
# test "assertClass"

test.assertClass <- function()
	assertClass <- RNMImport:::assertClass
	errorCheck <- try(assertClass(1:10, "character") , silent = TRUE)
	checkEquals(class(errorCheck), "try-error" , msg = " |Untrue assertion generates error")
	checkTrue( length(grep(errorCheck, pattern = "Error : 1:10 is not of class character" ) ) > 0 )
	res <- try(assertClass(0.01, "numeric"), silent = TRUE)
	checkTrue(!inherits(res, "try-error"))

# test that RNMImportStop generates exceptions with the appropriate message

test.RNMImportStop <- function()
	errorCheck <- try(RNMImport:::RNMImportStop("Exception correctly generated:"), silent = TRUE)
	checkEquals(class(errorCheck), "try-error" , msg = " |RNMImportStop generates error")
	checkTrue( length( grep( errorCheck, pattern = "Error : Exception correctly generated:" )) > 0,
	 msg = " |Correct error message generated by RNMImportStop"  )
	# checkException(RNMImportStop("Exception correctly generated:"),

test.RNMImportWarning <- function()

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RNMImport documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:21 p.m.