
Defines functions loadIntensities importFeatureXML getOpenMSFFCommand findFeaturesOpenMS

Documented in findFeaturesOpenMS

#' @include features.R
#' @include main.R

#' @rdname features-class
#' @export
featuresOpenMS <- setClass("featuresOpenMS", contains = "features")

setMethod("initialize", "featuresOpenMS",
          function(.Object, ...) callNextMethod(.Object, algorithm = "openms", ...))

#' Find features using OpenMS
#' uses the
#' \href{https://abibuilder.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/archive/openms/Documentation/release/latest/html/TOPP_FeatureFinderMetabo.html}{FeatureFinderMetabo}
#' TOPP tool (see \url{http://www.openms.de}) to find features.
#' @templateVar algo OpenMS
#' @templateVar do automatically find features
#' @templateVar generic findFeatures
#' @templateVar algoParam openms
#' @template algo_generator
#' @details This functionality has been tested with OpenMS version >= 2.0. Please make sure it is installed and
#'   configured, e.g. by installing \code{patRoonExt} or configuring the path of the binaries with
#'   the \code{patRoon.path.OpenMS} option or the system \option{PATH} variable.
#'   The file format of analyses must be \file{mzML}.
#' @template centroid_note_mandatory
#' @inheritParams findFeatures
#' @param noiseThrInt Noise intensity threshold. Sets \code{algorithm:common:noise_threshold_int} option.
#' @param chromSNR Minimum S/N of a mass trace. Sets \code{algorithm:common:chrom_peak_snr} option.
#' @param chromFWHM Expected chromatographic peak width (in seconds). Sets \code{algorithm:common:chrom_fwhm} option.
#' @param mzPPM Allowed mass deviation (ppm) for trace detection. Sets \code{algorithm:mtd:mass_error_ppm}.
#' @param reEstimateMTSD If \code{TRUE} then enables dynamic re-estimation of m/z variance during mass trace collection
#'   stage. Sets \code{algorithm:mtd:reestimate_mt_sd}.
#' @param traceTermCriterion,traceTermOutliers,minSampleRate Termination criterion for the extension of mass traces. See
#'   \href{https://abibuilder.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/archive/openms/Documentation/release/latest/html/TOPP_FeatureFinderMetabo.html}{FeatureFinderMetabo}.
#'    Sets the \code{algorithm:mtd:trace_termination_criterion}, \code{algorithm:mtd:trace_termination_outliers} and
#'   \code{algorithm:mtd:min_sample_rate} options, respectively.
#' @param minTraceLength,maxTraceLength Minimum/Maximum length of mass trace (seconds). Set negative value for maxlength
#'   to disable maximum. Sets \code{algorithm:mtd:min_trace_length} and \code{algorithm:mtd:min_trace_length},
#'   respectively.
#' @param widthFiltering,minFWHM,maxFWHM Enable filtering of unlikely peak widths. See
#'   \href{https://abibuilder.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/archive/openms/Documentation/release/latest/html/TOPP_FeatureFinderMetabo.html}{FeatureFinderMetabo}.
#'    Sets \code{algorithm:epd:width_filtering}, \code{algorithm:epd:min_fwhm} and \code{algorithm:epd:max_fwhm},
#'   respectively.
#' @param traceSNRFiltering If \code{TRUE} then apply post-filtering by signal-to-noise ratio after smoothing. Sets the
#'   \code{algorithm:epd:masstrace_snr_filtering} option.
#' @param localRTRange,localMZRange Retention/MZ range where to look for coeluting/isotopic mass traces. Sets the
#'   \code{algorithm:ffm:local_rt_range} and \code{algorithm:ffm:local_mz_range} options, respectively.
#' @param isotopeFilteringModel Remove/score candidate assemblies based on isotope intensities. See
#'   \href{https://abibuilder.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/archive/openms/Documentation/release/latest/html/TOPP_FeatureFinderMetabo.html}{FeatureFinderMetabo}.
