Man pages for AFLP
Analysis of AFLP data

addOutliersAppends outliers to an AFLP object
addOutliers-methodsAdd outliers to an AFLP object
AFLPCreate an object of the class AFLP
AFLP-classClass "AFLP"
AFLP.outlierCreates an AFLP outlier object
AFLP.outlier-classOutliers of an AFLP object
AFLP-packageA package for scoring Amplification Fragment Length...
as.AFLPConvert an object to a AFLP object
borderExtracts the cut-levels of an AFLP object
border-methodExtract the cut-levels from an AFLP object
borderProbabilityInternal functions of the AFLP package.
border-setAdds or overwrites cut-levels
border-set-methodsAdds or overwrites cut-levels
classifyClassifies normalised AFLP data
cleanDoes some rudimentary cleaning of an AFLP object.
defineBinsDefine bins in AFLP object
dummySlabgelSimulate some data for a slab gel.
fluorescenceExtract the fluorescence (raw, normalised and scored)...
fluorescence-methodsExtracting fluorescence from an AFLP object
fluorescence-setAdds or overwrites the fluorescence data
fluorescence-set-methodsAdds or overwrites fluorescence data
ggsave.latexSaves a ggplot graphic to a file and creates the code to...
hclust-methodsPerforms hierarchical clustering
is.AFLPChecks if an object is of the AFLP class
markersExtract the marker information from an object
markers-methodExtract the marker information from an object
normalisePerform a normalisation (calibration) procedure on the...
outliersExtract outlier information from an AFLP object
outliers-methodsExtracts outliers
princomp-methodsPrincipal component analysis
QCExtracts the quality control samples of an AFLP object
QC-methodExtracts the quality control samples of an AFLP object
QC-setAdds or overwrites quality control samples in an AFLP object.
QC-set-methodsAdds or overwrites quality control samples
qualityExtract the quality data from an AFLP object
quality-methodExtract the quality data from an AFLP object
quality-setExtracts the quality data of an AFLP object
quality-set-methodsAdds or overwrites quality data
randomiseCapilarRandomise specimens over different capilar AFLP plates.
randomiseSlabgelRandomise specimens over different slab gels.
rbind.AFLP.outlierCombine the information of several AFLP.outlier objects
readABIAppend fluorescence data from a ABI file to an AFLP object
read.fsaGet fluorescence data from fsa files
read.fsa.binsEstimate optimal binning from fsa files
readSAGAAppend fluorescence data from a SAGA file to an AFLP object
repeatabilityEstimate the repeatability of AFLP data
replicatesExtract the replicates from an object
replicates-methodExtract replicates from an object
replicates-setAdds or overwrites the replicates
replicates-set-methodsAdds or overwrites replicates
resid-methodsExtracts the residual outliers
residuals-methodsExtracts the residual outliers
specimensExtracts the specimen information from an object
specimens-methodsMethods for extracting specimen information
TiliaDesignRaw AFLP data from Tilia samples
AFLP documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:13 p.m.