
# Authors: Robert J. Hijmans
# Date : October 2008
# Version 0.9
# Licence GPL v3

.trim <- function(x) { gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x) }

.strSplitOnFirstToken <- function(s, token="=") {
	pos <- which(strsplit(s, '')[[1]]==token)[1]
	if (is.na(pos)) {
		return(c(.trim(s), NA))
	} else {
		first <- substr(s, 1, (pos-1))
		second <- substr(s, (pos+1), nchar(s))
		return(.trim(c(first, second)))

.strSplitOnLastToken <- function(s, token="=") {
	# not used here
	pos <- unlist(strsplit(s, ''), use.names = FALSE)
	pos <- max(which(pos==token))
	if (!is.finite(pos)) {
		return(c(s, NA))
	} else {
		first <- substr(s, 1, (pos-1))
		second <- substr(s, (pos+1), nchar(s))
		return(.trim(c(first, second)))

.readIniFile <- function(filename, token='=', commenttoken=';', aslist=FALSE, case) {


	Lines <- .trim(readLines(filename,  warn = FALSE))

	# remove comments
	i <- substring(Lines, 1, 1) == '#'
	Lines <- Lines[!i]

	ini <- lapply(Lines, function(s){ .strSplitOnFirstToken(s, token=commenttoken) } )
	Lines <- matrix(unlist(ini), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)[,1]
	ini <- lapply(Lines, function(s){ .strSplitOnFirstToken(s, token=token) })

 	ini <- matrix(unlist(ini), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
	ini <- ini[ ini[,1] != "", , drop=FALSE]

	ns <- length(which(is.na(ini[,2])))
	if (ns > 0) {
		sections <- c(which(is.na(ini[,2])), length(ini[,2]))

# here I should check whether the section text is enclosed in [ ]. If not, it is junk text that should be removed, rather than used as a section
		ini <- cbind("", ini)
		for (i in 1:(length(sections)-1)) {
			ini[sections[i]:(sections[i+1]), 1] <- ini[sections[i],2]
		ini[,1] <- gsub("\\[", "", ini[,1])
		ini[,1] <- gsub("\\]", "", ini[,1])
		sections <- sections[1:(length(sections)-1)]
		ini <- ini[-sections,]
	} else {
		ini <- cbind("", ini)

	if (!missing(case)) {
		ini <- case(ini)

	colnames(ini) <- c("section", "name", "value")


	if (aslist) {

		iniToList <- function(ini) {
			un <- unique(ini[,1])
			LST <- list()
			for (i in 1:length(un)) {
				sel <- ini[ini[,1] == un[i], 2:3, drop=FALSE]
				lst <- as.list(sel[,2])
				names(lst) <- sel[,1]
				LST[[i]] <- lst
			names(LST) <- un

		ini <- iniToList(ini)


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