
Defines functions wblr.fit

Documented in wblr.fit

## wblr.fit.R
## refactored from abrem.fit.R originally authored by Jurgen Symynck, April 2014
## Copyright 2014-2017 OpenReliability.org
# For more info, visit http://www.openreliability.org/
# For the latest version of this file, check the Subversion repository at
# http://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/Weibull-R/
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

wblr.fit <- function(x, modify.by.t0=FALSE,...){
    # x is a single wblr
		stop("\"x\" argument is not of class \"wblr\".")

## okay lets do some realistic validation
## It will probably be better to splitfitargs(...) for more comprehensive validations
	arg <- list(...)
	if(length(arg) > 0) {
	if(is(arg[[1]], "list"))  {
	if(!is.null(c(arg$log,arg$canvas))) stop("cannot set log or canvas option in wblr.fit")
	if(!is.null(c(arg$ties.handler, arg$ties))) warning("handling of ties is only performed on object creation in function wblr.")

## new validations for method.fit args
	if(!is.null(arg$method.fit)) {
		if(length(arg$method.fit)>1) {
			warning("concatinated rr fit methods are depreciated, use 'rr', 'rr-xony', or 'rr-yonx' ")
			if(tolower(arg$method.fit[2])=="xony") arg$method.fit<-"rr-xony"
			if(tolower(arg$method.fit[2])=="yonx") arg$method.fit<-"rr-yonx"
	if(tolower(arg$method.fit) == "weibayes" && is.null(arg$weibayes.beta)) {
		warning("weibayes.beta not provided, using default")


	if(!is.null(x$data$dlines)) {
	if(!is.null(arg$method.fit)) {
		if("rr" %in% tolower(arg$method.fit)){
## The user tried to set the method fit to rank regression with intervals in data
## so hard stop here, should be a very rare occurence
			stop("rank regression is not performed on interval data, use an mle fit")
## silently correct a possible R user error
	if(!is.null(arg$dist)) {
	if(arg$dist=="lnorm") arg$dist<-"lognormal"

## actually it is not necessary to have a call to such an enclosed function now
## it is shown here for original code reference, only
##		calculateSingleFit()
#                        x <- lapply(x,calculateSingleFit,...)

##calculateSingleFit <- function(){
    # x is still the original single wblr object
	opadata <- x$options
	opafit <- modifyList(opadata,arg)

	if(!is.null(x$data$dlines)) {
		if("rr" %in% substr(tolower(opafit$method.fit),1,2)){
## change from the default should have been called for in the (...), just warn and move on
			warning("rank regression is not performed on interval data method.fit has been set to mle")

## here are Jurgen's original validations, corrected for opafit
    supported_dist <- c(
    supported_fit <-  c("rr", "rr-xony", "rr-yonx", "mle","mle-rba","mle-unbias", "weibayes")
			opafit$dist <- "weibull2p"
	if(!any(tolower(opafit$dist) %in% supported_dist)){
		stop(paste0(opafit$dist," is not a supported fit distribution."))
	if(!any(tolower(opafit$method.fit) %in% supported_fit)){
		stop(paste0(opafit$method.fit," is not a supported fit method."))

	if(tolower(opafit$dist) %in% c("weibull3p", "lognormal3p")){
		if(!is.null(x$data$dlines)) {
			if(any(x$data$dlines$t1==0)) {
				stop("3p modification not permitted on data with discoveries (left==0)")
				#warning("3p modification on interval data is a questionable practice")
	if(tolower(opafit$method.fit)== "weibayes" && !any(tolower(opafit$dist) %in% c("weibull","weibull2p"))) {
		stop("weibayes fitting only applies to 2 parameter weibull")

	if(modify.by.t0==TRUE) {
		if(tolower(opafit$dist) %in% c("weibull3p", "lognormal3p")){
# wipe the fit slate clean for this new wblr object
			warning("modify.by.t0 ignored for non-3p fitting")

    #  main function body  #

    atleastonefit <- FALSE
        ## Creating the first fit in the wblr object...")
        i <- 1
        x$fit <- list()
        ## Appending a new fit to the existing wblr object...")
        i <- length(x$fit)+1
    x$fit[[i]] <- list()

    op <- unique(c(names(x$options),names(opafit)))
        # this is needed to add options from opafit into li that
        # are NULL in x$options
        # TODO:tolower() needed?
    if(length(li <- opafit[sapply(op,function(y){
        !identical(x$options[[y]], opafit[[y]])})]) > 0){
        x$fit[[i]]$options <- li
        # the above enlists only options that are different from the wblrs
        # 'main' options. This excludes options$dist and options$method.fit

	## the code above does not fill x$fit$options$dist or x$fit$options$method.fit
	## it turns out that these were filled within the regression sections of original calculateSingleFit
	## I will force this now, without these a legend will not be produced.
	if(is.null(x$fit[[i]]$options)) {

