
AddCodeButton <- function(label="Add"){
  AddCodB <- gbutton(label,
          handler=function(h,...) {
            if (is_projOpen(envir=.rqda,conName="qdacon")) {
              codename <- ginput("Enter new code. ", icon="info")
              if (!is.na(codename)){
                codename <- enc(codename,encoding="UTF-8")
 enabled(AddCodB) <- FALSE

DeleteCodeButton <- function(label="Delete"){
  DelCodB <- gbutton(label,
            if (is_projOpen(envir=.rqda,conName="qdacon") &
                length(svalue(.rqda$.codes_rqda))!=0) {
              ## if project is open and one code is selected,then continue
              del <- gconfirm("Really delete the code?",icon="question")
              if (isTRUE(del)){
                SelectedCode <- svalue(.rqda$.codes_rqda)
                SelectedCode2 <- enc(SelectedCode,encoding="UTF-8")
                cid <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,sprintf("select id from freecode where name='%s'",SelectedCode2))$id
                dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,sprintf("update freecode set status=0 where name='%s'",SelectedCode2))
                ## set status in table freecode to 0
                dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,sprintf("update coding set status=0 where cid=%i",cid))
                ## set status in table coding to 0
                ## CodeNamesUpdate(sortByTime=FALSE)
  enabled(DelCodB) <- FALSE

RetrievalButton <- function(label){
  RetB <- gbutton(label,
          handler=function(h,...) {
            if (is_projOpen(envir=.rqda,conName="qdacon")) {
              Fid <- GetFileId(condition=.rqda$TOR,type="coded")
              if (length(Fid)>0) {
              } else {gmessage("No codngs associated with this code.",cont=TRUE)}
  gtkWidgetSetTooltipText(getToolkitWidget(RetB),"Retrieve codings of the selected code.")
  enabled(RetB) <- FALSE

   ans <- gbutton(label, handler=function(h,...) {
 enabled(ans) <- FALSE

MarkCodeFun <- function(codeListWidget=".codes_rqda",codingTable="coding"){
    ## insert lable as mark when data is written to database.
  if (is_projOpen(envir=.rqda,conName="qdacon")) {
    currentFile <- tryCatch(svalue(.rqda$.root_edit),error=function(e){NULL})
      if (is.null(currentFile)) gmessage("Open a file first.",con=TRUE) else{
        W <- .rqda$.openfile_gui
        con <- .rqda$qdacon
        codeListWidget <- get(codeListWidget,envir=.rqda)
        idx <- sindex(.rqda$.openfile_gui,includeAnchor=FALSE,codingTable=codingTable)
        ans <- list(start=idx$startN,end=idx$endN,text=idx$seltext)
        if (ans$start != ans$end){ ## when selected no text, makes on sense to do anything.
          SelectedCode <- svalue(codeListWidget)
          if (length(SelectedCode)!=0){
            Encoding(SelectedCode) <- "UTF-8"
            SelectedCode2 <- enc(SelectedCode,encoding="UTF-8")
            codeInfo<-  dbGetQuery(con,sprintf("select id,color from freecode where name='%s'",SelectedCode2))
            currentCid <- codeInfo[,1]
            codeCol <- codeInfo[,2] ## select color for the code
            ## if (is.na(codeCol)) codeCol <-  c("antiquewhite1","green","aquamarine2","bisque1","brown1")[as.numeric(currentCid) %% 5+1] ## specification of default color for codemark
            if (is.na(codeCol)) codeCol <-  DefaultCodeColor[as.numeric(currentCid) %% 11+1] ## specification of default color for codemark
            SelectedFile <- svalue(.rqda$.root_edit)
            SelectedFile <- enc(SelectedFile,encoding="UTF-8")
            currentFid <-  dbGetQuery(con,sprintf("select id from source where name='%s'",SelectedFile))[,1]

            # JS Test for coherency!
            #sourcetext <- dbGetQuery(con,sprintf("select substr(file,%s,%s) from source where name='%s'",ans$start+1,ans$end-ans$start,SelectedFile))[,1]
            #if (sourcetext != ans$text) {
            #  print(sprintf("Start: %s  End: %s", ans$start,ans$end))
            #  print(sprintf("Source <%s>", sourcetext))
            #  print(sprintf("Selection <%s>", ans$text))
            #  gmessage("CONSISTENCY ERROR 1 - See console for details")

