
makeNumeric <- function (x) {
  # buggy:
  # do <- function(y) {
  #   u <- unique(y)
  #   return (drop(ifelse(outer(y, u, "=="), 1, 0) %*% (1:length (u))))
  # }
  # if (is.vector (x)) {
  #   return (do (x))
  # }
  # else {
  #   return (apply (x, 2, do))
  # }
  datmat <- NULL
  for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
    if(is.factor(x[,i])) {
      column <- tryCatch(as.numeric(levels(x[,i]))[x[,i]],  warning = function(w) w) ## wokrs for numeric levels only
        if (any(class(column) == "warning")) column <- as.numeric(x[,i])           ## works for character levels and ordered factors
    } else {
      column <- x[,i]  ## not a factor column
    datmat <- cbind(datmat, column)
  colnames(datmat) <- colnames(x)

center <- function (x) {
  do <- function (z) {
    z - mean (z)
  if (is.matrix (x))
    return (apply (x, 2, do))
    return (do (x))

normalize <- function (x) {
  do <- function (z) {
    z / sqrt (sum (z ^ 2))
  if (is.matrix (x))
    return (apply (x, 2, do))
    return (do (x))

makeMissing <- function (data, basis, missing) {
  there <- which (!is.na (data))
  notthere <- which (is.na (data))
  nmis <- length (notthere)
  nobs <- length (data)
  ndim <- ncol (basis)
  if (missing == "m") {
    abasis <- matrix (0, nobs, ndim + nmis)
    abasis [there, 1:ndim] <- basis
    abasis [notthere, ndim + 1:nmis] <- diag(nmis)
    basis <- abasis
  if (missing == "a") {
    abasis <- matrix (0, nobs, ndim)
    abasis [there,] <- basis
    abasis [notthere,] <- 1 / ndim
    basis <- abasis
  if (missing == "s") {
    abasis <- matrix (0, nobs, ndim + 1)
    abasis [there, 1:ndim] <- basis
    abasis [notthere, ndim + 1] <- 1
    basis <- abasis
  return (basis)

makeIndicator <- function (x) {
  return (as.matrix(ifelse(outer(
    x, sort(unique(x)), "=="
  ), 1, 0)))

reshape <- function (x, n) {
  if (length (x) == 1)
    return (rep (x, n))
    return (x)

aline <- function (a) {
  abline (0, a[2] / a[1])

aperp <- function (a, x) {
  abline (x * (sum (a ^ 2) / a[2]),-a[1] / a[2])

aproj <- function (a, h, x) {
  mu <- (h - sum (a * x)) / (sum (a ^ 2))
  return (x + mu * a)

corList <- function (x) {
  m <- length (x)
  n <- nrow (x[[1]])
  h <- matrix (0, n, 0)
  for (i in 1:m) {
    h <- cbind (h, x[[i]])
  return (cor (h))

preCorals <- function (x) {
  n <- sum (x)
  r <- nrow (x)
  s <- ncol (x)
  v <- numeric (0)
  for (i in 1:r)
    for (j in 1:s)
      v <- c(v, rep(c(i, j), x[i, j]))
  return (matrix (v, n, 2, byrow = TRUE))

postCorals <- function (ff, x) {
  y <- matrix(0, max(ff), ncol (x))
  for (i in 1:nrow (x))
    y[ff[i],] <- x[i,]
  return (y)

preCoranals <- function (x, y) {
  n <- sum (x)
  m <- ncol (y)
  r <- nrow (x)
  s <- ncol (x)
  v <- numeric (0)
  for (i in 1:r)
    for (j in 1:s)
      v <- c(v, rep(c(y[i,], j), x[i, j]))
  return (matrix (v, n, m + 1, byrow = TRUE))

mprint <- function (x, d = 2, w = 5) {
  print(noquote(formatC(x, digits = d, width = w, format = "f")))

burtTable <- function (gifi) {
  nsets <- length (gifi)
  nobs <- length(gifi[[1]][[1]]$data)
  hh <- matrix (0, nobs, 0)
  hl <- list ()
  for (i in 1:nsets) {
    gifiSet <- gifi[[i]]
    nvars <- length (gifiSet)
    hi <- matrix(0, nobs, 0)
    for (j in 1:nvars) {
      gifiVariable <- gifiSet[[j]]
      hi <- cbind (hi, gifiVariable$basis)
    hl <- c (hl, list (crossprod (hi)))
    hh <- cbind (hh, hi)
  return (list (cc = crossprod (hh), dd = directSum (hl)))

interactiveCoding <- function (data) {
  cmin <- apply (data, 2, min)
  cmax <- apply (data, 2, max)
  if (!all(cmin == 1))
    stop ("data must be start at 1")
  nobs <- nrow(data)
  h <- numeric(0)
  for (i in 1:nobs)
    h <- c(h, decode (data[i, ], cmax))
  return (h)

makeColumnProduct <- function (x) {
  makeTwoColumnProduct <- function (a, b) {
    n <- nrow (a)
    ma <- ncol (a)
    mb <- ncol (b)
    ab <- matrix (0, n, ma * mb)
    k <- 1
    for (i in 1:ma) {
      for (j in 1:mb) {
        ab[, k] <- a[, i] * b[, j]
        k <- k + 1
    return (ab)
  if (!is.list(x)) {
    x <- list (x)
  m <- length (x)
  z <- matrix (1, nrow(x[[1]]), 1)
  for (k in 1:m)
    z <- makeTwoColumnProduct (z, x[[k]])
  return (z)

profileFrequencies <- function (data) {
  h <- interactiveCoding (data)
  cmax <- apply (data, 2, max)
  u <- unique (h)
  m <- length (u)
  g <- ifelse (outer (h, u, "=="), 1, 0)
  n <- colSums (g)
  h <- matrix (0, m, ncol (data))
  for (j in 1:m)
    h[j, ] <- encode (u[j], cmax)
  return (list (h = h, n = n))

directSum <- function (x) {
  m <- length (x)
  nr <- sum (sapply (x, nrow))
  nc <- sum (sapply (x, ncol))
  z <- matrix (0, nr, nc)
  kr <- 0
  kc <- 0
  for (i in 1:m) {
    ir <- nrow (x[[i]])
    ic <- ncol (x[[i]])
    z[kr + (1:ir), kc + (1:ic)] <- x[[i]]
    kr <- kr + ir
    kc <- kc + ic
  return (z)

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Gifi documentation built on Sept. 28, 2022, 3 a.m.