Accurate Gamma Computation in R

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library("sfsmisc")# e.g., for eaxis()

Introduction: exp(x) may be less accurate than x

Many people have either not been aware of at all or have forgotten (as myself): Whereas typical arithmetic operations keep the internal accuracy, hopefully only losing one bit or two when the operation is implemented well, this is not the case for exponentiation exp(x)$= e^x$ when the exponent $x$ is not close to $[-1,1]$:

If we have an $x$ with relative inaccuracy $\eps$, or to make it shorter, directly assume we have $\tilde x := x(1+\eps)$ instead of $x$, then instead of $f(x) = \exp(x) = e^x$, we'd compute --- if $e^x$ would be perfectly exact ---

\begin{align} f(\tilde x) = \exp(x(1+\eps)) = e^{x(1+\eps)} = e^x e^{x\eps} = f(x) \cdot e^{x \eps}, (#eq:exp-eps) \end{align}

where the relative error $\tilde\eps$ is defined (implicitly) via $f(\tilde x) = f(x) \cdot (1 + \tilde\eps)$, i.e., we have

\begin{align} 1 + \tilde \eps = e^{x \eps} &= 1 + x\eps + (x\eps)^2/2! + O\bigl((x\eps)^3\bigr), \quad \textrm{and hence,}\nonumber\ \tilde \eps = e^{x \eps} - 1 &=\phantom{1 + \ } x\eps + (x\eps)^2/2! + O\bigl((x\eps)^3\bigr), (#eq:exp-err) \end{align}

and hence in good cases, when $\abs{x\eps} \ll 1$, we have $\abs{\tilde \eps} = e^{x \eps} - 1 \approx \abs{x\eps}$, i.e., the relative error is blown up by $\abs{x}$. In a bad case, $\abs{x\eps} \approx 1$ the blow up would be horrendous, but that will not happen with double precision:

Given double precision arithmetic, the exponents $x$ of exp(x) which do not overflow (to Inf ) nor underflow to 0 are not too large, specifically,

  regular = log(c(min = .Machine$double.xmin,      max = .Machine$double.xmax)),
  denormal= log(c(min = .Machine$double.xmin/2^52, max = .Machine$double.xmax)) )

so exponents are still in the order of 1000, i.e., such that exponentiation may lose up to 3 decimals.

Now, losing 3 out of almost 16 digits is not catastrophical, and in situations such as graphics or analysis of noisy data often irrelevant. But we want to be able to use R\ not just for data analysis but also as scientific calculator with typically "high" accuracy.

Our way to measure accuracy of R's computations is by using our package {Rmpfr} 's ability to do many computations with arbitrary high precision. The package {Rmpfr} is an interface from R\ to the MPFR C library. According to Wikipedia:

The GNU Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable Library (GNU MPFR) is a
GNU portable C library for arbitrary-precision binary floating-point
computation with correct rounding, based on GNU Multi-Precision Library.

Also, this is the principal reason why gamma(x) in R, has been losing up to about 3 digits in accuracy till R 4.2.* , when $x > 10$, as it basically has used gamma(x) := exp(lgamma(x)) for these $x$ values, as the exp() onentiation may lose accuracy there.

Computation of Gamma, (\Gamma(x))

We measure and visualize the accuracy of R's gamma(x) and in the next section also of R's gamma(x+1) which because of $x! := \Gamma(x+1)$ (also for non-integer $x$) has even been defined as

  factorial := function(x) gamma(x + 1)

in R. In both cases, we compute the function in base R\ with double precision vector argument x and also compute high-accuracy function values using mpfr(x, 256) instead of x , where the Rmpfr package mpfr() creates a 256-bit mantissa version of x and when passed to gamma() calls the Rmpfr version of these. \footnote{Note that gamma() (and many similar special math functions) is not explicitly exported from {Rmpfr} but used as a method of the Math() S4 group generic function. This is one reason for wanting Rmpfr attached to the search() path.}

In addition, we make use of our package {sfsmisc} 's relErrV() function which basically computes the relative error (\textsc{v}ectorized) of an approximate $\hat\theta$ wrt a true $\theta$, i.e., $(\hat\theta - \theta)/\theta = \hat\theta / \theta - 1$. The relErrV() function is careful to switch to absolute error $\hat\theta - \theta$ in case $\theta \approx 0$, and to return $0$ when both values are the same, e.g., for 0 , NaN , or Inf , and similar.