            ## Exist <-  dbGetQuery(con,sprintf("select rowid, selfirst, selend from coding where cid=%i and fid=%i and status=1",currentCid,currentFid))
            Exist1 <-  RQDAQuery(sprintf("select %s.rowid, selfirst, selend,freecode.name from %s, freecode where cid=%i and fid=%i and %s.status=1 and cid=freecode.id",codingTable, codingTable,currentCid,currentFid,codingTable))
            DAT <- data.frame(cid=currentCid,fid=currentFid,seltext=ans$text,selfirst=ans$start,selend=ans$end,status=1,owner=.rqda$owner,date=date(),memo=NA,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
            DAT$seltext <- enc(DAT$seltext)
            if (nrow(Exist1)==0){
              rowid <- NextRowId(codingTable)
              ## success <- dbWriteTable(.rqda$qdacon,codingTable,DAT,row.name=FALSE,append=TRUE)
              success <- is.null(try(RQDAQuery(sprintf("insert into %s (cid,fid, seltext, selfirst, selend, status, owner, date) values (%s, %s, '%s', %s, %s, %s, '%s', '%s') ",
                                               codingTable,DAT$cid, DAT$fid,DAT$seltext, DAT$selfirst, DAT$selend, 1, .rqda$owner, as.character(date()))),silent=TRUE))
              if (success){
                markRange(widget=.rqda$.openfile_gui,from=ans$start,to=ans$end,rowid=rowid,addButton=TRUE,buttonLabel=SelectedCode,buttonCol=codeCol,codingTable=codingTable)} else{gmessage("Fail to write to database.")}
            } else {
              Exist <- Exist1[,c("selfirst","selend","rowid")]
              Relations <- apply(Exist,1,FUN=function(x) relation(x[c("selfirst","selend")],c(ans$start,ans$end)))
              Exist$Relation <- sapply(Relations,FUN=function(x)x$Relation)
              if (!any(Exist$Relation=="exact")){
                ## if they are axact, do nothing; -> if they are not exact, do something.
                Exist$WhichMin <- sapply(Relations,FUN=function(x)x$WhichMin)
                Exist$Start <- sapply(Relations,FUN=function(x)x$UnionIndex[1])
                Exist$End <- sapply(Relations,FUN=function(x)x$UnionIndex[2])
                if (all(Exist$Relation=="proximity")){
		    rowid <- NextRowId(codingTable)
		    ## success <- dbWriteTable(.rqda$qdacon,codingTable,DAT,row.name=FALSE,append=TRUE)
		    success <- is.null(try(RQDAQuery(sprintf("insert into %s (cid,fid, seltext, selfirst, selend, status, owner, date) values (%s, %s, '%s', %s, %s, %s, '%s', '%s') ",
						    codingTable,DAT$cid, DAT$fid, DAT$seltext, DAT$selfirst, DAT$selend, 1, .rqda$owner, as.character(date()))),silent=TRUE))
		    if (success){
		    } else {gmessage("fail to write to data base.",con=TRUE)}
                    ## if there are no overlap in any kind, just write to database; otherwise, pass to else{}.
                } else {
                  del1 <-(Exist$Relation =="inclusion" & (is.na(Exist$WhichMin) | Exist$WhichMin==2))
                  ## if overlap or inclusion [old nested in new]
                  ## then the original coding should be deleted
                  ## then write the new coding to table
                  del2 <- Exist$Relation =="overlap"
                  del <- (del1 | del2)
                  if (any(del)){
                    Sel <- c(min(Exist$Start[del]), max(Exist$End[del]))
                    memo <- RQDAQuery(sprintf("select memo from %s where rowid in (%s)", codingTable,paste(Exist$rowid[del],collapse=",",sep="")))$memo
                    memo <- paste(memo,collapse="",sep="")
                    RQDAQuery(sprintf("delete from %s where rowid in (%s)", codingTable,paste(Exist$rowid[del],collapse=",",sep="")))
                    buffer <- W@widget@widget$GetBuffer()
                    for (i in Exist1$rowid[del]){
                      code <- Exist1[Exist1$rowid==i,"name"]
                      m <- buffer$GetMark(sprintf("%s.1", i))
                      pos <- buffer$GetIterAtMark(m)$iter$GetOffset()
                      m <- buffer$GetMark(sprintf("%s.2", i))
                      pos <- buffer$GetIterAtMark(m)$iter$GetOffset()
                    tt <- svalue(W)
                    Encoding(tt) <- "UTF-8"
                    DAT <- data.frame(cid=currentCid,fid=currentFid,seltext=substr(tt,Sel[1]+1,Sel[2]),selfirst=Sel[1],selend=Sel[2],status=1,owner=.rqda$owner,date=date(),memo=memo,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
                    # JS Test for coherency!
                    #sourcetext <- dbGetQuery(con,sprintf("select substr(file,%s,%s) from source where name='%s'",Sel[1]+1,Sel[2]-Sel[1],SelectedFile))[,1]
                    #seltext = substr(tt,Sel[1]+1,Sel[2])
                    #if (sourcetext != seltext) {
                    #  print(sprintf("Start: %s  End: %s", Sel[1],Sel[2]))
                    #  print(sprintf("Source <%s>", sourcetext))
                    #  print(sprintf("Selection <%s>", seltext))
                    #  gmessage("CONSISTENCY ERROR 2 - See console for details")
                    DAT$seltext <- enc(DAT$seltext)
                    rowid <- NextRowId(codingTable)
                    ## success <- dbWriteTable(.rqda$qdacon,codingTable,DAT,row.name=FALSE,append=TRUE)
                    success <- is.null(try(RQDAQuery(sprintf("insert into %s (cid,fid, seltext, selfirst, selend, status, owner, date, memo) values (%s, %s, '%s', %s, %s, %s, '%s', '%s','%s') ",
                                                   codingTable,DAT$cid, DAT$fid,DAT$seltext, DAT$selfirst, DAT$selend, 1, .rqda$owner, as.character(date()), DAT$memo)),silent=TRUE))
                    if (success){
                        markRange(widget=.rqda$.openfile_gui,from=Sel[1],to=Sel[2],rowid=rowid,addButton=TRUE,buttonLabel=SelectedCode,buttonCol=codeCol,codingTable=codingTable)}else{gmessage("Fail to write to database.")}

