
Defines functions is.indexes is.index is.strings is.a.string is.a.character is.positive.integers is.a.positive.integer is.a.number is.stslist

Documented in is.stslist

# Check if an object is a number.
# @param x Object to test.
# @return TRUE if the object is a number, FALSE otherwise.
# @author Pierre-Alexandre Fonta (2016-2017), Gilbert Ritschard (2020)

## GR: Check if an object is an stslist object

is.stslist <- function(x) {
  w <- attr(x,"weights")
  ret <- inherits(x,"stslist") && (is.null(w) | length(w) == nrow(x)) &&
  if (ret && length(w) == nrow(x)) {
    ret <- length(names(w))==length(w) && all(names(w) == rownames(x))

# Check if number

is.a.number <- function(x) {
  return(is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1)

# Check if an object is a positive integer.
# @param x Object to test.
# @return TRUE if the object is a positive integer, FALSE otherwise.
# @author Pierre-Alexandre Fonta (2016-2017)

is.a.positive.integer <- function(x) {
  return(is.a.number(x) && x >= 0 && x %% 1 == 0)

# Check if an object is a vector of positive integers.
# @param x Object to test.
# @return TRUE if the object is a vector of positive integers, FALSE otherwise.
# @author Pierre-Alexandre Fonta (2016-2017)

is.positive.integers <- function(x) {
  return(all(sapply(x, is.a.positive.integer, USE.NAMES = FALSE)))

# Check if an object is a (unique) character.
# @param x Object to test.
# @return TRUE if the object is a (unique) character, FALSE otherwise.
# @author Pierre-Alexandre Fonta (2016-2017)

is.a.character <- function(x) {
  return(is.a.string(x) && nchar(x) == 1)

# Check if an object is a string.
# @param x Object to test.
# @return TRUE if the object is a string, FALSE otherwise.
# @author Pierre-Alexandre Fonta (2016-2017)

is.a.string <- function(x) {
  return(is.character(x) && length(x) == 1)

# Check if an object is a vector of strings.
# @param x Object to test.
# @return TRUE if the object is a vector of strings, FALSE otherwise.
# @author Pierre-Alexandre Fonta (2016-2017)

is.strings <- function(x) {
  return(all(sapply(x, is.a.string, USE.NAMES = FALSE)))

# Check if an object is a positive integer or a string.
# Used to verify if an object is a valid data frame or matrix index.
# @param x Object to test.
# @return TRUE if the object is a positive integer or a string, FALSE otherwise.
# @author Pierre-Alexandre Fonta (2016-2017)

is.index <- function(x) {
  return(is.a.positive.integer(x) || is.a.string(x))

# Check if an object is a vector of positive integers or strings.
# Used to verify if a vector contains valid data frame or matrix indexes.
# @param x Object to test.
# @return TRUE if the object is a vector of positive integers or strings, FALSE otherwise.
# @author Pierre-Alexandre Fonta (2016-2017)

is.indexes <- function(x) {
  return(xor(is.positive.integers(x), is.strings(x)))

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