Man pages for BayesFactor
Computation of Bayes factors for common designs

anovaBFFunction to compute Bayes factors for ANOVA designs
as.BFBayesFactorFunction to coerce objects to the BFBayesFactor class
BayesFactor-packageFunctions to compute Bayes factor hypothesis tests for common...
BFBayesFactor-classGeneral S4 class for representing multiple Bayes factor model...
BFBayesFactorList-classGeneral S4 class for representing a collection of Bayes...
BFInfoPrints the version information for the BayesFactor package
BFManualOpens the HTML manual for the BayesFactor package
compare-methodsCompare two models, with respect to some data
extractBF-methodsExtract the Bayes factor from an object
generalTestBFFunction to compute Bayes factors for general designs
linearReg.R2statUse R^2 statistic to compute Bayes factor for regression...
lmBFFunction to compute Bayes factors for specific linear models
logMeanExpLogsFunctions to compute the logarithm of the mean (and...
model-classesGeneral S4 classes for representing models for comparison
nWayAOVUse ANOVA design matrix to compute Bayes factors or sample...
oneWayAOV.FstatUse F statistic to compute Bayes factor for balanced one-way...
options-BayesFactoroptions() for package BayesFactor
plot.BFBayesFactorPlot a Bayes factor object
plot.BFBayesFactorTopPlot a Bayes factor top-down object
posterior-methodsSample from the posterior distribution of one of several...
puzzlesPuzzle completion times from Hays (1994)
recompute-methodsTake an object and redo the computation (useful for sampling)
regressionBFFunction to compute Bayes factors for regression designs
ttestBFFunction for Bayesian analysis of one- and two-sample designs
ttest.tstatUse t statistic to compute Bayes factor for one- and two-...
BayesFactor documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:54 p.m.