Unmark_Button <- function(label="Unmark",codeListWidget=.rqda$.codes_rqda,name="UnMarB1"){
  ans <- gbutton("Unmark", handler=function(h,...) {
    enabled(button$UnMarB1) <- FALSE
  enabled(ans) <- FALSE

UnMarkCodeFun <- function(codeListWidget=.rqda$.codes_rqda,codingTable="coding") {
    ## this function is superseded by MarkCodeFunByRowid
  if (is_projOpen(envir=.rqda,conName="qdacon")) {
    con <- .rqda$qdacon
    W <- tryCatch( get(".openfile_gui",envir=.rqda), error=function(e){})
    ## get the widget for file display. If it does not exist, then return NULL.
    idx1 <- tryCatch(sindex(W,includeAnchor=FALSE,codingTable=codingTable),error=function(e) {})
    idx2 <- tryCatch(sindex(W,includeAnchor=TRUE,codingTable=codingTable),error=function(e) {})
    ## if the not file is open, unmark doesn't work.
    if (!is.null(idx1)) {
      ## codeListWidget <- get(codeListWidget,envir=.rqda)
      SelectedCode <- svalue(codeListWidget)
      if (length(SelectedCode)==0) {
        gmessage("Select a code first.",con=TRUE)
      } else {
        Encoding(SelectedCode) <- "UTF-8"
        SelectedCode2 <- enc(SelectedCode,"UTF-8")
        currentCid <-  dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,
                                  sprintf("select id from freecode where name='%s'",
        SelectedFile <- svalue(.rqda$.root_edit)
        SelectedFile <- enc(SelectedFile,"UTF-8") ## Encoding(SelectedFile) <- "UTF-8"
        currentFid <-  dbGetQuery(con,sprintf("select id from source where name='%s'",
        codings_index <-  RQDAQuery(sprintf("select rowid, cid, fid, selfirst, selend from %s where cid=%i and fid=%i and status=1",codingTable, currentCid, currentFid))
        ## should only work with those related to current code and current file.
        rowid <- codings_index$rowid[(codings_index$selfirst  >= idx1$startN) &
                                     (codings_index$selend  <= idx1$endN)]
        if (length(rowid)==0) {
          gmessage("Select a code and one of its codings exactly first.",con=TRUE)
        } else {
          for (j in rowid) {
          ## This clear all the marks in the gtext window
          buffer <- slot(.rqda$.openfile_gui, "widget")@widget$GetBuffer()
          startIter <- buffer$GetIterAtMark(idx2$startMark)$iter
          startN <- startIter$GetOffset()
          isRemoved <- DeleteButton(.rqda$.openfile_gui,label=sprintf("<%s>",svalue(codeListWidget)),
          if (isRemoved) {
            dbGetQuery(con,sprintf("update %s set status=-1 where rowid=%i",codingTable, j))
            ## better to get around the loop by sqlite condition expression.
            ## status=-1 to differentiate the result of delete button
            endMark <- buffer$GetMark(sprintf("%s.2", j))
            ## gtkTextMarkSetVisible(endMark,FALSE)
            gtkTextBufferDeleteMarkByName(buffer,sprintf("%s.2", j))
            ##endIter <- buffer$GetIterAtMark(idx2$endMark)$iter
            ##endN <- endIter$GetOffset()
            ## even for the non-current code. can improve.