## need to assure interval data is not attempted by rank regression
	if(!is.null(x$data$dlines) && any(c("rr","rr2") %in% tolower(opafit$method.fit))){
		modifyList(opafit, list(method.fit="mle"))

## why the heck this duplication?
## These are most used for the Legend entry which is generated for each fit
## They also have a prominent role in BBB conf intervals
    x$fit[[i]]$n    <- x$n
    x$fit[[i]]$fail <- x$fail
    x$fit[[i]]$cens <- x$cens
	x$fit[[i]]$discovery <- x$discovery
	x$fit[[i]]$interval  <- x$interval

## It turns out that this code is general to all fitting methods:

	if(tolower(opafit$dist) %in% c("weibull","weibull2p","weibull3p")){

		if(tolower(opafit$dist) %in% c("lnorm","lognormal","lognormal2p", "lognormal3p")){
		## Note: lslr contains experimental support for "gumbel"
			stop(paste0("dist option ", opafit$dist, "is not recognized for distribution fitting"))


	if(tolower(opafit$dist) %in% c("weibull3p", "lognormal3p")){

    if(any(c("rr") %in% substr(tolower(opafit$method.fit),1,2))){
        #  ____             _                                       _
        # |  _ \ __ _ _ __ | | __  _ __ ___  __ _ _ __ ___  ___ ___(_) ___  _ __
        # | |_) / _` | '_ \| |/ / | '__/ _ \/ _` | '__/ _ \/ __/ __| |/ _ \| '_ \
        # |  _ < (_| | | | |   <  | | |  __/ (_| | | |  __/\__ \__ \ | (_) | | | |
        # |_| \_\__,_|_| |_|_|\_\ |_|  \___|\__, |_|  \___||___/___/_|\___/|_| |_|
        #                                   |___/

		regression_order<-"XonY" #default for anything other than "yonx" that might be an rr method.fit
		if(substr(tolower(opafit$method.fit),4,7)=="yonx") {
## It is necessary to re-construct a time-event(-qty) dataframe here to use in the lslr call
## x$data$dpoints may have been altered by a ties.handler
		if(any(x$data$dpoints$weight!=1)) {
			lrqframe2<-data.frame(x$data$lrq_frame, lrdiv)

			susp_df$lrdiv<-rep(0, nrow(susp_df))

			teqframe<-rbind(fail_df, susp_df)
			names(teqframe)<-c("time", "event", "qty")
			fit_vec<-lslr(getPPP(teqframe), dist=fit_dist, npar=npar, reg_method=regression_order)
		## content of fit_vec result depends on fit_dist, and npar
			fit_vec<-lslr(x$data$dpoints, dist=fit_dist, npar=npar, reg_method=regression_order)

## Jurgen's use of super assignment (<<-) appears to have been an error here
			x$fit[[i]]$fit_vec <- fit_vec
			if(fit_dist=="weibull") {
				x$fit[[i]]$beta <- fit_vec[2]
				x$fit[[i]]$eta <- fit_vec[1]
			if(fit_dist=="lnorm") {
## gof is common to both fit_dist types
			x$fit[[i]]$gof <- list()
				x$fit[[i]]$gof$r2 <- fit_vec[[3]]
				x$fit[[i]]$gof$prr <- fit_vec[[4]]
			}else{  ## only other option is 3p
				x$fit[[i]]$t0 <- fit_vec[3]
				x$fit[[i]]$gof$r2 <- fit_vec[[4]]
			##vm(0,"calculateSingleFit: Fitting failed.")
			x$fit[i] <<- list(NULL)
				# note that is.null(x$fit[[i]]) will exit with an error

	} ## close rank regression block

    if(any(c("mle","mle-rba","mle-unbias") %in% tolower(opafit$method.fit))){
        #  __  __ _     _____
        # |  \/  | |   | ____|
        # | |\/| | |   |  _|
        # | |  | | |___| |___
        # |_|  |_|_____|_____|

## prepare arguments for mlefit
## usage: mlefit(x, dist="weibull", npar=2, debias="none", optcontrol=NULL)
## x is the x$data$lrq_frame
## dist is fit_dist
## npar is npar
## no need for optcontrol changes from default

