Man pages for ALA
Data sets and examples for the book "Applied Longitudinal Analysis"

ALA-packageData sets and examples for the book "Applied Longitudinal...
amenorrheaAmenorrhea from clinical trial of contracepting women
bpdBronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) from low birth weight...
ccsConnecticut child surveys
cd4Repeated CD4 counts data from AIDS clinical trial
chdRisk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD)
cholesterolSerum cholesterol from the National Cooperative Gallstone...
ecgTwo-period crossover trial study on cerebrovascular...
epilepsySeizure counts for 59 epileptics
exerciseSubset of data from exercise therapy study
fatStudy of influence of menarche on changes in body fat...
fev1Subsample (N=300) of data on FEV1 and height for girls living...
headacheRandomized crossover study comparing two analgesic drugs (A...
leadSubsample (N=50) of data on blood lead levels from the...
leprosyCount of leprosy bacilli pre- and post-treatment from a...
muscatineObesity from the Muscatine coronary risk factor study
ntpDevelopmental toxicity study of ethylene glycol (EG)
ratWeight gain in rats exposed to thiouracil and thyroxin
respirClinical trial comparing two treatments for a respiratory...
skinThe skin cancer prevention study
smokingSubsample (N=133) of data on FEV1 from the...
tlcSubsample (N=100) of data on blood lead levels from the...
toenailMulticenter study comparing two oral treatments for toe-nail...
tumorTumor recurrence for patients with bladder cancer
tvsfpSubset of data from the Television School and Family Smoking...
ALA documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:39 p.m.