
# CHNOSZ/demo/dehydration.R
# Plot temperature dependence of log K for some dehydration reactions

# The RSVGTipsDevice package allows us to create an SVG file with
# tooltips and hyperlinks
if(require("RSVGTipsDevice")) {

# Because the tooltip titles in the SVG file are shown by recent browsers,
# we do not need to draw the tooltips explicitly, so set toolTipMode = 0
devSVGTips("dehydration.svg", toolTipMode = 0, title = "Dehydration reactions")

# Unfortunately, plotmath can't be used with devSVGTips,
# so axis labels here don't contain italics.
T <- seq(1, 175)
plot(range(T), c(-2, 1), type = "n", xlab = "T, &#176;C", ylab = "log K")
title(main = "Dehydration reactions")

reactants <- c("[AABB]", "[AABB]", "malate-2", "goethite", "gypsum", "epsomite", "ethanol")
products <- c("[UPBB]", "[PBB]", "fumarate-2", "hematite", "anhydrite", "hexahydrite", "ethylene")
rstate <- c("aq", "cr", "aq", "cr", "cr", "cr", "aq")
pstate <- c("aq", "cr", "aq", "cr", "cr", "cr", "gas")
rcoeff <- c(-1, -1, -1, -2, -0.5, -1, -1)
pcoeff <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 1, 1)
# Position and rotation of the names
ilab <- c(140, 120, 60, 60, 20, 120, 120)
srt <- c(10, 29, 25, 12, 13, 20, 35)
# Reference and temperature for examples of similar calculations
ex.T <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, 40, NA, 170)
ex.txt <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "cf. Mercury et al., 2001", NA, "Shock, 1993")
ex.doi <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "10.1016/S0883-2927(00)00025-1", NA, "10.1016/0016-7037(93)90542-5")

for(i in 1:length(reactants)) {

  # Lines
  s <- subcrt(c(reactants[i], products[i], "H2O"),
              c(rstate[i], pstate[i], "liq"),
              c(rcoeff[i], pcoeff[i], 1), T = T)
  lines(T, s$out$logK)

  # Points
  if(![i])) {
    URL <- paste0("", ex.doi[i])
    setSVGShapeURL(URL, target = "_blank")
    setSVGShapeContents(paste0("<title>", ex.txt[i], "</title>"))
    # We would use this instead with toolTipMode = 1 :
    #setSVGShapeToolTip(title = ex.txt[i])
    points(ex.T[i], s$out$logK[ex.T[i]])

  # Names
  for(j in 1:2) {
    formula <- thermo()$OBIGT$formula[s$reaction$ispecies[j]]
    key1 <- thermo()$OBIGT$ref1[s$reaction$ispecies[j]]
    # Remove suffix from the key (e.g. "DLH06 [S15]" --> "DLH06")
    key1 <- strsplit(key1, " ")[[1]][1]
    ikey1 <- which(thermo()$refs$key == key1)
    URL1 <- thermo()$refs$URL[ikey1]
    setSVGShapeURL(URL1, target = "_blank")
    setSVGShapeContents(paste0("<title>", paste(formula, s$reaction$state[j]), "</title>"))
    if(j == 1) dy <- 0.08 else dy <- -0.03
    if(j == 1) dx <- 0 else dx <- 5
    # Strip charge from names
    name <- gsub("-.*", "", s$reaction$name[j])
    text(T[ilab[i]] + dx, s$out$logK[ilab[i]] + dy, name, adj = 1, srt = srt[i])
    # Add a second reference link if needed
    key2 <- thermo()$OBIGT$ref2[s$reaction$ispecies[j]]
    if(! {
      ikey2 <- which(thermo()$refs$key == key2)
      URL2 <- thermo()$refs$URL[ikey2]
      setSVGShapeURL(URL2, target = "_blank")
      setSVGShapeContents("<title>2nd reference</title>")
      text(T[ilab[i]] + dx, s$out$logK[ilab[i]] + dy, "(*)", adj = 0)


# Dotted line for logaH2O = 0
abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
# Done!


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CHNOSZ documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 3 p.m.