
Defines functions getsubregions rmaxstab

Documented in getsubregions rmaxstab

rmaxstab <- function(n, coord, cov.mod = "gauss", grid = FALSE,
                     control = list(), ...){

    if (!(cov.mod %in% c("gauss","whitmat","cauchy","powexp","bessel",
                         "iwhitmat", "icauchy", "ipowexp", "ibessel",
                         "gwhitmat", "gcauchy", "gpowexp", "gbessel",
                         "twhitmat", "tcauchy", "tpowexp", "tbessel",
        stop("'cov.mod' must be one of 'gauss', '(i/g/t)whitmat', '(i/g/t)cauchy', '(i/g/t)powexp', '(i/g/t)bessel' or 'brown'")

    if (!is.null(control$method) && !(control$method %in% c("direct", "tbm", "circ", "exact")))
        stop("the argument 'method' for 'control' must be one of 'exact', 'direct', 'tbm' and 'circ'")

    if (cov.mod == "gauss")
        model <- "Smith"

    else if (cov.mod == "brown")
        model <- "Brown-Resnick"

    else if (cov.mod %in% c("whitmat","cauchy","powexp","bessel"))
        model <- "Schlather"

    else {
        if (substr(cov.mod, 1, 1) == "i")
            model <- "iSchlather"

        else if (substr(cov.mod, 1, 1) == "g")
            model <- "Geometric"

            model <- "Extremal-t"

        cov.mod <- substr(cov.mod, 2, 10)

    dist.dim <- ncol(coord)

    if (is.null(dist.dim))
        dist.dim <- 1

    if (dist.dim > 2)
        stop("Currently this function is only available for R or R^2")

    if ((dist.dim == 1) && grid){
        warning("You cannot use 'grid = TRUE' in dimension 1. Ignored.")
        grid <- FALSE

    if (model == "Smith"){
        if ((dist.dim == 1) && (!("var" %in% names(list(...)))))
            stop("For one dimensional simulations, you must specify 'var' not 'cov11', 'cov12', 'cov22'.")

        if ((dist.dim == 2) && (!all(c("cov11", "cov12", "cov22") %in% names(list(...)))))
            stop("You must specify 'cov11', 'cov12', 'cov22'")

        ##Get the model parameters
        var <- list(...)$var
        cov11 <- list(...)$cov11
        cov12 <- list(...)$cov12
        cov22 <- list(...)$cov22
        cov13 <- list(...)$cov13
        cov23 <- list(...)$cov23
        cov33 <- list(...)$cov33

    else if (model == "Schlather"){
        if (!all(c("nugget", "range", "smooth") %in% names(list(...))))
            stop("You must specify 'nugget', 'range', 'smooth'")

        nugget <- list(...)$nugget
        range <- list(...)$range
        smooth <- list(...)$smooth

    else if (model == "iSchlather"){
        if (!all(c("alpha", "nugget", "range", "smooth") %in% names(list(...))))
            stop("You must specify 'alpha', 'nugget', 'range', 'smooth'")

        nugget <- list(...)$nugget
        range <- list(...)$range
        smooth <- list(...)$smooth
        alpha <- list(...)$alpha

    else if (model == "Geometric") {
        if (!all(c("sigma2", "nugget", "range", "smooth") %in% names(list(...))))
            stop("You must specify 'sigma2', 'nugget', 'range', 'smooth'")

        nugget <- list(...)$nugget
        range <- list(...)$range
        smooth <- list(...)$smooth
        sigma2 <- list(...)$sigma2

    else if (model == "Extremal-t"){
        if (!all(c("DoF", "nugget", "range", "smooth") %in% names(list(...))))
            stop("You must specify 'DoF', 'nugget', 'range', 'smooth'")

        nugget <- list(...)$nugget
        range <- list(...)$range
        smooth <- list(...)$smooth
        DoF <- list(...)$DoF

    else if (model == "Brown-Resnick"){
        range <- list(...)$range
        smooth <- list(...)$smooth

    if (dist.dim !=1){
        n.site <- nrow(coord)
        coord.range <- apply(coord, 2, range)
        center <- colMeans(coord.range)
        edge <- max(apply(coord.range, 2, diff))

    else {
        n.site <- length(coord)
        coord.range <- range(coord)
        center <- mean(coord.range)
        edge <- diff(coord.range)

    cov.mod <- switch(cov.mod, "gauss" = "gauss", "whitmat" = 1, "cauchy" = 2,
                      "powexp" = 3, "bessel" = 4)

    if (grid){
        n.eff.site <- n.site^dist.dim
        reg.grid <- .isregulargrid(coord[,1], coord[,2])
        steps <- reg.grid$steps
        reg.grid <- reg.grid$reg.grid

        n.eff.site <- n.site

    ans <- rep(-1e10, n * n.eff.site)

