
Defines functions aggrVec getMS2QuantRes doApply getDuplicatedStrings getAllMergedConsCols writeYAML readYAML getHighestAbsValue memoise ReduceWithArgs RUserDir verboseCall openProgBar allArgs NAToZero zeroToNULL NULLToZero setMethodMult callAllNextMethods getAllMethods printClassHierarchy makeClassHierarchy tabularRD makeEmptyListNamed pruneList wrapStr numLTE numGTE numEQ doDynamicTreeCut curTimeMS countCharInStr normalize splitInNBatches splitInBatches allSame showObjectSize getStrListWithMax getArgNames readAllFile subsetDTColumnsIfPresent removeDTColumnsIfPresent prepareDTForComparison recursiveApplyDT jgc loadRData unFactorDF findPWizPath OpenMSVersionAtLeast OpenMSArgListToOpts getExtDepPath executeCommand checkPackage moveLastDTColumn mkdirp mergeAnaSubsetArgWithSets getMzMLOrMzXMLAnalysisPath getMzXMLAnalysisPath getMzMLAnalysisPath simplifyAnalysisNames baseName hasName mdprintf fprintf printf

#' @include main.R

printf <- function(...) cat(sprintf(...), sep = "")
fprintf <- function(file, ..., append = FALSE) cat(sprintf(...), sep = "", file = file, append = append)
mdprintf <- function(...) cat(sprintf(...), sep = "", file = stderr()) # for rmarkdown

if (!exists("hasName")) # should be defined in latest R versions
    hasName <- function(x, name) return(name %in% names(x))

# backslashes are converted to forwardslashes for *nix compat
baseName <- function(...) basename(gsub("\\\\", "/", ...))

simplifyAnalysisNames <- function(slist)
    # simplify sample file names: remove extension and path
    return(as.character(sapply(slist, function(s) baseName(tools::file_path_sans_ext(s)), USE.NAMES = F)))

getMzMLAnalysisPath <- function(file, path, mustExist = FALSE) getMSFilePaths(file, path, "mzML", mustExist)
getMzXMLAnalysisPath <- function(file, path, mustExist = FALSE) getMSFilePaths(file, path, "mzXML", mustExist)

getMzMLOrMzXMLAnalysisPath <- function(file, path, mustExist = FALSE)
    ret <- getMzMLAnalysisPath(file, path)
    if (length(ret) == 0)
        ret <- getMzXMLAnalysisPath(file, path)
    if (mustExist && length(ret) == 0)
        stop(sprintf("Analysis %s is not found as mzML or mzXML file.", file), call. = FALSE)

mergeAnaSubsetArgWithSets <- function(i, sets, anaInfo)
    if (length(sets) == 0)
    setAna <- anaInfo$analysis[anaInfo$set %in% sets]
    if (!missing(i))
        i <- assertSubsetArgAndToChr(i, anaInfo$analysis)
        return(union(i, setAna))

mkdirp <- function(path)
    for (p in path)
        if (!dir.exists(p))
            dir.create(p, recursive = TRUE)

moveLastDTColumn <- function(dt, before)
    if (before < ncol(dt))
        dt <- copy(dt)
        ind <- if (before > 1) seq_len(before - 1) else NULL
        ind <- append(ind, c(ncol(dt), seq(before, ncol(dt) - 1)))
        setcolorder(dt, ind)


checkPackage <- function(pkg, gh = NULL, ghSubDir = NULL)
    # from http://stackoverflow.com/a/20333756
    if (!requireNamespace(pkg, quietly = TRUE))
        if (!is.null(gh))
            args <- if (!is.null(ghSubDir)) sprintf("'%s', subdir = '%s')", gh, ghSubDir) else sprintf("'%s'", gh)
            stop(sprintf("Please install %s from github: remotes::install_github(%s)", pkg, args), call. = FALSE)
            stop(sprintf("Please install %s: install.packages('%s')", pkg, pkg), call. = FALSE)

executeCommand <- function(cmd, args = character(), ...)
    return(system2(cmd, sapply(args, shQuote), ...))

