
#   TTR: Technical Trading Rules
#   Copyright (C) 2007-2013  Joshua M. Ulrich
#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#'Fetch Internet Data
#'Get investment data from the internet.
#'\code{getYahooData} fetches individual stock data from the Yahoo! Finance
#'website.  It also adjusts price for splits and dividends, and volume for
#'\code{stockSymbols} fetches instrument symbols from the nasdaq.com website,
#'and adjusts the symbols to be compatible with the Yahoo! Finance website.
#'@aliases WebData getYahooData stockSymbols
#'@param symbol Yahoo! Finance instrument symbol.
#'@param start Numeric; first date of desired data, in YYYYMMDD format.
#'Default is first date of series.
#'@param end Numeric; last date of desired data, in YYYYMMDD format.  Default
#'is last date of series.
#'@param freq Desired data frequency.  One of \code{"daily"}, \code{"weekly"},
#'@param type Type of data to return.  One of \code{"price"}, or
#'\code{"split"}.  \code{type="split"} will return both split and dividend
#'@param adjust Logical; if \code{TRUE}, the Open, High, Low, and Close prices
#'will be adjusted for dividends and splits, and Volume will be adjusted for
#'@param quiet Logical; if \code{TRUE}, status messages will be printed to the
#'@param exchange Character vector of exchange names on which desired
#'instrument symbols are traded.
#'@param sort.by Character vector of columns by which returned data will be
#'sorted.  Must be one or more of \code{"Name"}, \code{"Symbol"},
#'\code{"Market.Cap"}, or \code{"Exchange"}.
#'@return \code{getYahooData} returns an xts object containing the columns:
#'\code{stockSymbols} returns a character vector containing all the listed
#'symbols for the given exchanges.
#' \describe{
#'    \item{ Date }{ Trade date, in CCYYMMDD format. }
#'    \item{ Open }{ Open price. }
#'    \item{ High }{ High price. }
#'    \item{ Low }{ Low price. }
#'    \item{ Close }{ Close price. }
#'    \item{ Volume }{ Volume. }
#' }
#'@note The symbols returned by \code{stockSymbols} may not be in the format
#'necessary to retrieve data using \code{getYahooData}.
#'\code{getYahooData} has only been tested on daily data.  It isn't known if
#'the function correctly adjusts data for any other frequency.
#'@author Joshua Ulrich
#'@keywords ts
#' ### Note: you must have a working internet
#' ### connection for these examples to work!
#' ibm <- getYahooData("IBM", 19990404, 20050607)
#' nyse.symbols <- stockSymbols("NYSE")
#'@rdname WebData
"stockSymbols" <-
         sort.by=c("Exchange","Symbol"), quiet=FALSE) {

  # Many thanks to Ion Georgiadis for helpful suggestions and testing.

  # See "NYSE "behind the dot" or Nasdaq 5th-letter codes and other special
  # codes" here:
  # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ticker_symbol
  # http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/finance/quotes/quote-02.html
  # AMEX / NYSE Mappings (NASDAQ doesn't need transformation?):
  # Exchanges -> Yahoo
  # /WS       -> -WT
  # /U        -> -U
  # .[A-Z]    -> NA (special notes/bonds - IG)
  # :[AP]     -> NA (after-hours / pre-market)
  # ^         -> -P
  # /         -> -
  # $         -> NA (NYSE Only)
  # ~         -> NA (NYSE Only)

  symbols  <- NULL
  symbols.colnames <- c("Symbol","Name","LastSale","MarketCap","IPOyear","Sector","Industry","Exchange")
  exchange <- match.arg(exchange, several.ok=TRUE)
  sort.by  <- match.arg(sort.by, symbols.colnames, several.ok=TRUE)

  for(i in exchange) {
    if(!quiet) message("Fetching ",i," symbols...")

    # Fetch Symbols
    url  <- paste("http://www.nasdaq.com/screening/companies-by-name.aspx",
    exch <- read.csv(url, header=TRUE, as.is=TRUE, na="n/a")

    # Find and order by necessary columns
    col.loc <- sapply(symbols.colnames, grep, names(exch), ignore.case=TRUE)
    exch <- exch[,c(col.loc, recursive=TRUE)]
    # Create "Exchange" column
    exch <- data.frame(exch, Exchange=i, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    colnames(exch) <- symbols.colnames

