
Defines functions dateParse

Documented in dateParse

.dateParseCache <- new.env()
.dateParse.origin <- as.Date('1970-01-01')

dateParse <- function(x, format=NULL, stop.on.error=TRUE, quick.try=TRUE,
                      dross.remove=FALSE, na.strings=c("NA", ""),
                      ymd8=TRUE, use.cache=TRUE, optimize.dups=TRUE) {
    if (missing(x) || length(x)==0)

    # Always return a Date object
    if (inherits(x, "Date")) {
        if (is.double(x))
            storage.mode(x) <- 'integer'

    if (optimize.dups && length(x) > 50 && length(xu <- unique(x)) < length(x)/2) {
        # lots of duplicates -- do the slow date computations only for the unique values
        yu <- dateParse(xu, format=format, stop.on.error=stop.on.error,
                        quick.try=quick.try, dross.remove=dross.remove, na.strings=na.strings,
                        ymd8=ymd8, use.cache=use.cache, optimize.dups=FALSE)
        i <- match(x, xu)

    if (inherits(x, "POSIXt")) {
        # To get as.Date() to behave sensibly, need to explicitly
        # supply tz to as.Date().  Otherwise we get the behavior
        # where as.Date(as.POSIXct('2011-12-10 19:55:26 EST', tz='EST'))
        # returns '2011-12-11' (the next day)
        tz <- attr(x, "tzone")
        if (is.null(tz))
            tz <- Sys.timezone()
        return(as.Date(x, tz=tz, origin=.dateParse.origin))
    if (all(is.na(x))) {
        y <- as.Date(as.integer(NA), origin=.dateParse.origin)
        storage.mode(y) <- 'integer'
        return(rep(y, length(x)))
    # if (!is.element('today.Date', names(.dateParseCache))) {
    #     assign('today.Date', Sys.Date(), envir=.dateParseCache)
    # }

    if (is.numeric(x) && ymd8) {
        cache.fmt <- 'cache.ymd8'
        # assume that the date is a whole number, maybe stored in a float
        if (!is.wholenumber(x)){
            if (stop.on.error) {
                i <- which(!is.na(x) & floor(x)!=x)
                stop("can only have whole numbers for numeric x: ",
                     paste(x[i[seq(len=min(3, length(i)))]], collapse=", "),
                     if (length(i) > 3) " ...")
            else return(NULL)
        if (is.double(x))
            storage.mode(x) <- 'integer'

        if (!exists(cache.fmt, envir=.dateParseCache, inherits=FALSE) && use.cache) {
            dc <- seq(as.Date('1990-01-01', origin=.dateParse.origin), to=Sys.Date()+5*365, by='days')
            storage.mode(dc) <- 'integer'
            ival <- as.integer(dc)
            dval <- as.integer(format(dc, '%Y%m%d'))
            dminmax <- as.integer(format(range(dc), '%Y%m%d'))
            # 'dval' is decimal integer value 20150101, ival is for integer-code Date (2015-01-01 == 16436)
            cache <- list(ival=ival,
            assign(cache.fmt, cache, envir=.dateParseCache)
        } else {
            if (use.cache)
                cache <- get(cache.fmt, envir=.dateParseCache, inherits=FALSE)

        ## If we want 'zone' to make a difference, we
        ## have to use 'as.POSIXlt' instead of 'as.Date'.
        if (use.cache && min(x, na.rm=TRUE) >= cache$dminmax[1]
            && max(x, na.rm=TRUE) <= cache$dminmax[2]) {
            di <- match(x, cache$dval)
            # only return this conversion if there were no problems
            if (!any(is.na(di) & !is.na(x)))
                return(as.Date(cache$ival[di], origin=.dateParse.origin))
        d <- dateParse(strptime(as.character(x), "%Y%m%d"))

        # were there any elements of x that became NA because of parse?
        if (any(is.na(d) & !is.na(x))){
            if (stop.on.error) {
                i <- which(is.na(d) & !is.na(x))
                stop("could not parse some dates, e.g.: ",
                     paste(x[i[seq(len=min(3, length(i)))]], collapse=", "),
                     if (length(i) > 3) " ...")
            else return(NULL)

    # set up a cache of dates, one for each format
    cache.fmt <- paste0('cache.', format)
    if (!exists(cache.fmt, envir=.dateParseCache, inherits=FALSE) && use.cache) {
        dc <- seq(as.Date('1990-01-01', origin=.dateParse.origin), to=Sys.Date()+5*365, by='days')
        storage.mode(dc) <- 'integer'
        ival <- as.integer(dc)
        sval <- format(dc)
        sminmax <- format(range(dc))
        # does this date format sort in original order?
        if (sval[1] != sminmax[1] || sval[length(sval)] != sminmax[2])
            sminmax <- NULL
        # 'sval' is for string value, ival is for integer-code Date (2015-01-01 == 16436)
        cache <- list(ival=ival,
        assign(cache.fmt, cache, envir=.dateParseCache)
    } else {
        if (use.cache)
            cache <- get(cache.fmt, envir=.dateParseCache, inherits=FALSE)