UnMarkCodeFunByRowid <- function(codeListWidget=.rqda$.codes_rqda,codingTable="coding") {
    W <- tryCatch( get(".openfile_gui",envir=.rqda), error=function(e){})
    ## get the widget for file display. If it does not exist, then return NULL.
    if (!is.null(W)) {
        rowid <- .codingEnv$selectedRowid
        coding_index <- RQDAQuery(sprintf("select cid, fid, selfirst, selend from %s where rowid=%s and status=1",
        nshift1 <- nrow(RQDAQuery(sprintf("select selfirst from %s where status=1 and selfirst<= %s and fid=%s",
        nshift2 <- nrow(RQDAQuery(sprintf("select fid, position from annotation where status=1 and position <= %s and fid=%s",
        nshift <- nshift1 + nshift2
        ClearMark(W,min=coding_index$selfirst+nshift, max=coding_index$selend+nshift)
        ## clear mark of the selected coding
        codeName <- RQDAQuery(sprintf("select name from freecode where status=1 and id = %s",coding_index$cid))$name
        Encoding(codeName) <- "UTF-8"
        buffer <- slot(.rqda$.openfile_gui, "widget")@widget$GetBuffer()
        isRemoved <- DeleteButton(.rqda$.openfile_gui,label=sprintf("<%s>",codeName),
        if (isRemoved) {
            RQDAQuery(sprintf("update %s set status=-1 where rowid=%s",codingTable, rowid))
            endMark <- buffer$GetMark(sprintf("%s.2", rowid))
            gtkTextBufferDeleteMarkByName(buffer,sprintf("%s.2", rowid))

CodeMemoButton <- function(label="C-Memo",...){
  codememobuton <- gbutton(label, handler=function(h,...){
  gtkWidgetSetTooltipText(getToolkitWidget(codememobuton),"Memo for selected code.")
  enabled(codememobuton) <- FALSE

CodingMemoButton <- function(label="C2Memo")

  InsertCodingMemoAnchor <- function (index,rowid,label="[Coding Memo]",title)
      ## don't use this function.
      ## use Annotation to add anno to a file.
      lab <- gtkLabelNew(label)
      label <- gtkEventBoxNew()
      label$ModifyBg("normal", gdkColorParse("yellow")$color)
      buffer <- slot(widget, "widget")@widget$GetBuffer()
      button_press <- function(widget,event,moreArgs) {
      gSignalConnect(label, "button-press-event", button_press,data =list(rowid=rowid,title=title))
      iter <- gtkTextBufferGetIterAtOffset(buffer, index)$iter
      anchorcreated <- buffer$createChildAnchor(iter)
      anchor <- iter$getChildAnchor()
      anchor <- gtkTextIterGetChildAnchor(iter)
      widget@widget@widget$addChildAtAnchor(label, anchor)