## interpret input for debias
		if(tolower(opafit$method.fit) == "mle-rba")  debias <- "rba"
		if(tolower(opafit$method.fit) == "mle-unbias") {
			if(fit_dist == "weibull") {
				debias <- "hrbu"
#mle-unbias taken as mle-rba for lognormal
				debias <- "rba"

		fit_vec<-mlefit(x$data$lrq_frame, fit_dist, npar, debias)
## this attribute applied by mlefit is used by LRbounds as a matter of convenience,
## but never referenced from this fit_vec object entry
##		attributes(fit_vec)$data_types<-NULL

			x$fit[[i]]$fit_vec <- fit_vec
			if(fit_dist=="weibull") {
				x$fit[[i]]$beta <- fit_vec[2]
				x$fit[[i]]$eta <- fit_vec[1]
			if(fit_dist=="lnorm") {

		   x$fit[[i]]$gof <- list()
				x$fit[[i]]$gof$loglik <- fit_vec[[3]]

			}else{  ## only other option is 3p
				x$fit[[i]]$t0 <- fit_vec[3]
				x$fit[[i]]$gof$loglik <- fit_vec[[4]]
## Removing effects of threshold option
##				if(!is.null(opafit$threshold)){
##					if(is.logical(opafit$threshold) && opafit$threshold)
##						 x$options$threshold <- fit_vec[[3]]
##				}
					# this overwrites any threshold setting at the data level with a number
					# TODO: Jurgen notes this is not the way to go when trying to implement support for
					# threshold with plot.wblr()


	} ## close mle block
############          WeiBayes                ###########################
	if(tolower(opafit$method.fit) == "weibayes") {
## cannot process discovery and interval data sets with weibayes
	if(!is.null(x$dlines)) stop("weibayes processing not implemented for interval data")
## It is necessary to re-construct a time-event-qty dataframe here to use in the weibayes call
## x$data$dpoints may have been altered by a ties.handler

			lrqframe2<-data.frame(x$data$lrq_frame, lrdiv)

			susp_df$lrdiv<-rep(0, nrow(susp_df))

			teqframe<-rbind(fail_df, susp_df)
			names(teqframe)<-c("time", "event", "qty")

			weibayes_eta<-weibayes(teqframe, beta=opafit$weibayes.beta)
			fit_vec<-c(weibayes_eta, opafit$weibayes.beta)
			names(fit_vec)<-c("Eta", "Beta")
			x$fit[[i]]$fit_vec <- fit_vec
			x$fit[[i]]$beta <- opafit$weibayes.beta
			x$fit[[i]]$eta <- weibayes_eta
## ToDo provide loglikelihood gof?
## Do something to help data range calculation in plot.wblr
## Assure no confidence bound has been called for, or use conf interval calc from Abernethy as a default

} # end of weibayes fitting

        warning("*** calculateSingleFit: Nothing has been fitted.  ***\n",
                '*** Does \"method.fit\" include sensible options?   ***')
        # x$fit[[i]] <- NULL
##    if(is.numeric(opafit$threshold))
##        x$options$threshold <- opafit$threshold
        # overwrite any previously set data-level-t0 to the one specified as an argument to wblr.fit()
        # Don't know why - here - you MUST use <- in favor of <<- ...
		## correct - the x object AND the opafit object are both in current environment scope
		## indeed x$options$threshold is unknown to the global environment on first iteration here.

## calculateSingleFit has no return object as it modifies x$fit[[i]] directly

	#x$data$modified<-FALSE  ## turns out there is no use for this as notation in the fit is enough
	 if(modify.by.t0==TRUE) {
## subtract all input data (except early suspensions) with x$fit[[i]]$t0
		if(!is.null(x$fit[[i]]$t0) ){
## modify early suspensions so they remain minimal
			#early_suspension_positions<-match(x$data$lrq_frame$left,x$data$lrq_frame$left<x$fit[[i]]$t0 && x$data$lrq_frame$right<0)
			for(da_line in 1:nrow(x$data$lrq_frame))  {
				if(x$data$lrq_frame$left[da_line]<x$fit[[i]]$t0 && x$data$lrq_frame$right[da_line]<0) {

			if(!x$fit[[i]]$t0 < min(x$data$lrq_frame$left)) {
				stop("t0 too large for data modification")
			x$data$lrq_frame$left<-x$data$lrq_frame$left - x$fit[[i]]$t0
			x$data$lrq_frame$right[x$data$lrq_frame$right!=-1]<-x$data$lrq_frame$right[x$data$lrq_frame$right!=-1] - x$fit[[i]]$t0
			if(!is.null(x$data$dpoints$time)) {
			x$data$dpoints$time<-x$data$dpoints$time - x$fit[[i]]$t0
			if(!is.null(x$data$dlines$t1)) {
			x$data$dlines$t1<-x$data$dlines$t1 - x$fit[[i]]$t0
			x$data$dlines$t2<-x$data$dlines$t2 - x$fit[[i]]$t0

## needed to control legend and fitted curve
			## No, do not remove the "3p" suffix from the fit$dist to permit conf calculations
			## This is still marked as a 3p fit, so no conf calculations can be made.
			 warning("t0 not found for data modification")




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