
json <- function() {
  drv <- "json"
  attr(drv, "package") <- "TSjson"
  new("jsonDriver", Id = drv)

####### some kludges to make this look like DBI. ######
# for these require("DBI")

setClass("jsonDriver", contains=c("DBIDriver"), slots=c(Id = "character")) 

setClass("jsonConnection", contains=c("DBIConnection", "jsonDriver"),
   slots=c(dbname="character") )

setMethod("dbConnect", signature(drv="jsonDriver"), 
     definition=function(drv, dbname, ...) 
                   new("jsonConnection", drv, dbname=dbname))

# this does nothing but prevent errors if it is called. 
setMethod("dbDisconnect", signature(conn="jsonConnection"), 
     definition=function(conn,...) TRUE)
#######     end kludges   ######

setClass("TSjsonConnection", contains=c("jsonConnection", "conType","TSdb"),
   slots= c(user="character", password="character", host="character",
                  url="character", proxy="logical") )

setMethod("TSconnect",   signature(q="jsonConnection", dbname="missing"),
    definition= function(q, dbname, user=NULL, password=NULL, host=NULL, ...){
 dbname <- q@dbname 
 # if other values are not specified get defaults from file or system variables

 if (dbname == "proxy-cansim") {
   dbname <- "scapi/default/get.json"
   f <- paste(Sys.getenv("HOME"),"/.TSjson.cfg", sep="")
   if (file.exists(f)) {
       f <- scan(f, what="") # parse a file for [proxy-cansim] user password host
       # only proxy-cansim supported for now
       r <- list(user=f[2],        
                 password = f[3] , 
                 host     = f[4]   
   else  r <- list(user     = Sys.getenv()["TSJSONUSER"],
                   password = Sys.getenv()["TSJSONPASSWORD"],
                   host     = Sys.getenv()["TSJSONHOST"])
   if (is.null(user)) user <- r$user
   if (is.null(password)) password <-r$password
   if (is.null(host)) host <- r$host
   url <- paste("http://",user,":",password,"@",host,"/",dbname,"/", sep="")
   proxy <- TRUE
 else if (dbname == "cansim") {
   user <- password <- host  <- ""
   # this is not really a url in this case, but the .py has the url+
   # shQuote() for path name spaces in Windows
   url <- shQuote(paste(path.package("TSjson"), "/exec/cansimGet.py", sep=""))
   # In Linux the script may work without specifying the python command
   #  if it has #!python, but this checks version more carefully.
   cmdExists <- can_find_python_cmd(
       minimum_version = '2.6',
       maximum_version = '2.9',
       required_modules = c('sys', 're', 'urllib2', 'csv', 'mechanize', 'json')
   if (!cmdExists)  stop("Python 2 and modules", 
         " urllib2, re, csv, mechanize, and json must be installed")

   CMD <-  attr(cmdExists, 'python_cmd')
   url <- paste(CMD, ' ', url) 
   proxy <- FALSE
 else stop("dbname ", dbname, " not supported.")

 # there could be a better connection test mechanism 
 #if(inherits(con, "try-error")) 
 #      stop("Could not establish TSjsonConnection to ",  dbname)
 new("TSjsonConnection", dbname=dbname,
        hasVintages=FALSE, hasPanels=FALSE, 
	user=user, password=password, host=host, url=url, proxy=proxy ) 
 } )

  signature(serIDs="character", con="TSjsonConnection", vintage="ANY", panel="ANY"),
   definition= function(serIDs, con, vintage=NULL, panel=NULL, ... )  
{  # Indicate  dates for which data is available.
   # This requires retrieving series individually so they are not truncated.
   r <- av <- st <- en <- tb <- NULL
   for (i in 1:length(serIDs))
     {r <- try(TSget(serIDs[i], con, quiet=TRUE), silent = TRUE)

      if(inherits(r, "try-error") ) {
        av <- c(av, FALSE)
	st <- append(st, list(NA))
	en <- append(en, list(NA))
	tb <- rbind(tb, NA)
      else  {
        av <- c(av, TRUE)
        st <- append(st, list(tfstart(r)))
        en <- append(en, list(tfend(r)))
        tb <- rbind(tb,tffrequency(r))
  r <- serIDs
  attr(r, "TSdates") <- av
  attr(r, "start") <- st
  attr(r, "end")   <- en
  attr(r, "frequency")   <- tb
  class(r) <- "TSdates"
} )

setMethod("TSget",     signature(serIDs="character", con="TSjsonConnection"),
   definition= function(serIDs, con=getOption("TSconnection"), 
       tf=NULL, start=tfstart(tf), end=tfend(tf),
       TSdescription=FALSE, TSdoc=FALSE, TSlabel=FALSE, TSsource=TRUE,
       quiet=TRUE, repeat.try=3, ...){ 
  if(is.null(TSrepresentation)) TSrepresentation <- "default"
  if(is.null(repeat.try)) repeat.try <- 5
  url <- con@url 

  mat <- desc <- doc <- label <- source <-  rp <- NULL

  for (i in seq(length(serIDs))) {
    qq <- paste(url, serIDs[i], sep=" ")
       for (rpt in seq(repeat.try)) {
   	      rr <- try(rjson::getURL(qq), silent=quiet)
   	      if (!inherits(rr , "try-error")) break

       if(inherits(rr , "try-error") ) stop(# after repeating
 	    "Series retrieval failed. Server ", con@host, "not responding.")