The p.gammEr() and p.factEr() functions can compute and visualize the relative errors for gamma() and factorial() in one call, however also allow what we do here, i.e., to separate most of the computation from the visualization (plotting) and pass both vectors of function values, the double precision base R\ and the package {Rmpfr} high-accuracy ones, to the plotting function as arguments:

## and p.factEr() is defined analogously

For the abscissas $x$ we want a "mixture" of binary-nice and decimal-nice numbers, i.e., we want their non-integer part, i.e., $x - \fx$, called u01 below, to be a mixture of nice (in binary!) ($\frac{k}{4}$) and nicely looking in decimal, but "not binary-nice" floating point numbers resulting from $\frac{m}{20}$ where $m$ is not divisible by 5 hence needing an infinite binary fraction representation:

We compute base R's gamma, and then also {Rmpfr} 's gamma method, using 256-bit precision:

gammxG <- gamma(xG)
system.time(# 256-bit (~= 256*log10(2) ~= 77 digits) internal accuracy to be "safe")
    gammMxG <- gamma(mpfr(xG, 256))
) # 0.3 sec

Is 256 bits enough? Use a twice as accurate computation with 512 bits to check the "error" of the the 256-bit computations:

gammMM <- gamma(mpfr(xG, 512))
rEM <- asNumeric(roundMpfr(relErrV(gammMM, gammMxG), 30))[xG %% 1 != 0]
-log2(8.5e-78) # 256.02

So, the largest relative errors being $\approx 2^{-256}$, indeed, the 256-bit Rmpfr --version is accurate to (about) the last bit.

## Code in ./gamma-inaccuracy_R/gamma-inaccuracy-4old.R
Rver <- "4.2.1" # or also "4.2.1" ..
gamRfile <- paste0("gamma-inaccuracy_R/gamma_R-", Rver, ".rds")
oldG <- readRDS(gamRfile)
stopifnot(identical(xF, oldG[,"xF"])) # the 'x' values are the same

In Fig.~\@ref(fig:relE-gamm-old) we look at the current R\ version's accuracy of gamma(x) , for the whole range of $x$ for which gamma(x) does not underflow to zero nor overflow to +Inf .

pgEpmO <- p.gammEr(oldG[,"xG"], oldG[,"gamm.x"], gammMxG,
                   ch.Rversion = attr(oldG, "R.version"),
                   type="l", ylim2 = c(1e-17, 2e-13), doFirst = FALSE)

Note that values for $x \in {1,\dots,23}$ are exact, i.e, have $\abs{rE(x)} = 0$, because for positive integer $x = n \le 50 $, gamma(n) == factorial(n-1) has been implemented by computing the product $(n-1)! = 1 \cdot 2 \cdot (n-1)$, since May 16, 2003, svn rev 24344 by maechler.

Also, we notice that there is a "break" in accuracy where $\Gamma(x)$ is much better approximated by R's gamma(x) for $x \in [-10, 10]$ than when it is outside, i.e., $\abs{x} > 10$.

This is because the "old" traditional R\ algorithm for gamma() is basically just using

   par(mgp = c(1.5, .6, 0), mar = 0.1 + c(3,3:1))
   curve(gamma, 1,2, n=501, col=2, lwd=2, asp=1, ylab="", las=1)
   title(quote(Gamma(x) ~ "for"~ x %in% group("[",list(1,2),"]") ~
          ~ "via 22-d Chebyshev polynomial"))
   abline(h=1, v=1:2, lty=2, col="gray")
   x0 <- 1.461632145; points(x0, gamma(x0), col=4, pch=3, cex=3, type="h")
   axis(1, at=x0, col=4, col.axis=4, cex.axis=2/3, padj=-2)

- for $\abs{x} \le 10$ uses the $\Gamma()$ recursion formula $\Gamma(x+1) = x\Gamma(x)$, repeatedly, see also (\@ref(eq:Gamma-recursion)). - for $\abs{x} > 10$ computes $\Gamma(x) = \exp(\mathtt{lgamma(x)})$ via the lgamma() function which computes $\log\Gamma(x)$ via a (generalized) asymptotic Stirling formula.

