
Defines functions ncountry ctcode getCountryIndex getCountryCode getCountryCodeISO3 getCountryCodeUN getCountryName getCountryGroup addCountryName addCountryISO3

utils::globalVariables(c("rcodes", "raggr"))      # to appease R CMD CHECK

##  Return the index in data.frame 'rcodes' of the
##  country specified by 'ct' where 'ct' can be index, UN code,
##  ISO code or country name
##  'ct' can also be a vector or list of codes, the corresponding
##  list of indices is returned
ncountry <- function()

## Convert a numerical UN country code to 3-digit
##  character code
ctcode <- function(x)
    xx <- paste("00", x, sep="")
    xx <- substr(xx, nchar(xx) - 2, nchar(xx))

getCountryIndex <- function(ct, groups=FALSE)
    ct <- as.character(ct)
    ret <- rep(0, length(ct))

    for(i in 1:length(ct))
        ctx <- ct[[i]]
            if(nchar(ctx) == 2)
                ctx <- paste("0", ctx, sep="")
            if(groups==FALSE & length(ipos <- which(rcodes$ISOCN == toupper(ctx))) == 1)
                ret[i] = ipos
            else if(length(ipos <- which(rcodes$ACODE == toupper(ctx))) == 1)
                ret[i] <- ipos
            else if(length(ipos <- which(toupper(rcodes$DESC) == toupper(ctx))) == 1)
                    ret[i] <- ipos
                stop(paste("Undefined country code/name: ", ctx))
        stopifnot(ret[i] > 0 & ret[i] <= ncountry())


getCountryCode <- function(ct)

getCountryCodeISO3 <- function(ct, groups=FALSE)
    ct <- getCountryIndex(ct, groups)
    stopifnot(ct > 0 & ct <= ncountry())


##  Return UN code as character with leading '0', e.g. Austria="040" and Bulgaria="100"
getCountryCodeUN <- function(ct, groups=FALSE)
    ct <- getCountryIndex(ct, groups)
    stopifnot(ct > 0 & ct <= ncountry())

    ctx <- as.character(rcodes[ct,]$ACODE)
    sapply(ctx, FUN=function(x) if(nchar(x) == 2) paste("0",x,sep="") else x)

getCountryName <- function(ct, groups=FALSE)
    ct <- getCountryIndex(ct, groups)
    stopifnot(ct > 0 & ct <= ncountry())


## returns a list of country codes belonging to the country group 'ct'
getCountryGroup <- function(ct)
    raggr[which(raggr$ACODE %in% ct), "CCODE"]

##  Add additional information (metadata) to a data frame df containing
##      country information.
addCountryName <- function(df, ct.x="CT", ct.y="ACODE", ct.name="NAME", comptype=FALSE)
    stopifnot(ct.x %in% colnames(df))
    stopifnot(ct.y %in% colnames(rcodes))

    if("COMPTYPE" %in% colnames(df))

    mycodes <- if(comptype) rcodes[,c(ct.y, "DESC", "COMPTYPE")] else rcodes[,c(ct.y, "DESC")]
    colnames(mycodes)[2] <- ct.name
    merge(df, mycodes, by.x=ct.x, by.y=ct.y)

addCountryISO3 <- function(df, ct.x="CT", ct.y="ACODE", ct.iso3="ISO3", comptype=FALSE)
    stopifnot(ct.x %in% colnames(df))
    stopifnot(ct.y %in% colnames(rcodes))

    if("COMPTYPE" %in% colnames(df))

    mycodes <- if(comptype) rcodes[,c(ct.y, "ISOCN", "COMPTYPE")] else rcodes[,c(ct.y, "ISOCN")]
    colnames(mycodes)[2] <- ct.iso3
    merge(df, mycodes, by.x=ct.x, by.y=ct.y)

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CItools documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:48 p.m.