findFeaturesOpenMS: Find features using OpenMS

View source: R/features-openms.R

findFeaturesOpenMSR Documentation

Find features using OpenMS


uses the FeatureFinderMetabo TOPP tool (see to find features.


  noiseThrInt = 1000,
  chromSNR = 3,
  chromFWHM = 5,
  mzPPM = 10,
  reEstimateMTSD = TRUE,
  traceTermCriterion = "sample_rate",
  traceTermOutliers = 5,
  minSampleRate = 0.5,
  minTraceLength = 3,
  maxTraceLength = -1,
  widthFiltering = "fixed",
  minFWHM = 1,
  maxFWHM = 30,
  traceSNRFiltering = FALSE,
  localRTRange = 10,
  localMZRange = 6.5,
  isotopeFilteringModel = "metabolites (5% RMS)",
  MZScoring13C = FALSE,
  useSmoothedInts = TRUE,
  extraOpts = NULL,
  intSearchRTWindow = 3,
  useFFMIntensities = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



A data.frame with Analysis information.


Noise intensity threshold. Sets algorithm:common:noise_threshold_int option.


Minimum S/N of a mass trace. Sets algorithm:common:chrom_peak_snr option.


Expected chromatographic peak width (in seconds). Sets algorithm:common:chrom_fwhm option.


Allowed mass deviation (ppm) for trace detection. Sets algorithm:mtd:mass_error_ppm.


If TRUE then enables dynamic re-estimation of m/z variance during mass trace collection stage. Sets algorithm:mtd:reestimate_mt_sd.

traceTermCriterion, traceTermOutliers, minSampleRate

Termination criterion for the extension of mass traces. See FeatureFinderMetabo. Sets the algorithm:mtd:trace_termination_criterion, algorithm:mtd:trace_termination_outliers and algorithm:mtd:min_sample_rate options, respectively.

minTraceLength, maxTraceLength

Minimum/Maximum length of mass trace (seconds). Set negative value for maxlength to disable maximum. Sets algorithm:mtd:min_trace_length and algorithm:mtd:min_trace_length, respectively.

widthFiltering, minFWHM, maxFWHM

Enable filtering of unlikely peak widths. See FeatureFinderMetabo. Sets algorithm:epd:width_filtering, algorithm:epd:min_fwhm and algorithm:epd:max_fwhm, respectively.


If TRUE then apply post-filtering by signal-to-noise ratio after smoothing. Sets the algorithm:epd:masstrace_snr_filtering option.

localRTRange, localMZRange

Retention/MZ range where to look for coeluting/isotopic mass traces. Sets the algorithm:ffm:local_rt_range and algorithm:ffm:local_mz_range options, respectively.


Remove/score candidate assemblies based on isotope intensities. See FeatureFinderMetabo. Sets the algorithm:ffm:isotope_filtering_model option.


Use the 13C isotope as the expected shift for isotope mass traces. See FeatureFinderMetabo. Sets algorithm:ffm:mz_scoring_13C.


If TRUE then use LOWESS intensities instead of raw intensities. Sets the algorithm:ffm:use_smoothed_intensities option.


Named list containing extra options that will be passed to FeatureFinderMetabo. Any options specified here will override any of the above. Example: extraOpts=list("-algorithm:common:noise_threshold_int"=1000) (corresponds to setting noiseThrInt=1000). Set to NULL to ignore.


Retention time window (in seconds, +/- feature retention time) that is used to find the closest data point to the retention time to obtain the intensity of a feature (this is needed since OpenMS does not provide this data).


If TRUE then peak intensities are directly loaded from FeatureFinderMetabo output. Otherwise, intensities are loaded afterwards from the input ‘mzML’ files, which is potentially much slower, especially with many analyses files. However, useFFMIntensities=TRUE is still somewhat experimental, may be less accurate and requires a recent version of OpenMS (>=2.7).


If set to FALSE then no text output is shown.


This function uses OpenMS to automatically find features. This function is called when calling findFeatures with algorithm="openms".

This functionality has been tested with OpenMS version >= 2.0. Please make sure it is installed and configured, e.g. by installing patRoonExt or configuring the path of the binaries with the patRoon.path.OpenMS option or the system PATH variable.

The file format of analyses must be ‘mzML’.

The input MS data files need to be centroided. The convertMSFiles function can be used to centroid data.


An object of a class which is derived from features.


findFeaturesOpenMS uses multiprocessing to parallelize computations. Please see the parallelization section in the handbook for more details and patRoon options for configuration options.

Note that for caching purposes, the analyses files must always exist on the local host computer, even if it is not participating in computations.




pugixml (via Rcpp) is used to process OpenMS XML output.




See Also

findFeatures for more details and other algorithms.

rickhelmus/patRoon documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 4:32 p.m.