getExtDepPath <- function(what, subTool = NULL, verify = TRUE)
    # NOTE: pwiz is handled by findPWizPath()
    # NOTE: GenForm is handled by getGenFormBin()
    exts <- list(
        openms = list(
            name = "OpenMS",
            bin = subTool,
            opt = "OpenMS"
        sirius = list(
            name = "SIRIUS",
            bin = "sirius",
            opt = "SIRIUS"
        pngquant = list(
            name = "pngquant",
            bin = "pngquant",
            opt = "pngquant"
        openbabel = list(
            name = "OpenBabel",
            bin = "obabel",
            opt = "obabel"
        metfragcl = list(
            name = "MetFrag",
            opt = "MetFragCL"
        metfragct = list(
            name = "MetFrag CompTox DB",
            opt = "MetFragCompTox"
        metfragpcl = list(
            name = "MetFrag PubChemLite DB",
            opt = "MetFragPubChemLite"
        biotransformer = list(
            name = "BioTransformer",
            opt = "BioTransformer"
    ext <- exts[[what]]
    hasBin <- !is.null(ext[["bin"]])
    if (hasBin && Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows")
        ext$bin <- paste0(ext$bin, ".exe") # add file extension for Windows
    # order: options(), patRoonExt, PATH

    ext$opt <- paste0("patRoon.path.", ext$opt)
    path <- getOption(ext$opt)
    if (!is.null(path) && nzchar(path))
        path <- path.expand(path)
        if (hasBin)
            path <- file.path(path, ext$bin)
        if (!file.exists(path))
            if (verify)
                stop(sprintf("Cannot find '%s'. Is the option '%s' set correctly?", path, ext$opt))
    if (requireNamespace("patRoonExt", quietly = TRUE))
        path <- patRoonExt::getExtPath(what, warn = FALSE)
        if (!is.null(path))
            if (hasBin)
                path <- file.path(path, ext$bin)
    # only check binaries for PATH
    if (!hasBin || !nzchar(Sys.which(ext$bin)))
        if (verify)
            stop(sprintf("Cannot find '%s'. You may need to install patRoonExt, set '%s' with options() or add the correct file location to the PATH environment variable.",
                         ext$name, ext$opt), call. = FALSE)

    return(ext$bin) # if we're here it's a binary found in PATH

# convert to unnamed character vector where previous names are followed by set values
OpenMSArgListToOpts <- function(args) as.vector(mapply(names(args), args, FUN = c, USE.NAMES = FALSE))

OpenMSVersionAtLeast <- function(tool, minVersion)
    toolHelp <- suppressWarnings(executeCommand(getExtDepPath("openms", tool), stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE))
    ver <- grep("^Version\\:", toolHelp, value = TRUE)
    if (length(ver) == 1)
        ver <- unlist(regmatches(ver, regexec("[0-9\\.]+", ver)))
        return(utils::compareVersion(ver, minVersion) >= 0)

# NOTE: keep in sync with install-patRoon version
findPWizPath <- function()
    # try to find ProteoWizard
    # order: options --> win registry --> PATH
    # the PATH is searched last because OpenMS might have added its own old version.

    path <- getOption("patRoon.path.pwiz")
    if (!is.null(path) && nzchar(path))

    if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows")
        # Inspired by scan_registry_for_rtools() from pkgload
        key <- "Directory\\shell\\Open with SeeMS\\command"
        reg <- tryCatch(utils::readRegistry(key, "HCR"), error = function(e) NULL)

        # not sure if this might occur
        if (is.null(reg))
            reg <- tryCatch(utils::readRegistry(key, "HLM"), error = function(e) NULL)

        if (!is.null(reg))
            path <- tryCatch(dirname(sub("\"([^\"]*)\".*", "\\1", reg[[1]])), error = function(e) NULL)
            if (!is.null(path) && file.exists(file.path(path, "msconvert.exe"))) # extra check: see if msconvert is there

    # check PATH
    msc <- if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows") "msconvert.exe" else "msconvert"
    path <- dirname(Sys.which(msc))
    if (nzchar(path))


unFactorDF <- function(df)
    # from http://stackoverflow.com/a/2853231
    i <- sapply(df, is.factor)
    df[i] <- lapply(df[i], as.character)