       # there may also be attr(rr,"errmsg") available
       if ((!is.null(attr(rr,"status"))) && (0 !=  attr(rr,"status")) ) 
   	  stop("Series retrieval failed. Series ",serIDs[i], " may not exist.")

       #rr <-  try(fromJSON(rr, asText=TRUE), silent=quiet)
       rr <-  try(fromJSON(rr), silent=quiet)
       if(inherits(rr , "try-error") ) stop(
   	   "Conversion from JSON failed, server returning unrecognized object.")
    else {#!con@proxy
       for (rpt in seq(repeat.try)) {
	    #rr <- try(system(qq, intern=TRUE), silent=quiet)
   	    #fromJSON in RJSONIO (requires change of Imports: and NAMESPACE):
	    #rr <- try(fromJSON(pcon <- pipe(qq), asText=TRUE))
  	    #fromJSON in rjson:
	    rr <- try(fromJSON(readLines(pcon <- pipe(qq))))
	    if ((!inherits(rr , "try-error"))){
	       if(is.atomic(rr)) stop(rr, "\n rr is atomic. DEBUG py.")
	       else if(is.null(rr$error)) break
       if(inherits(rr , "try-error")) # after repeating
   	  stop("system command or fromJSON did not execute properly.")
       else if(!is.null(rr$error)) stop("error retrieving series: ", rr$error)
       # this is for system() rather than pipe()
       # if ((!is.null(attr(rr,"status"))) && (0 !=  attr(rr,"status")) ) stop( 
       #   "Series retrieval failed. Series ",serIDs[i], " may not exist.")

       stop("Series retrieval failed. Series ",serIDs[i], " may not exist.")

    fr <- rr$freq
    if("Error" == fr) stop("frequency not recognized.")
    st <- rr$start
    x  <- rr$x
    #this is necessary sometimes. unlist(x) would be ok but missing
    # values (py None are translated to json null and then as null
    # in the R list) get truncated out with unlist(x)
    if(is.list(x)) {
        #warning("need to unlist fromJSON x result.")
	na <- unlist(lapply(x, is.null))
	z <- unlist(x)
	x <- rep(NA, length(na)) 
	x[!na] <- z 
    if((TSrepresentation=="default" | TSrepresentation=="ts") 
           && fr %in% c(1,4,12,2))
	 r <-   ts(x, start=st, frequency=fr) 
    else {
	 r <-  zoo::zoo(x, order.by=as.Date(rr$dates, format='%b %d %Y'))

    mat <- tbind(mat, r)
    if(TSdescription) desc <- c(desc,   rr$shortdesc ) 
    if(TSdoc)     doc      <- c(doc,    rr$desc ) 
    if(TSlabel)   label    <- c(label,  serIDs[i] )
    if(TSsource)  source   <- c(source, rr$source )

  if (NCOL(mat) != length(serIDs)) stop("Error retrieving series", serIDs) 

  mat <- tfwindow(mat, tf=tf, start=start, end=end)

  if( (!is.null(rp)) && !all(is.na(rp)) ) TSrefperiod(mat) <- rp      

  if (! TSrepresentation  %in% c( "zoo", "default")){
      mat <- changeTSrepresentation(mat, TSrepresentation)

  seriesNames(mat) <- names 

  TSmeta(mat) <- new("TSmeta", serIDs=serIDs,  
      hasVintages=con@hasVintages, hasPanels=con@hasPanels,
      TSdescription = if(TSdescription) desc   else NA, 
      TSdoc         = if(TSdoc)         doc    else NA,
      TSlabel       = if(TSlabel)       label  else NA,
      TSsource      = if(TSsource)      source else NA )
} )

#setMethod("TSput",     signature(x="ANY", serIDs="character", con="TSjsonConnection"),
#   definition= function(x, serIDs=seriesNames(data), con, ...)   
#    "TSput for TSjson connection not supported." )

setMethod("TSdescription",   signature(x="character", con="TSjsonConnection"),
   definition= function(x, con=getOption("TSconnection"), ...){
        TSdescription(TSget(serIDs=x, con=con, TSdescription=TRUE ))})

setMethod("TSdoc",   signature(x="character", con="TSjsonConnection"),
   definition= function(x, con=getOption("TSconnection"), ...){
        TSdoc(TSget(serIDs=x, con=con, TSdoc=TRUE ))})

setMethod("TSlabel",   signature(x="character", con="TSjsonConnection"),
   definition= function(x, con=getOption("TSconnection"), ...){
        TSlabel(TSget(serIDs=x, con=con, TSlabel=TRUE ))})

setMethod("TSsource",   signature(x="character", con="TSjsonConnection"),
   definition= function(x, con=getOption("TSconnection"), ...){
        TSsource(TSget(serIDs=x, con=con, TSsource=TRUE ))})

Try the TSjson package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

TSjson documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:50 p.m.