    ##Identify which simulation technique is the most adapted or use the
    ##one specified by the user --- this is useless for the Smith model.
    if (is.null(control$method)){
        if (n.eff.site < 1000)## <<-- I fixed it to 1000 but need to modify it later maybe !!!
            method <- "exact"

        else if (grid && reg.grid)
            method <- "circ"

        else if ((length(ans) / n) > 600)
            method <- "tbm"

            method <- "direct"

        if ((model == "Geometric") && (method == "exact"))##exact simulation for Geometric case not implemented yet
            method <- "direct"

        method <- control$method

    if (method == "tbm"){
        if (is.null(control$nlines))
            nlines <- 1000

            nlines <- control$nlines

    if (model == "Smith")
        ans <- switch(dist.dim,
                      .C(C_rsmith1d, as.double(coord), as.double(center), as.double(edge),
                         as.integer(n), as.integer(n.site), as.double(var), ans = ans)$ans,
                      .C(C_rsmith2d, as.double(coord), as.double(center), as.double(edge),
                         as.integer(n), as.integer(n.site), grid, as.double(cov11), as.double(cov12),
                         as.double(cov22), ans = ans)$ans)

    else if (model == "Schlather"){

        if (is.null(control$uBound))
            uBound <- 3.5

            uBound <- control$uBound

        if (method == "direct")
            ans <- .C(C_rschlatherdirect, as.double(coord), as.integer(n), as.integer(n.site),
                      as.integer(dist.dim), as.integer(cov.mod), grid, as.double(nugget),
                      as.double(range), as.double(smooth), as.double(uBound), ans = ans)$ans

        else if (method == "exact")
            ans <- .C(C_rschlatherexact, as.double(coord), as.integer(n), as.integer(n.site), as.integer(dist.dim),
                      as.integer(cov.mod), as.integer(grid), as.double(nugget), as.double(range), as.double(smooth),
                      ans = ans)$ans

        else if (method == "circ")
            ans <- .C(C_rschlathercirc, as.integer(n), as.integer(n.site), as.double(steps),
                      as.integer(dist.dim), as.integer(cov.mod), as.double(nugget), as.double(range),
                      as.double(smooth),  as.double(uBound), ans = ans)$ans

            ans <- .C(C_rschlathertbm, as.double(coord), as.integer(n), as.integer(n.site),
                      as.integer(dist.dim), as.integer(cov.mod), grid, as.double(nugget),
                      as.double(range), as.double(smooth), as.double(uBound), as.integer(nlines),
                      ans = ans)$ans

    else if (model == "Geometric"){

        if (is.null(control$uBound))
            uBound <- exp(3.5 * sqrt(sigma2) - 0.5 * sigma2)

            uBound <- control$uBound

        if (method == "direct")
            ans <- .C(C_rgeomdirect, as.double(coord), as.integer(n), as.integer(n.site),
                      as.integer(dist.dim), as.integer(cov.mod), grid, as.double(sigma2),
                      as.double(nugget), as.double(range), as.double(smooth),
                      as.double(uBound), ans = ans)$ans

        else if (method == "circ")
            ans <- .C(C_rgeomcirc, as.integer(n), as.integer(n.site), as.double(steps),
                      as.integer(dist.dim), as.integer(cov.mod), as.double(sigma2),
                      as.double(nugget), as.double(range), as.double(smooth),  as.double(uBound),
                      ans = ans)$ans

            ans <- .C(C_rgeomtbm, as.double(coord), as.integer(n), as.integer(n.site),
                      as.integer(dist.dim), as.integer(cov.mod), grid, as.double(sigma2),
                      as.double(nugget), as.double(range), as.double(smooth), as.double(uBound),
                      as.integer(nlines), ans = ans)$ans

    else if (model == "Extremal-t"){
        if (is.null(control$uBound))
            uBound <- 3^DoF