    if (is.factor(x)) {
        levs <- dateParse(levels(x), format=format,
                          stop.on.error=stop.on.error, quick.try=quick.try,
                          dross.remove=dross.remove, na.strings=na.strings,
        d <- levs[as.integer(x)]
    if (!is.character(x))
        x <- as.character(x)
    if (use.cache && length(x)>=1 && !is.na(match(x[1], cache$sval))
        && (is.null(cache$sminmax)
            || (min(x, na.rm=TRUE) >= cache$sminmax[1]
                && max(x, na.rm=TRUE) <= cache$sminmax[2]))) {
        di <- match(x, cache$sval)
        if (!any(is.na(di) & !is.na(x)))
            return(as.Date(cache$ival[di], origin=.dateParse.origin))
    if (quick.try && length(x)>20) {
        # quickly test just the first few elements of x so that we
        # can stop or return NULL quickly if we can't convert
        m <- match.call(expand.dots=F)
        m$x <- x[1:min(5, length(x))]
        m$quick.try <- F
        quick.result <- eval(m, sys.parent())
        # if quick.result is NULL, then stop.on.error must be false
        if (is.null(quick.result)) return(NULL)
    if (length(na.strings)==0) {
        x.not.na.idx <- seq_along(x)
        have.nas <- FALSE
    } else if (length(na.strings)==1) {
        x.not.na.idx <- !is.na(x) & (x!=na.strings)
        have.nas <- any(!x.not.na.idx)
    } else {
        x.not.na.idx <- !is.na(x) & !is.element(x, na.strings)
        have.nas <- any(!x.not.na.idx)
    x.not.na <- x[x.not.na.idx]

    # try the quick thing again if there were NA's; this uses the "m"
    # object constructed earlier
    if (have.nas && quick.try && length(x)>20 && any(is.na(m$x))) {
        m$x <- x.not.na[1:min(5, length(x.not.na))]
        quick.result <- eval(m, sys.parent())
        if (is.null(quick.result))

    if (is.null(format)) {
        w <- regexpr("[^0-9]", x.not.na)
        delimiter <- setdiff(unique(substring(x.not.na, w, w)), "")
        if (length(delimiter)!=1)
            delimiter <- ""
    } else {
        w <- regexpr("[^%a-zA-Z]", format)
        delimiter <- setdiff(unique(substring(format, w, w)), "")
        if (length(delimiter)!=1)
            delimiter <- ""

    delimiter.regexp <- if (delimiter==".") "\\." else delimiter

    date.ymd8.expr <- "[0-9]{8}"
    date.Ymd.expr <- paste("[0-9]{4}", "[01]?[0-9]", "[0-3]?[0-9]",
    date.mdY.expr <- paste("[01]?[0-9]", "[0-3]?[0-9]", "[0-9]{4}",
    if (!dross.remove) {
        date.ymd8.expr <- paste("^", date.ymd8.expr, "$", sep="")
        date.Ymd.expr <- paste("^", date.Ymd.expr, "$", sep="")
        date.mdY.expr <- paste("^", date.mdY.expr, "$", sep="")

    m1 <- m2 <- m3 <- FALSE
    if (delimiter!="" && all((m1<-regexpr(date.Ymd.expr, x.not.na))>0)) {
        if (dross.remove)
            x[x.not.na.idx] <- substring(x.not.na, m1,
                                         m1-1+attr(m1, "match.length"))
        format <- paste("%Y", "%m", "%d", sep=delimiter)
    } else if (delimiter!="" &&
               all((m2<-regexpr(date.mdY.expr, x.not.na))>0)) {
        if (dross.remove)
            x[x.not.na.idx] <- substring(x.not.na, m2,
                                         m2-1+attr(m2, "match.length"))
        format <- paste("%m", "%d", "%Y", sep=delimiter)
    } else if (ymd8 && all((m3<-regexpr(date.ymd8.expr, x.not.na))>0)) {
        delimiter = ""
        format <- '%Y%m%d'
        if (dross.remove)
            x[x.not.na.idx] <- substring(x.not.na, m3,
                                         m3-1+attr(m3, "match.length"))
    } else if (length(x.not.na)>0) {
        # the error message may not show the dates
        # that caused the problems, but
        # it requires quite complex to do better...
        if (stop.on.error) {
            if (any(m1))
                i <- c(which(m1>0)[1], which(m1<0)[1])
            else if (any(m2))
                i <- c(which(m2>0)[1], which(m2<0)[1])
            else if (any(m3))
                i <- c(which(m3>0)[1], which(m3<0)[1])
                i <- seq(along=x.not.na)
            i <- i[!is.na(i)]
            stop("cannot find consistent format for dates: ",
                     paste(x.not.na[i[seq(len=min(3, length(i)))]], collapse=", "),
                     if (length(i) > 3) " ...")
        } else
    } else {
        # format doesn't matter because everything is NA
        format <- '%Y/%m/%d'

    d <- as.Date(x, format=format)
    if (is.double(d))
        storage.mode(d) <- 'integer'

    if (any(is.na(d[x.not.na.idx]))) {
        if (stop.on.error) {
            i <- seq(along=x)[x.not.na.idx][is.na(d[x.not.na.idx])]
            stop("as.Date returned NA for some strings: ",
                     paste(x[i[seq(len=min(3, length(i)))]], collapse=", "),
                     if (length(i) > 3) " ...")
        } else


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TimeWarp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:48 p.m.