
Defines functions doGetEICs getSpectraHeader loadSpectra getHeaders

#' @include main.R

getHeaders <- function(path, rtRange, MSLevel, verbose = FALSE)
    if (verbose)
        printf("Loading spectra headers for '%s'...\n", path)
    msf <- mzR::openMSfile(path)
    hd <- as.data.table(mzR::header(msf))
    if (nrow(hd) > 0) {
        if (!is.null(MSLevel))
            hd <- hd[msLevel %in% MSLevel, ]
        if (!is.null(rtRange))
            hd <- hd[numGTE(retentionTime, rtRange[1]) & numLTE(retentionTime, rtRange[2]), ]

loadSpectra <- function(path, rtRange = NULL, verbose = TRUE, cacheDB = NULL)
    # NOTE: limit length as this function may be called frequently
    hash <- makeHash(makeFileHash(path, length = 8192), rtRange)
    ret <- loadCacheData("specData", hash, cacheDB)
    if (!is.null(ret) && length(ret$spectra) > 1 && is.data.table(ret$spectra[[1]]))
        ret <- NULL # old (pre v1.1) format, ignore cache to avoid crashes with Rcpp interface
    if (is.null(ret))
        if (verbose)
            printf("Loading raw spectra for '%s'...\n", path)
        msf <- mzR::openMSfile(path)
        hd <- as.data.table(mzR::header(msf))

        if (is.null(rtRange))
            ps <- mzR::peaks(msf) # load all
            ps <- mzR::peaks(msf, hd[numGTE(retentionTime, rtRange[1]) & numLTE(retentionTime, rtRange[2]), seqNum])

        ret <- list(header = hd, spectra = ps)
        saveCacheData("specData", ret, hash, cacheDB)


getSpectraHeader <- function(spectra, rtRange, MSLevel, precursor, precursorMzWindow)
    hd <- spectra$header[numGTE(retentionTime, rtRange[1]) & numLTE(retentionTime, rtRange[2]) & msLevel == MSLevel]

    if (!is.null(precursor) && !is.null(precursorMzWindow))
        hd <- hd[numLTE(abs(precursorMZ - precursor), precursorMzWindow)]


doGetEICs <- function(file, ranges, cacheDB = NULL)
    anaHash <- makeFileHash(file, length = 8192) # NOTE: limit length as this function may be called frequently
    # NOTE: subset columns here, so any additional columns from e.g. feature tables are not considered
    hashes <- ranges[, makeHash(anaHash, .SD), by = seq_len(nrow(ranges)),
                     .SDcols = c("retmin", "retmax", "mzmin", "mzmax")][[2]]
    cachedData <- loadCacheData(category = "mzREIC", hashes, dbArg = cacheDB, simplify = FALSE)
    if (!is.null(cachedData) && length(cachedData) == nrow(ranges))
        return(unname(cachedData)) # everything is in the cache
    spectra <- loadSpectra(file, verbose = FALSE, cacheDB = cacheDB)
    EICs <- vector("list", nrow(ranges))
    cachedInds <- if (!is.null(cachedData)) match(names(cachedData), hashes) else integer()
    isCached <- if (!is.null(cachedData)) hashes %chin% names(cachedData) else rep(FALSE, nrow(ranges))
    # NOTE: cachedData is 'subset' below to make sure any duplicate hashes are properly assigned
    EICs[isCached] <- cachedData[match(hashes, names(cachedData), nomatch = 0)]

    spectra <- loadSpectra(file, verbose = FALSE, cacheDB = cacheDB)
    rangesToDo <- ranges[isCached == FALSE]
    EICs[!isCached] <- loadEICs(spectra, rangesToDo$retmin, rangesToDo$retmax, rangesToDo$mzmin, rangesToDo$mzmax)
    for (i in which(!isCached))
        saveCacheData("mzREIC", EICs[[i]], hashes[i], cacheDB)