    # Clean up any whitespace in Symbol
    exch$Symbol <- gsub("[[:space:]]","",exch$Symbol)

    # Exchange-specific scrubbing
    if(i=="AMEX") {
      # Transform Symbols to Yahoo format
      exch$Symbol <- gsub("/WS$", "-WT", exch$Symbol)  # AMEX, NYSE
      exch$Symbol <- gsub("/WS/", "-WT", exch$Symbol)  # AMEX, NYSE
      exch$Symbol <- gsub("/U",   "-U",  exch$Symbol)  # AMEX
      exch$Symbol <- gsub("\\^",  "-P",  exch$Symbol)  # AMEX, NYSE
      exch$Symbol <- gsub("/",    "-",   exch$Symbol)  # AMEX, NYSE

      # Drop symbols Yahoo doesn't provide
      drop <- c( grep("\\.", exch$Symbol),   # AMEX
                 grep("\\$", exch$Symbol),   # AMEX, NYSE
                 grep(":",   exch$Symbol) )  # AMEX, NYSE
      if(NROW(drop)!=0) {
        exch <- exch[-drop,]

    } else
    # More exchange-specific scrubbing
    if(i=="NYSE") {
      # Transform Symbols to Yahoo format
      exch$Symbol <- gsub("/WS$", "-WT", exch$Symbol)  # AMEX, NYSE
      exch$Symbol <- gsub("/WS/", "-WT", exch$Symbol)  # AMEX, NYSE
      exch$Symbol <- gsub("\\^",  "-P",  exch$Symbol)  # AMEX, NYSE
      exch$Symbol <- gsub("/",    "-",   exch$Symbol)  # AMEX, NYSE

      # Drop symbols Yahoo doesn't provide
      drop <- c( grep("\\$", exch$Symbol),   # AMEX
                 grep(":",   exch$Symbol),   # AMEX, NYSE
                 grep("~",   exch$Symbol) )  # AMEX, NYSE
      if(NROW(drop)!=0) {
        exch <- exch[-drop,]


    # Append data from all exchanges
    symbols <- rbind( symbols, exch )

  # Sort
  symbols <- symbols[do.call("order", symbols[,sort.by]),]

  # Pretty rownames
  rownames(symbols) <- 1:NROW(symbols)


#'@rdname WebData
"getYahooData" <-
function(symbol, start, end, freq="daily", type="price", adjust=TRUE, quiet=FALSE) {

  # Thank you to Giorgio Beltrame for the URL to download dividends _and_
  # splits, and for his correct adjustment procedure.
  # Many thanks to Ion Georgiadis for helpful suggestions and testing.

  # symbol:  Character, instrument symbol
  # start:   Numeric, starting date, in ISO-8601 format as ccyymmdd (default
  #          is series' first date)
  # end:     Numeric, ending date, in ISO-8601 format as ccyymmdd (default is today)
  # freq:    Character, frequency of data
  #          either 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly'
  # type:    Character, either 'price' or 'split'
  # adjust:  Logical, adjusts the Open, High, Low, and Close prices for
  #          dividends and splits, and adjusts Volume for dividends.
  #          http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/finance/quotes/quote-12.html
  #          http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/x?s=MSFT&g=d&y=0&z=30000
  # Requires R-2.4.1

  # Check dates
  if (missing(start)) {
    beg <- as.POSIXlt( "1900-01-01" )
  } else {
    beg <- as.POSIXlt( as.Date( as.character(start), "%Y%m%d" ) )
  if (missing(end)) {
    end <- as.POSIXlt(Sys.Date())
  } else {
    end <- as.POSIXlt( as.Date( as.character( end ), "%Y%m%d" ) )

  if( beg > end )                    stop("Start date must be before end date.")
  if( beg > as.POSIXlt(Sys.Date()) ) stop("Start date is after today's date.")

  # Get freqeucy and type parameters
  freq <- match.arg( freq, c("daily","weekly","monthly") )
  type <- match.arg( type, c("price","split") )
  if(type=="price") {
    freq.url <- substr(freq,1,1)
  } else {
    freq.url <- "v"
    if(freq!="daily" & !quiet) message("Only freq=\"daily\" data available for type=\"split\".\n",
                                       "Setting freq=\"daily\"...")


  if(type=="price") {

    if(adjust) {

      if(freq=="daily") {

        # Get price, dividend, and split data from 'beg' to present
        ohlc   <- getYahooData(symbol, start, freq="daily", type="price",
                    adjust=FALSE, quiet=TRUE)
        divspl <- getYahooData(symbol, start, freq="daily", type="split",
                    adjust=FALSE, quiet=TRUE)
        ohlc   <- merge(ohlc, divspl, all=TRUE)
        # If there are no div/spl, then ohlc is a zero-width xts object
        if(NROW(divspl) != 0) {
          adj <- adjRatios(ohlc[,'Split'],ohlc[,'Div'],ohlc[,'Close'])
          s.ratio <- adj[,1]
          d.ratio <- adj[,2]