  OpenCodingMemo <- function(rowid,AnchorPos=NULL,title=NULL){
    ##  open a widget for memo, and take care of the save memo function
    tryCatch(dispose(.rqda$.codingmemo),error=function(e) {})
    ## Close the coding memo first, then open a new one
    if (is.null(title)) title <- "Coding Memo"
    .codingmemo <- gwindow(title=title,getOption("widgetCoordinate"),width=600,height=400)
    assign(".codingmemo",.codingmemo, envir=.rqda)
    .codingmemo <- get(".codingmemo",envir=.rqda)
    .codingmemo2 <- gpanedgroup(horizontal = FALSE, container=.codingmemo)
    gbutton("Save Coding Memo",container=.codingmemo2,handler=function(h,...){
      newcontent <- svalue(.rqda$.cdmemocontent)
      newcontent <- enc(newcontent,encoding="UTF-8") ## take care of double quote.
      RQDAQuery(sprintf("update coding set memo='%s' where rowid=%i",newcontent,rowid))
      ## if (isTRUE(.rqda$NewCodingMemo)) {
      ## if (InsertCodingMemoAnchor(index=AnchorPos,rowid=rowid,title=title)) assign("NewCodingMemo",FALSE,envir=.rqda)
      ## }
      ## if newcontent is "", should delete the codingMemoAnchor (not add memoanchor here)
    })## end of save memo button
    prvcontent <- RQDAQuery(sprintf("select memo from coding where rowid=%i",rowid))[1,1]
    if (is.na(prvcontent)) prvcontent <- ""
    Encoding(prvcontent) <- "UTF-8"
    if (prvcontent=="") assign("NewCodingMemo",TRUE,envir=.rqda)
    W <- get(".cdmemocontent",envir=.rqda)
  } ## end of OpenCodingMemo

  c2memobutton <- gbutton(label, handler= function(h,...){
    con <- .rqda$qdacon
    if (is_projOpen(envir=.rqda,conName="qdacon")) {
      W <- tryCatch( get(".openfile_gui",envir=.rqda), error=function(e){})
      ## get the widget for file display. If it does not exist, then return NULL.
      sel_index <- tryCatch(sindex(W,includeAnchor=FALSE),error=function(e) {})
      AnchorPos <- tryCatch(sindex(W,includeAnchor=TRUE)$startN,error=function(e) {})
      ## if the not file is open, it doesn't work.
      if (is.null(sel_index)) {gmessage("Open a file first!",container=TRUE)}
      else {
        SelectedCode <- svalue(.rqda$.codes_rqda)
        if (length(SelectedCode)==0) gmessage("select a code first.",container=TRUE) else {
          Encoding(SelectedCode) <- "UTF-8"
          SelectedCode2 <- enc(SelectedCode,"UTF-8")
          currentCid <-  RQDAQuery(sprintf("select id from freecode where name='%s'",SelectedCode2))[,1]
          SelectedFile <- svalue(.rqda$.root_edit)
          SelectedFile <- enc(SelectedFile,encoding="UTF-8")
          currentFid <-  RQDAQuery(sprintf("select id from source where name='%s'",SelectedFile))[,1]
          codings_index <-  RQDAQuery(sprintf("select rowid, cid, fid, selfirst, selend from coding where
                                                   cid=%i and fid=%i and status=1 ",currentCid, currentFid))
          ## should only work with those related to current code and current file.
          rowid <- codings_index$rowid[(codings_index$selfirst  >= sel_index$startN) &
                                       (codings_index$selfirst  <= sel_index$startN + 2) &
                                       (codings_index$selend  <= sel_index$endN)&
                                       (codings_index$selend  >= sel_index$endN - 2)
                                       ] ## determine which one is the current text chunk?
          if (length(rowid)!= 1) {gmessage("Select the exact CODING AND the corresponding CODE first.", container=TRUE)}
          else {
            OpenCodingMemo(rowid=rowid,AnchorPos=AnchorPos,title=sprintf("Coding Memo: %s",SelectedCode))
  gtkWidgetSetTooltipText(getToolkitWidget(c2memobutton),"Memo for a Coding.")
  enabled(c2memobutton) <- FALSE

FreeCode_RenameButton <- function(label="Rename",CodeNamesWidget=.rqda$.codes_rqda,...)
    ## rename of selected file.
    FreCodRenB <- gbutton(label,handler=function(h,...) {
        if (is_projOpen(envir=.rqda,"qdacon")) {
            ## if project is open, then continue
            selectedCodeName <- svalue(CodeNamesWidget)
            if (length(selectedCodeName)==0){
                gmessage("Select a code first.",icon="error",container=TRUE)
            else {
                ## get the new file names
                NewCodeName <- ginput("Enter new code name. ", text=selectedCodeName, icon="info")
                if (!is.na(NewCodeName)) {
                    Encoding(NewCodeName) <- Encoding(selectedCodeName) <- "UTF-8"
                    ## update the name in source table by a function
                    rename(selectedCodeName, NewCodeName, "freecode")
                    ## (name is the only field should be modifed, as other table use ID rather than name)
                    ## CodeNamesUpdate(sortByTime=FALSE)
    enabled(FreCodRenB) <- FALSE

