\link{ph_with}}
#' @return \code{rpptx} object which represents PowerPoint presentation in \code{officer}. The returned object contains a new element on the slide.
#' @export
phl_with_table <- function(x, olay, id, value, ...) {
  assert_id_inlayout(id, olay)
    location = ph_location(
      width = olay[[id]]["width"],
      height = olay[[id]]["height"], 
      left = olay[[id]]["left"],
      top = olay[[id]]["top"]
zzawadz/customLayout documentation built on June 9, 2021, 11:10 a.m.