setMethod("getEICFGroupInfo", "featureGroups", function(fGroups, analysis, groupName, EICParams)
    anaInfo <- analysisInfo(fGroups)
    anaInfo <- anaInfo[anaInfo$analysis %chin% analysis, ]
    featTab <- as.data.table(getFeatures(fGroups))
    topMost <- if (!is.null(EICParams$topMost))
        min(EICParams$topMost, nrow(anaInfo))
    # subset relevant things in advance    
    featTab <- featTab[group %chin% groupName, c("group", "analysis", "intensity", "retmin", "retmax", "mzmin", "mzmax"),
                       with = FALSE]
    takeAnalysis <- analysis # copy name to workaround DT access below
    return(sapply(groupName, function(fg)
        ret <- featTab[group == fg][, -"group"]
        # add missing analyses if needed
        if (!EICParams$onlyPresent && any(!analysis %chin% ret$analysis))
            ret <- rbind(ret, data.table(analysis = setdiff(analysis, ret$analysis), intensity = 0,
                                         retmin = min(ret$retmin), retmax = max(ret$retmax),
                                         mzmin = min(ret$mzmin) - EICParams$mzExpWindow,
                                         mzmax = max(ret$mzmax) + EICParams$mzExpWindow))
        # NOTE: do this after adding 'missing' analysis data to ensure RT/mz data from other feature data can be used
        # above
        # HACK: need to take copy of 'analysis' function parameter to avoid confusions with equally named DT column
        ret <- ret[analysis %chin% takeAnalysis]
        if (!is.null(topMost))
            if (EICParams$topMostByRGroup)
                ret[, rGroup := anaInfo$group[match(analysis, anaInfo$analysis)]]
                ret[, rank := frank(-intensity, ties.method = "first"), by = "rGroup"]
                ret <- ret[rank <= topMost]
                setorderv(ret, "intensity", order = -1L)
                ret <- ret[seq_len(topMost)]
        ret[, c("retmin", "retmax") := .(retmin - EICParams$rtWindow, retmax + EICParams$rtWindow)]
    }, simplify = FALSE))

setMethod("getEICFGroupInfo", "featureGroupsSet", function(fGroups, analysis, groupName, EICParams)
    ret <- callNextMethod()
    anaInfo <- analysisInfo(fGroups)
    featTab <- as.data.table(getFeatures(fGroups))
    # HACK: since feature tables store the character form, it's easier to keep it all the same
    EICParams$setsAdductPos <- as.character(EICParams$setsAdductPos)
    EICParams$setsAdductNeg <- as.character(EICParams$setsAdductNeg)
    # 'ionize' m/zs
    return(Map(names(ret), ret, f = function(grp, ranges)
        featTabGrp <- featTab[group == grp]
        ranges[, adduct := featTabGrp[match(ranges$analysis, analysis)]$adduct]
        if (!EICParams$onlyPresent && any(is.na(ranges$adduct))) # adduct will be NA for 'missing' features
            # First try to get adduct from other features in the same set: assume that adduct per set for a single
            # feature group is always the same
            adductSets <- unique(featTabGrp[, c("adduct", "set"), with = FALSE])
            ranges[is.na(adduct), adduct := {
                s <- anaInfo[match(analysis, anaInfo$analysis), "set"]
                adductSets[set == s]$adduct
            }, by = "analysis"]
            # Then fallback to default adducts for a polarity. For this we get the polarity from another feature in the
            # same analysis (if present)
            ranges[is.na(adduct), adduct := sapply(analysis, function(ana)
                t <- featTab[analysis == ana]
                if (nrow(t) == 0)
                    NA # all features were removed
                else if (as.adduct(t$adduct[1])@charge > 0)
            if (any(is.na(ranges$adduct)))
                # If all failed then simply omit
                warning(sprintf("Cannot get adduct information for group '%s' for features in analyses %s", grp,
                                paste0(ranges[is.na(adduct)]$analysis, collapse = ", ")), call. = FALSE)
                ranges <- ranges[!is.na(adduct)]

        # NOTE: this is mostly copied from unset features method        
        allAdducts <- sapply(unique(ranges$adduct), as.adduct)
        mzmins <- calculateMasses(ranges$mzmin, allAdducts[ranges$adduct], type = "mz")
        nmd <- mzmins - ranges$mzmin
        set(ranges, j = c("mzmin", "mzmax"), value = list(mzmins, ranges$mzmax + nmd))

setMethod("getEICsForFGroups", "featureGroups", function(fGroups, analysis, groupName, EICParams)
    if (length(fGroups) == 0 || length(analysis) == 0 || length(groupName) == 0)
    anaInfo <- analysisInfo(fGroups)
    anaInfo <- anaInfo[anaInfo$analysis %chin% analysis, ]