Further, note that factorial(171) overflows to +Inf as indeed,

f171 <- factorial(mpfr(171, precBits=128))
asNumeric(f171 / .Machine$double.xmax)

i.e., $171!$ "must" overflow in double precision.

Now, we zoom into the (more "common") region $x \in [1, 50]$, and then extend the range to all positive $x$ (for which gamma() is still finite):

str(i1 <- which(1 <= xG & xG <= 50)); stopifnot(!anyNA(i1))
pgE1 <- p.gammEr(xG[i1], gammxG[i1], gammMxG[i1], ylim2=c(1e-18, 1e-15))

Computation of Factorial (\Gamma(x+1) = x!)

The same with factorial() instead of gamma() :

We compute base R's factorial, and then also {Rmpfr} 's factorial method, using 256-bit precision:

 <<factorial-def, eval=FALSE>>
facxF <- factorial(xF)
system.time(# 256-bit (~= 256*log10(2) ~= 77 digits) internal accuracy to be "safe")
    facMxF <- factorial(mpfr(xF, 256))
) # 0.3 sec; then (LDOUBLE): 0.81 sec

To compare the old ("current" at time of writing) and potential new algorithms visually, we get their values from a saved version of what above would be cbind(x = xG, fact.x = facxF, gamm.x = gammxG) :

Then, in Figure \@ref(fig:relE-fac-old)) we look at the current R\ 4.2.1's accuracy of factorial(x) or equivalently gamma(x+1) , for the whole range of $x$ for which factorial(x) is positive and finite.

pfEpmO <- p.factEr(oldG[,"xF"], oldG[,"fact.x"], facMxF,
                   ch.Rversion = attr(oldG, "R.version"),
                   type="l", ylim2 = c(1e-17, 2e-13), doFirst = FALSE)

Note that $x!$ values for $x \in {0,1,\dots,22}$ are exact, as explained in Fig.~\@ref(fig:relE-gamm-old)'s caption above. We observe that it seems the simple product for integer $x$ should be used for all $n \in {0,1, \dots, 170}$, instead of just up to 50.

For factorial(x) $ = x! = \Gamma(x+1)$, using $[0, 49]$ analogously, (Fig.\@ref{plot-factErr-1})

str(i1 <- which(0 <= xF & xF <= 49)); stopifnot(!anyNA(i1))
pfE1 <- p.factEr(xF[i1], facxF[i1], facMxF[i1])

This is really surprisingly different from the figure above! Note that the visual outliers can be easily be separated, and clustered very distinctively into 5 groups:

iLarge <- which(abs(pfE1[,"relErr"]) > 2e-15 |
               (abs(pfE1[,"relErr"]) > 4e-16 & pfE1[,"x"] < 10))
 xLrg <- xF[i1][iLarge]
rELrg <-  pfE1 [iLarge, "relErr"]
clLrg <- pam(xLrg, 4)
str(split(xLrg, clLrg$clustering), digits=6)

plot(abs(rELrg) ~ xLrg, type="o", log="xy", axes=FALSE, ylim=c(2e-17, 2e-14))
xI <- outer(-1:0, 2^(2:5), `+`); cg <- adjustcolor("gray20", 1/3); abline(v = xI, lty=2, col=cg)
eaxis(1, sub10=2, at=xI);  eaxis(2)
lines(abs(pfE1[,"relErr"]) ~ xF[i1], col=cg, lwd=1/2)
abline(h = 2^(0:2)*2^-53, col="orange", lty=3)

which shows for some (actually exactly $\frac 1 3$, i.e. one third) of the $x$ values in the intervals $(3,4)$, $(7,8)$, $(15,16)$, and $(31,32)$, there are "outliers" with quite substantial accuracy loss.

For a typical one in interval $(3,4)$, if I do the multiplications manually in R, everything remains amazingly accurate:

Mfac3.98 <- factorial(mpfr(3.98, 128)) ## all these three are the same
c(asNumeric((factorial(0.98)*1.98*2.98*3.98)/Mfac3.98 - 1)
, asNumeric((factorial(0.98)*(1+.98)*(2+.98)*(3+.98))/Mfac3.98 - 1)
, asNumeric((gamma(1.98)*(1+.98)*(1+1+.98)*(1+1+1+.98))/Mfac3.98 - 1) )

where the error is only $2.43 \cdot 10^{-17}$, almost 10 times smaller than the computer epsilon $2^{-52}$, and about 80 times smaller than the 7.87..e-16 we got from R's C-base evaluation factorial(3.98) . However, if I get close to what R\ does, I can now get

c(asNumeric((gamma(4.98-3) * (4.98-1)*(4.98-2)*(4.98-3))/Mfac3.98 - 1) ,
  asNumeric((gamma(4.98-3) * (4.98-3)*(4.98-2)*(4.98-1))/Mfac3.98 - 1) )

for which I see larger errors 6.345..e-16 and 7.871..e-16, respectively.