AnnotationButton <- function(label="Add Anno"){
  AnnB <- gbutton(label,handler=function(h,...) {
    if (is_projOpen(envir=.rqda,conName="qdacon")) {
  gtkWidgetSetTooltipText(getToolkitWidget(AnnB),"Add new annotation to the open file\nat position of cursor.")
  enabled(AnnB) <- FALSE

## popup-menu
CodesNamesWidgetMenu <- list()
CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"Add To Code Category..."$handler <- function(h, ...) {
CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"All Code Memos"$handler <- function(h, ...) {
    if (is_projOpen(env = .rqda, conName = "qdacon", message = FALSE)) {
CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"All Annotations"$handler <- function(h, ...) {
    if (is_projOpen(env = .rqda, conName = "qdacon", message = FALSE)) {
CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"Code Memo"$handler <- function(h, ...) {
    if (is_projOpen(env = .rqda, conName = "qdacon", message = FALSE)) {
CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"Codings of Multiple Codes"$handler <- function(h, ...) {
    ct <- getCodingsOfCodes(fid=getFileIds(condition=.rqda$TOR))
CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"Export Codings as HTML"$handler <- function(h, ...) {
    if (is_projOpen(env = .rqda, conName = "qdacon", message = FALSE)) {
    path=gfile(type="save",text = "Type a name for the exported codings and click OK.")
    if (!is.na(path)){
      Encoding(path) <- "UTF-8"
      path <- sprintf("%s.html",path)
      if (.rqda$TOR == "uncondition") fid <- NULL else fid <- getFileIds(condition=.rqda$TOR)
CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"Highlight All Codings"$handler <- function(h, ...) {HL_AllCodings()}
CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"Highlight Codings with Memo"$handler <- function(h, ...) {HL_CodingWithMemo()}
CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"Merge Selected with..."$handler <- function(h, ...) {
    if (is_projOpen(env = .rqda, conName = "qdacon", message = FALSE)) {
        Selected1 <- svalue(.rqda$.codes_rqda)
        cid1 <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,sprintf("select id from freecode where name='%s'",Selected1))[1,1]
        Selected2 <- gselect.list(as.character(.rqda$.codes_rqda[]), x=getOption("widgetCoordinate")[1])
        if (Selected2!="" && Selected1!=Selected2) cid2 <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,sprintf("select id from freecode where name='%s'",Selected2))[1,1]

CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"Show Codes With Codings"$handler <- function(h, ...) {
CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"Show Codes Without Codings"$handler <- function(h, ...) {
CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"Show Codes With Code Category"$handler <- function(h, ...) {
    if (is_projOpen(env = .rqda, conName = "qdacon", message = FALSE)) {
        cid <- RQDAQuery("select id from freecode where status=1 and id in (select cid from treecode where status=1)")
        if (nrow(cid)!=0) {
            cid <- cid[[1]]
        } else gmessage("All codes are assiged to code category.",container=TRUE)
CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"Show Codes Without Code Category"$handler <- function(h, ...) {
    if (is_projOpen(env = .rqda, conName = "qdacon", message = FALSE)) {
        cid <- RQDAQuery("select id from freecode where status=1 and id not in (select cid from treecode where status=1)")
        if (nrow(cid)!=0) {
            cid <- cid[[1]]
        } else gmessage("All codes are assiged to code category.",container=TRUE)
CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"Show Codes With Memo"$handler <- function(h, ...) {
  if (is_projOpen(env = .rqda, conName = "qdacon", message = FALSE)) {
    cid <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,"select id from freecode where memo is not null and memo != ''")
    if (nrow(cid)!=0) {
    cid <- cid[[1]]
  } else gmessage("No Code with memo.",container=TRUE)
CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"Show Codes Without Memo"$handler <- function(h, ...) {
  if (is_projOpen(env = .rqda, conName = "qdacon", message = FALSE)) {
    cid <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,"select id from freecode where memo is null or memo = ''")
    if (nrow(cid)!=0) {
      cid <- cid[[1]]
    } else gmessage("No Code with memo.",container=TRUE)

CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"Show Codes With Selected File"$handler <- function(h, ...) {
    fname <- svalue(.rqda$.fnames_rqda)
    if (length(fname) > 0) {
        fname <- enc(fname)
        codes <- RQDAQuery(sprintf("select freecode.name from freecode where freecode.status=1 and freecode.id in (
         select coding.cid from coding where coding.status=1 and coding.fid in (
               select source.id from source where source.status=1 and source.name='%s'
        )", fname))
        if (nrow(codes) > 0){
            Encoding(codes$name) <- "UTF-8"
            .rqda$.codes_rqda[] <- codes$name

CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"Set Coding Mark Color"$handler <- function(h, ...) {
  if (is_projOpen(env = .rqda, conName = "qdacon", message = FALSE)) {
    Selected <- svalue(.rqda$.codes_rqda)
    Selected <- enc(Selected,"UTF-8")
    codeInfo <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,sprintf("select id,color from freecode where name='%s'",Selected))[1,]
    cid <- codeInfo[,1]
    codeColor <- codeInfo[,2]
    if (is.na(codeColor)) title <- "Change color to..." else title <- sprintf("Change from '%s' to...",codeColor)
    newCol <- gselect.list(colors(), multiple = FALSE, title = title,, x=getOption("widgetCoordinate")[1])
    if (newCol!="" && length(newCol)!=0){
    if (!identical(codeColor,newCol)){
      RQDAQuery(sprintf("update freecode set color='%s' where id =%i",newCol,cid))

CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"Sort: By Created Time"$handler <- function(h, ...) {
    if (is_projOpen(env = .rqda, conName = "qdacon", message = FALSE)) {
CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"Sort: Most to Least Frequently Used"$handler <- function(h, ...) {
    freq <- RQDAQuery("select count(cid) as freq, freecode.name, freecode.status from freecode left join coding on cid=freecode.id group by freecode.name order by freq desc")
    if (nrow(freq)>0){
        Encoding(freq$name) <- "UTF-8"
        freq <- subset(freq, status==1)
        CodeNamesWidget[] <- freq$name
CodesNamesWidgetMenu$"Sort: Least to Most Frequently Used"$handler <- function(h, ...) {
    freq <- RQDAQuery("select count(cid) as freq, freecode.name, freecode.status from freecode left join coding on cid=freecode.id group by freecode.name order by freq asc")
    if (nrow(freq)>0){
        Encoding(freq$name) <- "UTF-8"
        freq <- subset(freq, status==1)
        CodeNamesWidget[] <- freq$name

######################################## un-used functions
## HL_ALLButton <- function(){
##     ans <- gbutton("HL ALL",
##           handler=function(h,...) {
##             if (is_projOpen(envir=.rqda,conName="qdacon")) {
##               con <- .rqda$qdacon
##               SelectedFile <- tryCatch(svalue(.rqda$.root_edit),error=function(e){NULL})
##               if (!is.null(SelectedFile)) {
##               ## Encoding(SelectedFile) <- "UTF-8"
##               SelectedFile <- enc(SelectedFile,"UTF-8")
##               currentFid <-  dbGetQuery(con,sprintf("select id from source where name='%s'",SelectedFile))[,1]
##               W <- tryCatch( get(h$action$widget,.rqda),
##                             error=function(e) {}
##                             )
##               if (length(currentFid)!=0 & !is.null(W)) {
##                 ## if fid is integer(0), then there is no file selected and open
##                 ## if W is null, then there is no valid widget. No need to HL.
##                 ## Though W may be expired, but ClearMark and HL will take care of the issue.
##                 mark_index <-
##                   dbGetQuery(con,sprintf("select selfirst,selend,status from coding where fid=%i and status=1",currentFid))
##                 ## only select thoses with the open_file and not deleted (status=1).
##                 mark_index <-apply(mark_index,2,function(x) x +countAnchorsWithFileName(to=x))
##                 ## is a button is inserted, then should adjust the index
##                 ClearMark(W ,0 , max(mark_index$selend))
##                 HL(W,index=mark_index)
##               }
##             }
##             }
##           },
##           action=list(widget=".openfile_gui")
##           )
##   gtkTooltips()$setTip(ans@widget@widget,"Highlight all codings of the open file.")
##   return(ans)
## }

## CodingInfoButton <- function(label="C2Info")
## {
##     ans <- gbutton(label,handler= function(h,...) c2InfoFun())
##     gtkTooltips()$setTip(ans@widget@widget,"Code lists associated with the selected codings in the open file.")
##     return(ans)
## }
## c2InfoFun() moved to CodesFun.R