    EICInfoTab <- getEICFGroupInfo(fGroups, analysis, groupName, EICParams)
    EICInfo <- split(rbindlist(EICInfoTab, idcol = "group"), by = "analysis")
    EICInfo <- EICInfo[intersect(anaInfo$analysis, names(EICInfo))] # sync order
    anaInfoEICs <- anaInfo[anaInfo$analysis %in% names(EICInfo), ]
    anaPaths <- getMzMLOrMzXMLAnalysisPath(anaInfoEICs$analysis, anaInfoEICs$path, mustExist = TRUE)

    # load EICs per analysis: we don't want to load multiple potentially large analysis files simultaneously. Before
    # that, it's more efficient to first figure out for which feature groups EICs have to be generated per analysis.
    # Furthermore, collect all retention ranges for EICs as these also have to be checked on a per group basis.
    cacheDB <- openCacheDBScope()
    EICs <- Map(anaPaths, EICInfo, f = doGetEICs, MoreArgs = list(cacheDB = cacheDB))
    names(EICs) <- anaInfoEICs$analysis
    EICs <- Map(EICs, lapply(EICInfo, "[[", "group"), f = setNames)

setMethod("getEICsForFeatures", "features", function(features)
    if (length(features) == 0)
    fTable <- featureTable(features)
    anaInfo <- analysisInfo(features)
    cacheDB <- openCacheDBScope()
    anaPaths <- getMzMLOrMzXMLAnalysisPath(anaInfo$analysis, anaInfo$path, mustExist = TRUE)
    EICs <- Map(anaPaths, fTable, f = doGetEICs, MoreArgs = list(cacheDB = cacheDB))
    names(EICs) <- anaInfo$analysis

setMethod("getEICsForFeatures", "featuresSet", function(features)
    unsetFeatList <- sapply(sets(features), unset, obj = features, simplify = FALSE)
    EICList <- sapply(unsetFeatList, getEICsForFeatures, simplify = FALSE)
    EICs <- unlist(EICList, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE) # use.names gives combined set/ana name, we just want ana
    names(EICs) <- unlist(lapply(EICList, names))
    EICs <- EICs[intersect(analyses(features), names(EICs))] # sync order

averageSpectraMZR <- function(spectra, hd, clusterMzWindow, topMost, minIntensityPre,
                              minIntensityPost, avgFun, method, precursor,
                              pruneMissingPrecursor, retainPrecursor)
    if (nrow(hd) == 0) # no spectra, return empty spectrum

    sp <- spectra$spectra[hd$seqNum]
    # convert to peaklist format
    sp <- lapply(sp, function(spec) setnames(as.data.table(spec), c("mz", "intensity")))
    sp <- lapply(sp, assignPrecursorToMSPeakList, precursor)

    return(averageSpectra(sp, clusterMzWindow, topMost, minIntensityPre, minIntensityPost,
                          avgFun, method, pruneMissingPrecursor, retainPrecursor))

verifyDataCentroided <- function(anaInfo)
    if (!isTRUE(getOption("patRoon.checkCentroided", default = TRUE)))
    cacheDB <- openCacheDB()
    printf("Verifying if your data is centroided... ")
    filePaths <- getMzMLOrMzXMLAnalysisPath(anaInfo$analysis, anaInfo$path, mustExist = TRUE)
    isCentroided <- sapply(filePaths, function(fpath)
        # hash <- makeFileHash(fpath) complete file hash is most accurate, but slow with many analyses. For now assume
        # user keeps centroided data centroided, and only check again if it wasn't
        hash <- makeHash(fpath)
        cd <- loadCacheData("dataCentroided", hash, cacheDB)
        if (!is.null(cd) && cd)

        msf <- mzR::openMSfile(fpath)
        # NOTE: don't check more than first 100 spectra: most often the first will tell us enough, and loading
        # everything takes some time, _especially_ if it profile data.
        hd <- mzR::header(msf, seq_len(min(100, length(msf))))
        # UNDONE: for now we just don't put out any warnings if there is no centroided flag available
        isCentr <- is.null(hd[["centroided"]]) || all(hd$centroided)
        saveCacheData("dataCentroided", isCentr, hash, cacheDB)
    if (!all(isCentroided))
        warning("It seems that the following files may not be centroided: ",
                paste0(anaInfo$analysis[!isCentroided], collapse = ", "),
                ". Please ensure that your MS data is centroided, for instance by using convertMSFiles()",
                call. = FALSE)
rickhelmus/patRoon documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 4:32 p.m.