# from http://stackoverflow.com/a/25455968
loadRData <- function(fileName)
    get(ls()[ls() != "fileName"])

# from https://stackoverflow.com/a/34788691
jgc <- function()
    rJava::.jcall("java/lang/System", method = "gc")

# based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/17972280
recursiveApplyDT <- function(l, f, appl = lapply, ...)
    rec <- function(x)
        if (isS4(x))
            for (sn in slotNames(x))
                slot(x, sn) <- rec(slot(x, sn))
        else if (is.list(x))
            if (is.data.table(x))
                x <- f(x)
                # retain attributes: https://stackoverflow.com/a/48905113
                x <- "attributes<-"(appl(x, rec, ...), attributes(x))


prepareDTForComparison <- function(dt)
    setattr(dt, ".internal.selfref", NULL)
    setindex(dt, NULL)

removeDTColumnsIfPresent <- function(dt, cols) dt[, setdiff(names(dt), cols), with = FALSE]
subsetDTColumnsIfPresent <- function(dt, cols) dt[, intersect(names(dt), cols), with = FALSE]

readAllFile <- function(f) readChar(f, file.size(f))

getArgNames <- function(..., def = NULL)
    args <- sapply(substitute(list(...))[-1], deparse)
    n <- names(args)
    if (is.null(def))
        def <- args
    if (!is.null(n))
        args <- ifelse(nzchar(n), n, def)
    else if (!is.null(def))
        args <- def

getStrListWithMax <- function(l, m, collapse)
    if (length(l) > m)
        l <- l[seq_len(m + 1)]
        l[m + 1] <- "..."
    paste0(l, collapse = collapse)

showObjectSize <- function(object) printf("Object size (indication): %s\n", format(utils::object.size(object), "auto", "SI"))

allSame <- function(l, func = identical)
    if (length(l) > 1)
        if (all(is.na(l)))
        if (any(is.na(l)))

        return(all(sapply(l[-1], func, l[[1]])))


# splitting a vector in chunks: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3321659
splitInBatches <- function(x, size) split(x, ceiling(seq_along(x) / size))
splitInNBatches <- function(x, n)
    if (n == 1)
    return(split(x, cut(seq_along(x), n, labels = FALSE)))

normalize <- function(x, minMax, xrange = range(x, na.rm = TRUE))
    xn <- x[!is.na(x)]
    if (length(xn) == 0 || all(xn == 0))
        return(x) # all NA or all values zero

    if (allSame(xn))
        xn <- rep(as(1, typeof(xn[[1]])), length(xn))
        minv <- xrange[1]
        if (!minMax)
            minv <- min(minv, 0) # force minMax if min <0

        xn <- (xn - minv) / (xrange[2] - minv)

    x[!is.na(x)] <- xn


# from https://stackoverflow.com/a/38228840
countCharInStr <- function(str, ch) sum(charToRaw(str) == charToRaw(ch))

curTimeMS <- function() as.numeric(Sys.time()) * 1000

doDynamicTreeCut <- function(dendro, maxTreeHeight, deepSplit,
    if (minModuleSize == 1)
        # workaround adapted from RAMClustR (ramclustR.R)
        ret <- dynamicTreeCut::cutreeDynamicTree(dendro = dendro, maxTreeHeight = maxTreeHeight,
                                                 deepSplit = deepSplit, minModuleSize = 2)
        single <- which(ret == 0) # all unassigned have length = 1
        ret[single] <- max(ret) + seq_len(length(single))
        ret <- dynamicTreeCut::cutreeDynamicTree(dendro = dendro, maxTreeHeight = maxTreeHeight,
                                                 deepSplit = deepSplit, minModuleSize = minModuleSize)


# don't use all.equal here so functions are vectorized
# NOTE: actually all.equal seems to also take relative
# tolerances into account and thus may give different results.
numEQ <- function(x, y, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) abs(x - y) <= tol
numGTE <- function(x, y, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) numEQ(x, y, tol) | x > y
numLTE <- function(x, y, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) numEQ(x, y, tol) | x < y

wrapStr <- function(s, width, sep = "\n") paste0(strwrap(s, width), collapse = sep)

pruneList <- function(l, checkEmptyElements = FALSE, checkZeroRows = FALSE)
    ret <- l[!sapply(l, is.null)]
    if (checkEmptyElements)
        ret <- ret[lengths(ret) > 0]
    if (checkZeroRows)
        ret <- ret[sapply(ret, nrow) > 0]

makeEmptyListNamed <- function(li)
    if (length(li) == 0)
        names(li) <- character()

# based on tabular() from formatting vignette of roxygen
# nocov start
tabularRD <- function(df, ...)
    align <- function(x) if (is.numeric(x)) "r" else "l"
    col_align <- vapply(df, align, character(1))

