
Defines functions findRoot findRoot2 findIsolateVariable children parent leaves numberLevels outerNode compHierMat compHierMatTot groupHier

# find root of the tree
findRoot <- function(hierMatrix)
  # indice of groups containing other groups
  indcont <- which(rowSums(hierMatrix)!=1)
  # indice of groups not included in a group
  indtop <- which(colSums(hierMatrix)==1)
  #indice of groups at the top of a hierarchy
  indGrTop <- intersect(indtop, indcont)

# find roots of trees and isolated groups
findRoot2 <- function(hierMatrix)
  # indice of groups not included in a group
  indtop <- which(colSums(hierMatrix)==1)
  names(indtop) = NULL

# find isolated groups (not belongging to hierarchical trees)
findIsolateVariable <- function(hierMatrix)
  # indice of groups containing other groups
  indcont <- which(rowSums(hierMatrix)==1)
  # indice of groups not included in a group
  indtop <- which(colSums(hierMatrix)==1)
  #indice of groups at the top of a hierarchy
  indGrTop <- intersect(indtop, indcont)

# find direct subgroups of a group
children <- function(ind, hierMatrix)
  # all descendants
  descendant <- setdiff(which(hierMatrix[ind,]), ind)
  children = descendant
  if(length(descendant) > 1)
    # we delete descendant of descendant
    for(i in descendant)
      children = setdiff(children, setdiff(which(hierMatrix[i,]), i))

# find parent of a group
parent <- function(ind, hierMatrix)
  # all ancestors
  ancestor <- setdiff(which(hierMatrix[,ind]), ind)
  parent = ancestor
  if(length(ancestor) > 1)
    # we delete ancestor of ancestor
    for(i in ancestor)
      parent = setdiff(parent, setdiff(which(hierMatrix[,i]), i))

# retrun index of the leaves of the tree (and single variables)
leaves <- function(hierMatrix)
  return(which(rowSums(hierMatrix[,,drop=FALSE]) == 1))

# compute the depth of a tree : the maximum number of levels from root to leaves
numberLevels <- function(hierMatrix)
  # leaves of the tree
  allLeaves <- leaves(hierMatrix)
  L <- rep(0, length(allLeaves))
  for(i in 1:length(L))
    ok <- TRUE
    ind <- allLeaves[i]
      ind = parent(ind, hierMatrix)
      ok <- (length(ind) > 0)
      L[i] = L[i] + 1

# get only selected outer nodes (groups do not containing rejected children) from a selection
outerNode <- function(toSel, hierMatrix)
  return(rowSums(hierMatrix[toSel,toSel, drop = FALSE])<=1)

# compute matrix describing the hierarchy
# return the hierarchy matrix : a binary square matrix. Each row and each column represents a different group.
# row i col j = TRUE if jth group is included in ith group, FALSE otherwise
compHierMat <- function(group, var)
  grdif <- unique(group)
  hierMat <- matrix(FALSE, nrow = length(grdif), ncol = length(grdif))
  j <- 1
  grdif = sort(grdif)
  for(indgr in grdif)
    indg <- which(group == indgr)  
    hierMat[j,] = tapply(var, group, FUN = function(x){all(x %in% var[indg])})
    j = j+1
  colnames(hierMat) = rownames(hierMat) = grdif

# compute the matrix describing the completed hierarchy
compHierMatTot = function(hierInfo)

  varTot = c(hierInfo$var,hierInfo$varComp)
  groupTot = c(hierInfo$group,hierInfo$groupComp)
  hierMatTot = compHierMat(groupTot, varTot)

# This function gives the group to keep for the hierarchical test procedure 
# group : vector containing the index of group selected
# var : vector containing the index of variables containing in the different selected groups
# addRoot : if TRUE, add a group containing all the groups
# group and var have the same size
# return the hierarchy matrix, the completed hieraechy matrix and vectors describing groups
groupHier <- function(group, var, addRoot = FALSE)
  #unique group selected
  grdif <- unique(group)
  #matrix describing the relation of inclusion between groups
  # (i,j) is TRUE if group grdif[j] is included in grdif[i]
  hierMat <- compHierMat(group, var)
  #groupes contenant d'autres groupes
  grContGr <- which(rowSums(hierMat)!=1)
  # is there a root (a group containing all the other group)
  isRoot <- (max(rowSums(hierMat)) == length(grdif))
  #groupe ne contenant pas d'autres groupes
  grNotCont <- grdif
  if(length(grContGr) !=0)
    grNotCont = grdif[-grContGr]
  indToKeep <- group %in% grNotCont
  grouplm   <- group[indToKeep]
  varlm     <- var[indToKeep]
  # complementary groups : group to add to have a full hierarchy
  GRCOMP = list()
  groupComp = varComp = c()
    for(i in grContGr)
      grIncGrI    = setdiff(which(hierMat[i,]), i)
      indGrIncGrI = which(group %in% grdif[grIncGrI]) 
      indGrI      = which(group %in% grdif[i]) 
      varGrComp   = setdiff(var[indGrI], var[indGrIncGrI])
      GRCOMP[[i]] = varGrComp
    #we add complementary groups
    lcomp = sapply(GRCOMP, length)
      groupComp = - rep(1:length(lcomp[lcomp!=0]), lcomp[lcomp!=0])
      varComp = unlist(GRCOMP)

  grouplm = c(grouplm, groupComp)
  varlm   = c(varlm, varComp)
  groupTot <- c(group, groupComp)
  varTot   <- c(var, varComp) 
  # root
  if(!isRoot & addRoot)
    # unique variables
    varUni <- unique(varTot)
    # add the group to the current list
    numGrRoot <- min(groupComp, 0)-1
    groupTot  = c(groupTot, rep(numGrRoot, length(varUni))) 
    groupComp = c(groupComp, rep(numGrRoot, length(varUni)))
    # add all the variables to the current list
    varTot  = c(varTot, varUni)
    varComp = c(varComp, varUni)
  # order group number (need for grouphier and other functions)
  ordGroupTot <- order(groupTot)
  groupTot    <- groupTot[ordGroupTot]
  varTot      <- varTot[ordGroupTot]
  ordGroupLm <- order(grouplm)
  grouplm    <- grouplm[ordGroupLm]
  varlm      <- varlm[ordGroupLm]
  hierMatTot <- compHierMat(groupTot, varTot)
  return(list(hier = hierMat, group = group, var = var, groupComp = groupComp, varComp = varComp,
              varlm = varlm, grouplm = grouplm, varTot = varTot, groupTot = groupTot, hierTot = hierMatTot))

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HCgglasso documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:54 p.m.