          # Adjust OHLC and volume
          cn <- colnames(ohlc)
          ohlc <- cbind(ohlc,ohlc[,'Close'])
          colnames(ohlc) <- c(cn,'Unadj.Close')
          #ohlc[,'Unadj.Close'] <- ohlc[,'Close']
          ohlc[,'Open']   <- ohlc[,'Open']  * d.ratio * s.ratio
          ohlc[,'High']   <- ohlc[,'High']  * d.ratio * s.ratio
          ohlc[,'Low']    <- ohlc[,'Low']   * d.ratio * s.ratio
          ohlc[,'Close']  <- ohlc[,'Close'] * d.ratio * s.ratio
          ohlc[,'Volume'] <- ohlc[,'Volume'] * ( 1 / d.ratio )

          # Order columns
          #ohlc <- ohlc[,c("Date","Open","High","Low","Close","Volume",
          ohlc <- ohlc[,c("Open","High","Low","Close","Volume",

      } else stop("Only freq=\"daily\" adjusted data is currently supported.")

      # For other frequencies, get daily data and use a routine to
      # aggregate to desired frequency.

    } else {

    # Construct URL for 'beg' to 'end'
    url <- paste( "http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=", symbol,
                  "&a=", beg$mon, "&b=", beg$mday, "&c=", beg$year+1900,
                  "&d=", end$mon, "&e=", end$mday, "&f=", end$year+1900,
                  "&g=", freq.url, "&ignore=.csv", sep="" )

    # Fetch data
    ohlc <- read.table(url, header=TRUE, sep=",")
    ohlc[,'Adj.Close'] <- NULL
    ohlc <- ohlc[order(ohlc[,"Date"]),]
    ohlc <- xts(ohlc[,-1], as.Date(as.character(ohlc[,1])))


  } else {

      if(!quiet) message("Unadjusted and adjusted dividend data are always returned.")

      # Construct URL for 'beg' to 'end'
      url <- paste( "http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/x?s=", symbol,
                    "&a=", beg$mon, "&b=", beg$mday, "&c=", beg$year+1900,
                    "&d=", end$mon, "&e=", end$mday, "&f=", end$year+1900,
                    "&g=", freq.url, "&y=0&z=30000", sep="" )

      # Fetch data
      ohlc <- read.table(url, skip=1, sep=",", fill=TRUE, as.is=TRUE)
      div  <- data.frame( Date=   ohlc[ohlc[,"V1"]=="DIVIDEND","V2"],
                          stringsAsFactors=FALSE )
      spl  <- data.frame( Date=   ohlc[ohlc[,"V1"]=="SPLIT","V2"],
                          stringsAsFactors=FALSE )

      ohlc <- merge(div, spl, by.col="Date", all=TRUE)
      # Return (empty) data
      if(NROW(ohlc)==0) return(ohlc)
      ohlc[,'Date'] <- as.Date(as.character(ohlc[,'Date']), "%Y%m%d")

      # Create split adjustment ratio, (always = 1 if no splits exist)
      ohlc[,'Split'] <- sub(":","/", ohlc[,'Split'])
      ohlc[,'Split'] <- 1 / sapply( parse( text=ohlc[,'Split'] ), eval )

      ohlc <- ohlc[order(ohlc[,1]),]
      ohlc <- xts(ohlc[,-1], as.Date(as.character(ohlc[,1])))

      if( all(is.na(ohlc[,'Split'])) ) {
        s.ratio <- rep(1,NROW(ohlc))
      } else {
        s.ratio <- adjRatios(splits=ohlc[,'Split'])[,1]

      # Un-adjust dividends for Splits
      ohlc <- cbind(ohlc,ohlc[,"Adj.Div"] * ( 1 / s.ratio ))
      colnames(ohlc)[3] <- "Div"
      ohlc[,'Split'] <- as.numeric(ohlc[,'Split'])

      # Order data columns
      ohlc <- ohlc[,c("Div","Split","Adj.Div")]

  # Only return requested data
  ohlc <- ohlc[paste(beg,end,sep='/'),]

  ### Check to see if supplied dates occur in data set
#  if( max(ohlc[,'Date']) != as.Date(end) ) {
#    if(!quiet) message("End date out of range, "  , max(ohlc[,'Date']), " is last available date.")
#  }
#  if( min(ohlc[,'Date']) != as.Date(beg) ) {
#    if(!quiet) message("Start date out of range, ", min(ohlc[,'Date']), " is first available date.")
#  }


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TTR documentation built on April 15, 2017, 8:31 a.m.