## MarkCodeFun <- function(codeListWidget=".codes_rqda"){
##   if (is_projOpen(envir=.rqda,conName="qdacon")) {
##       con <- .rqda$qdacon
##       currentFile <- tryCatch(svalue(.rqda$.root_edit),error=function(e){NULL})
##       if (is.null(currentFile)) gmessage("Open a file first.",container=TRUE) else{
##         W <- .rqda$.openfile_gui
##         codeListWidget <- get(codeListWidget,envir=.rqda)
##         ans <- mark(W,addButton=TRUE,buttonLabel=svalue(codeListWidget))
##         if (ans$start != ans$end){
##           ## when selected no text, makes on sense to do anything.
##           SelectedCode <- svalue(codeListWidget)
##           ## Encoding(SelectedCode) <- "UTF-8"
##           SelectedCode <- enc(SelectedCode,encoding="UTF-8")
##           currentCid <-  dbGetQuery(con,sprintf("select id from freecode where name=='%s'",SelectedCode))[,1]
##           SelectedFile <- svalue(.rqda$.root_edit)
##           SelectedFile <- enc(SelectedFile,encoding="UTF-8")
##           currentFid <-  dbGetQuery(con,sprintf("select id from source where name=='%s'",SelectedFile))[,1]
##           Exist <-  dbGetQuery(con,sprintf("select rowid, selfirst, selend from coding where cid==%i and fid=%i and status=1",currentCid,currentFid))
##           DAT <- data.frame(cid=currentCid,fid=currentFid,seltext=ans$text,selfirst=ans$start,selend=ans$end,status=1,
##                             owner=.rqda$owner,date=date(),memo=NA)
##           if (nrow(Exist)==0){
##             success <- dbWriteTable(.rqda$qdacon,"coding",DAT,row.name=FALSE,append=TRUE)
##             if (!success) gmessage("Fail to write to database.")
##         } else {
##           Relations <- apply(Exist,1,FUN=function(x) relation(x[c("selfirst","selend")],c(ans$start,ans$end)))
##           Exist$Relation <- sapply(Relations,FUN=function(x)x$Relation)
##           if (!any(Exist$Relation=="exact")){
##             ## if they are axact, do nothing; -> if they are not exact, do something.
##             Exist$WhichMin <- sapply(Relations,FUN=function(x)x$WhichMin)
##             Exist$Start <- sapply(Relations,FUN=function(x)x$UnionIndex[1])
##             Exist$End <- sapply(Relations,FUN=function(x)x$UnionIndex[2])
##             if (all(Exist$Relation=="proximity")){
##               success <- dbWriteTable(.rqda$qdacon,"coding",DAT,row.name=FALSE,append=TRUE)
##               if (!success) gmessage("Fail to write to database.")
##               ## if there are no overlap in any kind, just write to database; otherwise, pass to else{}.
##             } else {
##               del1 <- (Exist$Relation =="inclusion" & any(Exist$WhichMin==2,Exist$WhichMax==2))
##               ## if overlap or inclusion [old nested in new]
##               ## then the original coding should be deleted; then write the new coding to table
##               del2 <- Exist$Relation =="overlap"
##               del <- (del1 | del2)
##               if (any(del)){
##                 Sel <- c(min(Exist$Start[del]), max(Exist$End[del]))
##                 memo <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,sprintf("select memo from coding where rowid in (%s)",
##                                                         paste(Exist$rowid[del],collapse=",",sep="")))$memo
##                 memo <- paste(memo,collapse="",sep="")
##                 dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,sprintf("delete from coding where rowid in (%s)",
##                                                 paste(Exist$rowid[del],collapse=",",sep="")))
##                 tt <- svalue(W)
##                 ## tt <- enc(tt,encoding="UTF-8")
##                 Encoding(tt) <- "UTF-8"
##                 DAT <- data.frame(cid=currentCid,fid=currentFid,seltext=substr(tt,Sel[1],Sel[2]),
##                                   selfirst=Sel[1],selend=Sel[2],status=1,
##                                   owner=.rqda$owner,date=date(),memo=memo)
##                 success <- dbWriteTable(.rqda$qdacon,"coding",DAT,row.name=FALSE,append=TRUE)
##                 if (!success) gmessage("Fail to write to database.")
##               }
##             }
##           }
##         }}}}}

Try the RQDA package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RQDA documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5 p.m.