Similar observation if we extend to the whole (finite $\Gamma()$) positive axis: $\Gamma(x)$ is perfectly accurate (new algorithm), whereas $x!$ has "outliers":

str(i2 <-  which(1 <= xG & xG <= 173)); stopifnot(!anyNA(i2))
pgE2 <- p.gammEr(xG[i2], gammxG[i2], gammMxG[i2], ylim2=c(1e-18, 1e-15))
str(i2 <-  which(0 <= xF & xF <= 172)); stopifnot(!anyNA(i2))
pfE2 <- p.factEr(xF[i2], facxF[i2], facMxF[i2], ylim2=c(1e-18, 1e-15))

We find the accuracy of this by visualizing the relative error of R's gamma(x) wrt to the 256-bit accurate mpfr-values.

For that, we the values from a saved version of what above would be cbind(x = xF, fact.x = facxF) :

i.10 <- abs(xF+1) <= 10 # <==> -11 <= xF <= 9
all.equal(facxF[i.10], oldG[i.10,"fact.x"])

which differ as we now use a different value *= (..) ; scheme in the multiplication for -loop. % i.e., indeed, gamma(x) is unchanged for $x \in [-10, 10]$, and hence, % factorial(x) is unchanged for $x \in [-11,9]$.

Now we choose larger $y$-axis limits (ylim = * ) to compare both the old and the new algorithm behavior:

p.factEr(oldG[i2,"xF"], oldG[i2,"fact.x"], facMxF[i2],
         ch.Rversion = attr(oldG, "R.version"), type="o",
         ylim1 = c(-1,1)*8e-14, ylim2 = c(.5e-17, 2e-13))
p.factEr(xF[i2], facxF[i2], facMxF[i2], type="o",
         ylim1 = c(-1,1)*8e-14, ylim2 = c(.5e-17, 2e-13))

and then using positive and negative arguments $x$ for the new algorithm, which is perfect for the $\Gamma(x) :=$gamma(x) ,

pgEpm <- p.gammEr(xG, gammxG, gammMxG, type="l", ylim2= c(1e-17, 2e-13))

but quite different, with the "outliers" for factorial(x)

pfEpm <- p.factEr(xF, facxF, facMxF, type="l", ylim2= c(1e-17, 2e-13))

where for the "old" R\ version, we've seen the absolute values of the relative errors, i.e., the 2nd plot, already above in Fig.~\@ref(fig:relE-fac-old).

Now compare the relative errors of the traditional "old" gamma(.) and the new one, using the simple recursion derived from the identity $\Gamma(x+1) = x\Gamma(x)$, i.e.,

\begin{align} \Gamma(x+1) & = x(x-1)\cdots(x-\fx+k+1)\Gamma(x-\fx+k) \textrm{\ for\ } k=0,1,\dots,\fx \ & \nonumber \textrm{and where\ } \fx is R's floor(x). (#eq:Gamma-recursion) \end{align}

Both old and new algorithm together, for the $\Gamma(x) :=$gamma(x) ,

matpl2 <- function(x, y, main, ylim = c(2e-17, 2e-13),
                   col = adjustcolor(2:1, 2/3), vcol = "sky blue",
                   vert = c(-10, 10)) {
    op <- par(mgp=c(2, .4, 0)); on.exit(par(op))
    matplot(x, y, type="o", cex=1/2, pch=2:1, lty=1,
            xlab=quote(x), ylab=quote(abs(rE)), main=main,
            ylim=ylim, col=col, log="y", yaxt='n')
    sfsmisc::eaxis(2, cex.axis=.8)
    legend("top", c("new R devel", "old R 4.1.3"), col=col, lty=1, pch=2:1, bty='n')
    abline(v = vert, lty=3, col=vcol)
    for(s in c(1,3)) axis(s, at = vert, col=vcol, col.axis=vcol)

relE2 <- cbind(n.relE = pgEpm[,"relErr"], o.relE = pgEpmO[,"relErr"])
matpl2(pgEpm[,"x"], relE2, main = "|relative error{ gamma(x) }|")
relE2 <- cbind(n.relE = pfEpm[,"relErr"], o.relE = pfEpmO[,"relErr"])
matpl2(pfEpm[,"x"], relE2, main = "|relative error{ x! }|",
       vert = c(-11,9))