#'    Sets the \code{algorithm:ffm:isotope_filtering_model} option.
#' @param MZScoring13C Use the 13C isotope as the expected shift for isotope mass traces. See
#'   \href{https://abibuilder.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/archive/openms/Documentation/release/latest/html/TOPP_FeatureFinderMetabo.html}{FeatureFinderMetabo}.
#'    Sets \code{algorithm:ffm:mz_scoring_13C}.
#' @param useSmoothedInts If \code{TRUE} then use LOWESS intensities instead of raw intensities. Sets the
#'   \code{algorithm:ffm:use_smoothed_intensities} option.
#' @param extraOpts Named \code{list} containing extra options that will be passed to \command{FeatureFinderMetabo}. Any
#'   options specified here will override any of the above. Example:
#'   \code{extraOpts=list("-algorithm:common:noise_threshold_int"=1000)} (corresponds to setting
#'   \code{noiseThrInt=1000}). Set to \code{NULL} to ignore.
#' @param intSearchRTWindow Retention time window (in seconds, +/- feature retention time) that is used to find the
#'   closest data point to the retention time to obtain the intensity of a feature (this is needed since OpenMS does not
#'   provide this data).
#' @param useFFMIntensities If \code{TRUE} then peak intensities are directly loaded from \command{FeatureFinderMetabo}
#'   output. Otherwise, intensities are loaded afterwards from the input \file{mzML} files, which is potentially much
#'   slower, especially with many analyses files. However, \code{useFFMIntensities=TRUE} is still somewhat experimental,
#'   may be less accurate and requires a recent version of \command{OpenMS} (>=2.7).
#' @templateVar what \code{findFeaturesOpenMS}
#' @template uses-multiProc
#' @template parallelization-cache_input
#' @template refs-openms
#' @inherit findFeatures return
#' @export
findFeaturesOpenMS <- function(analysisInfo, noiseThrInt = 1000, chromSNR = 3, chromFWHM = 5, mzPPM = 10, reEstimateMTSD = TRUE,
                               traceTermCriterion = "sample_rate", traceTermOutliers = 5, minSampleRate = 0.5,
                               minTraceLength = 3, maxTraceLength = -1, widthFiltering = "fixed", minFWHM = 1,
                               maxFWHM = 30, traceSNRFiltering = FALSE, localRTRange = 10, localMZRange = 6.5,
                               isotopeFilteringModel = "metabolites (5% RMS)", MZScoring13C = FALSE, useSmoothedInts = TRUE,
                               extraOpts = NULL, intSearchRTWindow = 3, useFFMIntensities = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
    ac <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
    analysisInfo <- assertAndPrepareAnaInfo(analysisInfo, "mzML", verifyCentroided = TRUE, add = ac)
    aapply(checkmate::assertNumber, . ~ noiseThrInt + chromSNR + chromFWHM + mzPPM + minSampleRate +
               minTraceLength + minFWHM + maxFWHM + localRTRange + localMZRange + intSearchRTWindow,
           lower = 0, finite = TRUE, fixed = list(add = ac))
    checkmate::assertChoice(traceTermCriterion, c("sample_rate", "outlier"))
    checkmate::assertCount(traceTermOutliers, add = ac)
    checkmate::assertNumber(maxTraceLength, finite = TRUE, add = ac)
    checkmate::assertChoice(widthFiltering, c("fixed", "off", "auto"))
    checkmate::assertChoice(isotopeFilteringModel, c("metabolites (2% RMS)", "metabolites (5% RMS)",
                                                     "peptides", "none"), add = ac)
    aapply(checkmate::assertFlag, . ~ reEstimateMTSD + traceSNRFiltering + MZScoring13C + useSmoothedInts + useFFMIntensities,
           fixed = list(add = ac))
    checkmate::assertList(extraOpts, any.missing = FALSE, names = "unique", null.ok = TRUE, add = ac)