    # add headers
    df <- rbind(sprintf("\\strong{%s}", names(df)), df)

    cols <- lapply(df, format, ...)

    contents <- do.call("paste",
                        c(cols, list(sep = " \\tab ", collapse = "\\cr\n  ")))

    paste("\\tabular{", paste(col_align, collapse = ""), "}{\n  ",
          contents, "\n}\n", sep = "")

# make a S4 class inheritance tree in a format compatible with data.tree::FromListSimple()
makeClassHierarchy <- function(class, showParents)
    cldef <- getClassDef(class)
    subcl <- list()
    if (length(cldef@subclasses) > 0)
        subcl <- cldef@subclasses[sapply(cldef@subclasses, function(sc) sc@distance == 1)]

    ret <- c(list(name = class),
             lapply(names(subcl), makeClassHierarchy, showParents = FALSE))

    if (showParents)
        pars <- selectSuperClasses(class)
        if (length(pars) > 0)
            ret <- c(list(name = paste0(pars, collapse = ",")), list(ret))


printClassHierarchy <- function(class, showParents = TRUE, RD = FALSE)
    doPrintTxt <- function(cl, level)
        indent <- strrep(" ", (level + 1) * 2)

        if (level > 0)
            cat(paste0(indent, "|-- ", cl$name))

        for (clsub in cl)
            if (is.list(clsub))
                doPrintTxt(clsub, level + 1)

    doPrintRD <- function(cl, level)
        indent <- strrep(" ", (level + 1) * 2)

        printf("%s%s\\item{%s}\n", if (level == 0) "\\itemize{\n" else "", indent, cl$name)

        # NOTE: don't go over four levels (0-3) since TeX cannot handle more 
        if (level < 3 && any(sapply(cl, is.list)))
            cat(paste0(indent, "\\itemize{\n"))
            for (clsub in cl)
                if (is.list(clsub))
                    doPrintRD(clsub, level + 1)
            cat(paste0(indent, "}\n"))
        if (level == 0)

    hier <- makeClassHierarchy(class, showParents)
    hasParents <- hier$name != class

    if (RD)
        hier <- rapply(hier, function(h) paste0(sprintf("\\code{\\link{%s}}", unlist(strsplit(h, ","))), collapse = ","),
                       classes = "character", how = "replace")

        # if parents are shown make the second line (ie this class) bold
        if (hasParents)
            hier[[2]]$name <- sprintf("\\strong{%s}", hier[[2]]$name)
            hier$name <- sprintf("\\strong{%s}", hier$name)

        doPrintRD(hier, 0)
        doPrintTxt(hier, 0)


getAllMethods <- function(gen)
    # automatically retrieve defined methods for a generic and create document
    # links. This only works if the arguments of the method are named obj, objX or x.

    cl <- showMethods(gen, where = "package:patRoon", inherited = FALSE, printTo = FALSE,
                      classes = getClasses(asNamespace("patRoon")))
    cl <- cl[grepl("obj.*|x=", cl)]
    cl <- gsub("[^\"]*\"([^\"]*)\"[^\"]*", "\\1,", cl)
    # cl <- cl[!grepl("ANY", cl)]
    cl <- gsub(" ", "", cl)
    cl <- gsub(",$", "", cl)

# nocov end

callAllNextMethods <- function(obj, f, ..., firstClass = NULL, startFrom = class(obj))
    supers <- selectSuperClasses(startFrom, directOnly = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(firstClass))
        selectMethod(f, firstClass)(obj, ...)
        supers <- supers[supers != firstClass]
    for (sc in supers)
        selectMethod(f, sc)(obj, ...)

setMethodMult <- function(f, signatures, definition)
    for (sig in signatures)
        setMethod(f, sig, definition)

NULLToZero <- function(x) if (is.null(x)) 0 else x
zeroToNULL <- function(x) if (is.numeric(x) && x == 0) NULL else x
NAToZero <- function(x) if (is.na(x)) 0 else x

# From https://stackoverflow.com/a/47955845
allArgs <- function(origValues = FALSE)
    # get formals for parent function
    parent_formals <- formals(sys.function(sys.parent(n = 1)))

    # Get names of implied arguments
    fnames <- names(parent_formals)

    # Remove '...' from list of parameter names if it exists
    fnames <- fnames[-which(fnames == '...')]

    # Get currently set values for named variables in the parent frame
    args <- evalq(as.list(environment()), envir = parent.frame())