Extending the domain, i.e. range(x) with finite gamma()

In addition to always use the new algorithm, i.e., use the recursion~(\@ref(eq:Gamma-recursion)), $ \Gamma(x+1) = x(x-1)\cdots(x-\fx+k+1)\Gamma(x-\fx+k)$ everywhere, we can also extended the range of $x$ which gives finite $\Gamma(x)=$gamma(x) in R:

Here, we want to determine the smallest and largest possible x such that gamma(x) is finite, more* accurately (and allowing denormalized numbers) than R's (internal) gammalims() , which had been hard coded to the interval $(-170.567...., 171.614....)$.

The upper bound 'xmax' : \

str(ur <- uniroot(function(x) asNumeric(gamma(mpfr(x, 256))/.Machine$double.xmax - 1),
                  c(170,180), tol=1e-14), digits=12)
xmax <- ur$root
dput(xmax, , "digits") # 171.62437695630271
asNumeric(gamma(mpfr(171.62437695630271, 256))/.Machine$double.xmax - 1)
## -4.7749e-14  < 0  <==>  gamma(.) < Machine..xmax

The lower bound 'xmin' --- this considerably more delicate, as we have odd poles here at each negative integer, $\Gamma(x)$ "jumping" from $+\infty$ to $-\infty$ (or the other way round. In the end we will not use the value found here but rather even a slightly smaller one, $x_{\mathop{min}\Gamma} = -182$ and use a version of $\log\Gamma(x)$, i.e., code from R's lgamma() for values of $x$ which lead to "sub normal" $gamma(x)$ values, i.e., \code{abs(gamma(x)) < .Machine\$double.xmin} ($ = 2^{-1022}$ for the IEEE double precision standard). \

str(uL <- uniroot(function(x) asNumeric(abs(gamma(mpfr(x, 256))/2^-1073.9999) - 1),
                  c(-180.1, -170.1), tol=1e-14), digits=12)
dput(uL$root, , "digits") # -177.56341258681965

asNumeric(gamma(mpfr(-177.56341258681965, 256))/2^-1073.9999 - 1)
## 1.71551e-14 > 0  <==> gamma(.) > Machine..denormalized_xmin  .. good

Consequently, the proposal is to have in R's source <R>/src/nmath/gamma.c ,

// now allowing denormalized result
# define xmin -177.56341258681965 // was -170.5674972726612
# define xmax  171.62437695630271 // was  171.61447887182298

However, on April 29, 2022, analyzing more on these experiments, now in accompanying file gamma-inaccuracy\_R/gamma-subnormal.R , %% gamma-inaccuracy_R/gamma-subnormal.R we've found two properties

TODO: show more here

And indeed, we can see

if(capabilities("long.double")) withAutoprint({
 gamma(-177.56341258681968 * (1 - c(0, 2e-16))) #  0  4.4907e-324
 gamma(-177.56341258681962) # 4.4907e-324
 gamma(-177.56341258681962) == 2^-1074
}) else withAutoprint({ ## no long double
 gamma(-177.44546702405586 * (1 - c(0, 2e-16))) #  0  1.976263e-323
 gamma(-177.44546702405583) # 1.976263e-323
 gamma(-177.44546702405583) == 2^-1072

## The upper boundary is correctly giving  (1.7977e308, Inf)  {with and withOUT long double}:
gamma( 171.62437695630271 * (1 + c(0, 3e-16)))


gamma(x) itself suffers from the fact that exp(y) has a large relative error, when $\abs{y} \approx 100$ or so, more specifically, the relative error of $\exp(y) = \abs{y} \cdot rel.err(y)$ , since exp(((1+ eps)*y) = exp(y) * exp(eps*y) >= exp(y) (1 + eps*y) and indeed, the inaccuracy of y (i.e. eps) is blown up by a factor |y| which is not small here!

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