
gsRC <- function (x, eps = 1e-10) {
  n <- nrow (x)
  m <- ncol (x)
  h <-
      x = as.double(x),
      r = as.double (matrix (0, m, m)),
      n = as.integer (n),
      m = as.integer (m),
      rank = as.integer (0),
      pivot = as.integer (1:m),
      eps = as.double (eps)
  rank = h$rank
  return (list (
    q = matrix (h$x, n, m)[, 1:rank, drop = FALSE],
    r = matrix (h$r, m, m)[1:rank, , drop = FALSE],
    rank = rank,
    pivot = h$pivot

lsRC <- function (x, y, eps = 1e-10) {
  n <- nrow(x)
  m <- ncol(x)
  h <- gsRC(x, eps)
  l <- h$rank
  p <- order(h$pivot)
  k <- 1:l
  q <- h$q
  a <- h$r[, k, drop = FALSE]
  v <- h$r[, -k, drop = FALSE]
  u <- crossprod(q, y)
  b <- solve(a, u)
  res <- drop(y - q %*% u)
  s <- sum(res ^ 2)
  ## FIX: b <- rbind(b, matrix(0, m - l, ncol(y)))[p, , drop = FALSE]
  b <- rbind(b, matrix(0, m - l, ncol(as.matrix(y))))[p, , drop = FALSE]
  if (l == m) {
    e <- matrix(0, m, 1)
  } else {
    e <- rbind (-solve(a, v), diag(m - l))[p, , drop = FALSE]
  return (list (
    solution = b,
    residuals = res,
    minssq = s,
    nullspace = e,
    rank = l,
    pivot = p

nullRC <- function (x, eps = 1e-10) {
  h <- gsRC (x, eps = eps)
  rank <- h$rank
  r <- h$r
  m <- ncol (x)
  t <- r[, 1:rank, drop = FALSE]
  s <- r[, -(1:rank), drop = FALSE]
  if (rank == m)
    return (matrix(0, m, 1))
  else {
    nullspace <- rbind (-solve(t, s), diag (m - rank))[order(h$pivot), , drop = FALSE]
    return (gsRC (nullspace)$q)

ginvRC <- function (x, eps = 1e-10) {
  h <- gsRC (x, eps)
  p <- order(h$pivot)
  q <- h$q
  s <- h$r
  z <- crossprod (s, (solve (tcrossprod(s), t(q))))
  return (z[p, , drop = FALSE])

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Gifi documentation built on Sept. 28, 2022, 3 a.m.