    # Get the list of variables defined in '...'
    args <- c(args[fnames], evalq(list(...), envir = parent.frame()))

        # get default values
        defargs <- as.list(parent_formals)
        defargs <- defargs[unlist(lapply(defargs, FUN = function(x) class(x) != "name"))]
        args[names(defargs)] <- defargs
        setargs <- evalq(as.list(match.call())[-1], envir = parent.frame())
        args[names(setargs)] <- setargs


openProgBar <- function(min = 0, max, style = 3, ...)
    progOpts <- list(min = min, max = max, style = style, ...)
    progOpts <- modifyList(progOpts, getOption("patRoon.progress.opts", list()))
    return(do.call(txtProgressBar, progOpts))

verboseCall <- function(f, a, v) if (v) do.call(f, a) else suppressMessages(invisible(do.call(f, a)))

RUserDir <- function(...)
    if (getRversion() >= "4.0.0")
    return(getFromNamespace("R_user_dir", "backports")(...))

ReduceWithArgs <- function(f, x, ..., fixedArgs = list())
    ret <- x[[1]]
    itArgs <- list(...)
    if (length(x) > 1)
        x <- x[-1]
        for (i in seq_along(x))
            ret <- do.call(f, c(list(ret, x[[i]]),
                                lapply(itArgs, "[[", 1), lapply(itArgs, "[[", i+1),

# Based on https://www.inwt-statistics.com/read-blog/optimize-your-r-code-using-memoization.html
memoise <- function(fun)
    memory <- list()
        valueName <- if (...length() == 1) as.character(..1) else makeHash(..., checkDT = FALSE)
        if (!is.null(memory[[valueName]]))
        res <- fun(...)
        memory[[valueName]] <<- res

getHighestAbsValue <- function(abs, rel, size)
    abs <- NULLToZero(abs); rel <- NULLToZero(rel)
    return(max(abs, rel * size))

readYAML <- function(f) yaml::read_yaml(f, eval.expr = FALSE)
writeYAML <- function(...) yaml::write_yaml(..., indent = 4)

# get a vector of all (merged) columns
getAllMergedConsCols <- function(targetCols, allCols, mConsNames)
    if (length(mConsNames) > 0)
        targetCols <- c(targetCols, sapply(targetCols, function(cl) paste0(cl, "-", mConsNames), USE.NAMES = FALSE))
    return(intersect(targetCols, allCols))

getDuplicatedStrings <- function(x) names(which(table(x) > 1))

doApply <- function(applyf, doPar, data, ...)
    if (doPar)
        applyf <- get(paste0("future_", applyf), envir = asNamespace("future.apply"))
    withProg(length(data), doPar, do.call(applyf, list(data, ...)))

getMS2QuantRes <- function(calibrants, unknowns, eluent, organicModifier, pHAq, allFPs)
    calibrants <- copy(calibrants)
    setnames(calibrants, c("name", "rt", "intensity", "conc"), c("identifier", "retention_time", "area", "conc_M"))
    # UNDONE: would be nice if we could just pass table directly
    quantFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv"); fwrite(rbind(calibrants, unknowns, fill = TRUE), quantFile)
    eluentFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv"); fwrite(eluent, eluentFile)
    suppressMessages(utils::capture.output(pr <- MS2Quant::MS2Quant_quantify(quantFile, eluentFile,
                                                                             organic_modifier = organicModifier,
                                                                             pH_aq = pHAq, fingerprints = allFPs)))
    RFs <- as.data.table(pr$suspects_concentrations)
    # the area we set to one, we calculated the concentration for that response, so the inverse is the RF (=area/conc=1/conc)
    RFs[, RF_pred := 1 / conc_M]
    RFs <- RFs[, c("identifier", "SMILES", "RF_pred"), with = FALSE]
    return(list(RFs = RFs[], MD = list(calibPlot = pr$logIE_logRF_calibration_plot,
                                       linModel = pr$calibration_linear_model_summary)))

aggrVec <- function(x, f)
    x <- x[!is.na(x)]
    if (length(x) == 0)
        is.na(x) <- TRUE # use is.na()<- to retain class of x
        x <- f(x)
rickhelmus/patRoon documentation built on April 25, 2024, 8:15 a.m.