    if (verbose)
        printf("Finding features with OpenMS for %d analyses ...\n", nrow(analysisInfo))

    params <- list(noiseThrInt, chromSNR, chromFWHM, mzPPM, reEstimateMTSD,
                   traceTermCriterion, traceTermOutliers, minSampleRate,
                   minTraceLength, maxTraceLength, widthFiltering, minFWHM,
                   maxFWHM, traceSNRFiltering, localRTRange, localMZRange,
                   isotopeFilteringModel, MZScoring13C, useSmoothedInts, extraOpts)
    paramsHash <- makeHash(params)

    cmdQueue <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(analysisInfo)), function(anai)
        dfile <- getMzMLAnalysisPath(analysisInfo$analysis[anai], analysisInfo$path[anai])
        hash <- makeHash(makeFileHash(dfile), paramsHash)
        logf <- paste0("ffm-", analysisInfo$analysis[anai], ".txt")
        return(list(hash = hash, dataFile = dfile, logFile = logf))
    names(cmdQueue) <- analysisInfo$analysis

    fList <- list()
    if (length(cmdQueue) > 0)
        fList <- executeMultiProcess(cmdQueue, function(cmd, ...)
            fts <- patRoon:::importFeatureXML(cmd$featFile)
            unlink(cmd$featFile) # remove temporary result file, as its size may be considerable
        }, prepareHandler = function(cmd)
            ffile <- tempfile(fileext = ".featureXML")
            cmdFF <- do.call(patRoon:::getOpenMSFFCommand, c(list(cmd$dataFile, ffile), params))
            return(c(cmd, list(featFile = ffile), cmdFF))
        }, showProgress = verbose, logSubDir = "openms", cacheName = "featuresOpenMS")
        # load intensities afterwards: we want to use the cache if possible,
        # which wouldn't be possible if future MP is used.
        # NOTE: the latest OpenMS versions now load peak heights, use them if available. They are loaded in the
        # C++ parser.
        intAvail <- FALSE
        if (length(fList) > 0 && useFFMIntensities)
            intAvail <- !any(is.na(fList[[1]]$intensity))
        if (!intAvail)
            fList <- sapply(names(fList), function(ana)
                if (verbose)
                    printf("Loading peak intensities for '%s'...\n", ana)
                fts <- loadIntensities(cmdQueue[[ana]]$dataFile, fList[[ana]], intSearchRTWindow)
                # BUG: OpenMS sporadically reports features with 0 intensity
                # (noticed this with a feature of only two datapoints in hull).
                fts <- fts[intensity > 0]
            }, simplify = FALSE)
    if (verbose)

    return(featuresOpenMS(analysisInfo = analysisInfo, features = fList))

getOpenMSFFCommand <- function(datafile, out, noiseThrInt, chromSNR, chromFWHM, mzPPM, reEstimateMTSD,
                               traceTermCriterion, traceTermOutliers, minSampleRate,
                               minTraceLength, maxTraceLength, widthFiltering, minFWHM,
                               maxFWHM, traceSNRFiltering, localRTRange, localMZRange,
                               isotopeFilteringModel, MZScoring13C, useSmoothedInts, extraOpts)
    boolToChr <- function(b) if (b) "true" else "false"

    settings <- list("-algorithm:common:noise_threshold_int" = noiseThrInt,
                     "-algorithm:common:chrom_peak_snr" = chromSNR,
                     "-algorithm:common:chrom_fwhm" = chromFWHM,
                     "-algorithm:mtd:mass_error_ppm" = mzPPM,
                     "-algorithm:mtd:reestimate_mt_sd" = boolToChr(reEstimateMTSD),
                     "-algorithm:mtd:trace_termination_criterion" = traceTermCriterion,
                     "-algorithm:mtd:trace_termination_outliers" = traceTermOutliers,
                     "-algorithm:mtd:min_sample_rate" = minSampleRate,
                     "-algorithm:mtd:min_trace_length" = minTraceLength,
                     "-algorithm:mtd:max_trace_length" = maxTraceLength,
                     "-algorithm:epd:width_filtering" = widthFiltering,
                     "-algorithm:epd:min_fwhm" = minFWHM,
                     "-algorithm:epd:max_fwhm" = maxFWHM,
                     "-algorithm:ffm:local_rt_range" = localRTRange,
                     "-algorithm:ffm:local_mz_range" = localMZRange,
                     "-algorithm:ffm:isotope_filtering_model" = isotopeFilteringModel,
                     "-algorithm:ffm:mz_scoring_13C" = boolToChr(MZScoring13C),
                     "-algorithm:ffm:use_smoothed_intensities" = boolToChr(useSmoothedInts),
                     "-algorithm:ffm:report_convex_hulls" = "true")

    # figure out if we're running OpenMS version >= 2.5
    recentFFM <- OpenMSVersionAtLeast("FeatureFinderMetabo", "2.5")

    if (!recentFFM) # otherwise set below
        settings <- c(settings, "-algorithm:epd:masstrace_snr_filtering" = boolToChr(traceSNRFiltering))
    if (!is.null(extraOpts))
        settings <- modifyList(settings, extraOpts)

    args <- OpenMSArgListToOpts(settings)
    if (recentFFM && traceSNRFiltering)
        args <- c(args, "-algorithm:epd:masstrace_snr_filtering")
    return(list(command = getExtDepPath("openms", "FeatureFinderMetabo"), args = c(args, "-in", datafile, "-out", out)))

importFeatureXML <- function(ffile)

# OpenMS doesn't support peak intensities. Estimate them from retention times
loadIntensities <- function(dfile, features, rtWindow)
    if (nrow(features) == 0)
        features[, intensity := 0]
    hash <- makeHash(features, rtWindow)
    cd <- loadCacheData("loadIntensities", hash)
    if (!is.null(cd))
        features[, intensity := cd]
        spectra <- loadSpectra(dfile, verbose = FALSE)
        features <- copy(features) # HACK: avoid sR crash caused by data.table
        features[, intensity := loadEICIntensities(spectra, features, rtWindow)]
        saveCacheData("loadIntensities", features$intensity, hash)

rickhelmus/patRoon documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 4:32 p.m.