            uBound <- control$uBound

        if (method == "direct")
            ans <- .C(C_rextremaltdirect, as.double(coord), as.integer(n), as.integer(n.site),
                      as.integer(dist.dim), as.integer(cov.mod), grid, as.double(nugget),
                      as.double(range), as.double(smooth), as.double(DoF), as.double(uBound),
                      ans = ans)$ans

        else if (method == "exact")
            ans <- .C(C_rextremaltexact, as.double(coord), as.integer(n), as.integer(n.site),
                      as.integer(dist.dim), as.integer(cov.mod), grid, as.double(nugget),
                      as.double(range), as.double(smooth), as.double(DoF), ans = ans)$ans

        else if (method == "circ")
            ans <- .C(C_rextremaltcirc, as.integer(n), as.integer(n.site), as.double(steps),
                      as.integer(dist.dim), as.integer(cov.mod), as.double(nugget), as.double(range),
                      as.double(smooth), as.double(DoF), as.double(uBound), ans = ans)$ans

            ans <- .C(C_rextremalttbm, as.double(coord), as.integer(n), as.integer(n.site),
                      as.integer(dist.dim), as.integer(cov.mod), grid, as.double(nugget),
                      as.double(range), as.double(smooth), as.double(DoF), as.double(uBound),
                      as.integer(nlines), ans = ans)$ans

    else if (model == "Brown-Resnick"){
        coord <- scale(coord, scale = FALSE) + 10^-6## to avoid having the origin

        if (is.null(control$max.sim))
            max.sim <- 1000

            max.sim <- control$max.sim

        if (is.null(control$uBound))
            uBound <- 10

            uBound <- control$uBound

        if (is.null(control$sim.type))
            sim.type <- 1

            sim.type <- control$sim.type

        if (dist.dim == 1)
            bounds <- range(coord)

            bounds <- apply(coord, 2, range)

        if (is.null(control$nPP))
            nPP <- 15

            nPP <- control$nPP

        if (sim.type == 6){
            idx.sub.orig <- getsubregions(coord, bounds, range, smooth, dist.dim)
            n.sub.orig <- length(idx.sub.orig)

            idx.sub.orig <- n.sub.orig <- 0

        if (method == "direct")
            ans <- .C(C_rbrowndirect, as.double(coord), as.double(bounds),
                      as.integer(n), as.integer(n.site), as.integer(dist.dim),
                      as.integer(grid), as.double(range), as.double(smooth),
                      as.double(uBound), as.integer(sim.type), as.integer(max.sim),
                      as.integer(nPP), as.integer(idx.sub.orig), as.integer(n.sub.orig),
                      ans = ans)$ans

        else if (method == "exact")
            ans <- .C(C_rbrownexact, as.double(coord), as.integer(n), as.integer(n.site),
                      as.integer(dist.dim), as.integer(grid), as.double(range), as.double(smooth),
                      ans = ans)$ans

    if (grid){
        if (n == 1)
            ans <- matrix(ans, n.site, n.site)

            ans <- array(ans, c(n.site, n.site, n))

        ans <- matrix(ans, nrow = n, ncol = n.site)


getsubregions <- function(coord, bounds, range, smooth, dist.dim){

    if (dist.dim == 1){
        coord <- matrix(coord, ncol = 1)
        bounds <- matrix(bounds, ncol = 1)

    h.star <- 2^(1/smooth) * range
    n.windows <- 1 + floor(diff(bounds) / h.star)

    sub.bounds <- list()
    for (i in 1:dist.dim)
        sub.bounds <- c(sub.bounds,
                        list(seq(bounds[1,i], bounds[2, i], length = n.windows[i] + 1)))

    sub.centers <- list()
    for (i in 1:dist.dim)
        sub.centers <- c(sub.centers, list(0.5 * (sub.bounds[[i]][-1] +
                                                  sub.bounds[[i]][-(n.windows + 1)])))

    sub.origins <- as.matrix(expand.grid(sub.centers))

    n.sub.origins <- prod(n.windows)
    idx.sub.orig <- rep(NA, n.sub.origins)
    for (i in 1:n.sub.origins){
        dummy <- sqrt(colSums((t(coord) - sub.origins[i,])^2))
        idx.sub.orig[i] <- which.min(dummy)

    return(idx.sub.orig = idx.sub.orig)

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