
"orthogram"<- function (x, orthobas = NULL, neig = NULL, phylog = NULL,
    nrepet = 999, posinega = 0, tol = 1e-07,
    na.action = c("fail", "mean"),
    cdot = 1.5, cfont.main = 1.5, lwd = 2, nclass, high.scores = 0,alter=c("greater", "less", "two-sided"))
    .Deprecated("orthogram", "ade4", msg="This function is now deprecated. Please use the fuction 'orthogram' in adephylo.")
    "orthoneig" <- function (obj) {
        if (!inherits(obj, "neig"))
            stop("Object of class 'neig' expected")
        b0 <- neig.util.LtoG(obj)
        deg <- attr(obj, "degrees")
        m <- sum(deg)
        n <- length(deg)
        b0 <- -b0/m + diag(deg)/m
        # b0 est la matrice D-P
        eig <- eigen (b0, symmetric = TRUE)
        w0 <- abs(eig$values)/max(abs(eig$values))
        w0 <- which(w0<tol)
        if (length(w0)==0) stop ("abnormal output : no null eigenvalue")
        if (length(w0)==1) w0 <- (1:n)[-w0]
        else if (length(w0)>1) {
            # on ajoute le vecteur dérivé de 1n
            w <- cbind(rep(1,n),eig$vectors[,w0])
            # on orthonormalise l'ensemble
            w <- qr.Q(qr(w))
            # on met les valeurs propres à 0
            eig$values[w0] <- 0
            # on remplace les vecteurs du noyau par une base orthonormée contenant
            # en première position le parasite
            eig$vectors[,w0] <- w[,-ncol(w)]
            # on enlève la position du parasite
            w0 <- (1:n)[-w0[1]]
        rank <- length(w0)
        values <- n-eig$values[w0]*n
        eig <- eig$vectors[,w0]*sqrt(n)
        eig <- data.frame(eig)
        row.names(eig) <- names(deg)
        names(eig) <- paste("V",1:rank,sep="")

    if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("x is not numeric")
    nobs <- length(x)
    if (!is.null(neig)) {
      orthobas <- orthoneig(neig)
    } else if (!is.null(phylog)) {
         if (!inherits(phylog, "phylog")) stop ("'phylog' expected with class 'phylog'")
         orthobas <- phylog$Bscores

    if (is.null(orthobas)){
      stop ("'orthobas','neig','phylog' all NULL")

    if (!inherits(orthobas, "data.frame")) stop ("'orthobas' is not a data.frame")
    if (nrow(orthobas) != nobs) stop ("non convenient dimensions")
    if (ncol(orthobas) != (nobs-1)) stop (paste("'orthobas' has",ncol(orthobas),"columns, expected:",nobs-1))
    vecpro <- as.matrix(orthobas)
    npro <- ncol(vecpro)
    if (any(is.na(x))) {
        if (na.action == "fail")
            stop("missing value in 'x'")
        else if (na.action == "mean")
            x[is.na(x)] <- mean(na.omit(x))
        else stop("unknown method for 'na.action'")
    w <- t(vecpro/nobs)%*%vecpro
    if (any(abs(diag(w)-1)>tol)) {
        # print(abs(diag(w)-1))
        stop("'orthobas' is not orthonormal for uniform weighting")
    diag(w) <- 0
    if ( any( abs(as.numeric(w))>tol) )
        stop("'orthobas' is not orthogonal for uniform weighting")
    if (nrepet < 99) nrepet <- 99
    if (posinega !=0) {
        if (posinega >= nobs-1) stop ("Non convenient value in 'posinega'")
        if (posinega <0) stop ("Non convenient value in 'posinega'")

    # préparation d'un graphique à 6 fenêtres
    # 1 pgram
    # 2 pgram cumulé
    # 3-6 Tests de randomisation
    def.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    layout (matrix(c(1,1,2,2,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,6),4,3))
    par(mar = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
    par(usr = c(0,1,-0.05,1))
    # layout.show(6)

    z <- x - mean(x)
    et <- sqrt(mean(z * z))
    if ( et <= tol*(max(z)-min(z))) stop ("No variance")
    z <- z/et
    sig50 <- (1:npro)/npro
    w <- .C("VarianceDecompInOrthoBasis",
        param = as.integer(c(nobs,npro,nrepet,posinega)),
        observed = as.double(z),
        vecpro = as.double(vecpro),
        phylogram = double(npro),
        phylo95 = double(npro),
        sig025 = double(npro),
        sig975 = double(npro),
        R2Max = double(nrepet+1),
        SkR2k = double(nrepet+1),
        Dmax = double(nrepet+1),
        SCE = double(nrepet+1),
        ratio = double(nrepet+1),
   ylim <- max(c(w$phylogram, w$phylo95))
   z0 <- apply(vecpro, 2, function(x) sum(z * x))
   names(w$phylogram) <- as.character(1:npro)
   phylocum <- cumsum(w$phylogram)
   fun <- function (y, last=FALSE) {
        delta <- (mp[2]-mp[1])/3
        sel <- 1:(npro - 1)
        segments(mp[sel]-delta,y[sel],mp[sel]+delta, y[sel],lwd=lwd0)
        if(last) segments(mp[npro]-delta,y[npro],mp[npro]+delta, y[npro],lwd=lwd0)
    y0 <- phylocum - sig50
    h.obs <- max(y0)
    x0 <- min(which(y0 == h.obs))
    par(mar = c(3.1, 2.5, 2.1, 2.1))
    mp <- barplot(w$phylogram, col = grey(1 - 0.3 * (sign(z0) > 0)),
            ylim = c(0, ylim * 1.05))
    scores.order <- (1:length(w$phylogram))[order(w$phylogram, decreasing=TRUE)[1:high.scores]]
    abline(h = 1/npro)
    if (posinega!=0) {
        verti = (mp[posinega]+mp[posinega+1])/2
        abline (v=verti, col="red",lwd=1.5)
    title(main = "Variance decomposition",font.main=1, cex.main=cfont.main)
    obs0 <- rep(0, npro)
    names(obs0) <- as.character(1:npro)
    barplot(obs0, ylim = c(-0.05, 1.05))
    if (posinega!=0) {
        verti = (mp[posinega]+mp[posinega+1])/2
        abline (v=verti, col="red",lwd=1.5)

    title(main = "Cumulative decomposition",font.main=1, cex.main=cfont.main)
    points(mp, phylocum, pch = 21, cex = cdot, type = "b")
    segments(mp[1], 1/npro, mp[npro], 1, lty = 1)
    arrows(mp[x0], sig50[x0], mp[x0], phylocum[x0], angle = 15, length = 0.15,
            lwd = 2)
    if (missing(nclass)) {
        nclass <- as.integer (nrepet/25)
        nclass <- min(c(nclass,40))
    plot.randtest (as.randtest (w$R2Max[-1],w$R2Max[1],call=match.call()),main = "R2Max",nclass=nclass)
    if (posinega !=0) {
        plot.randtest (as.randtest (w$ratio[-1],w$ratio[1],call=match.call()),main = "Ratio",nclass=nclass)
    } else {
        plot.randtest (as.randtest (w$SkR2k[-1],w$SkR2k[1],call=match.call()),main = "SkR2k",nclass=nclass)
    plot.randtest (as.randtest (w$Dmax[-1],w$Dmax[1],call=match.call()),main = "DMax",nclass=nclass)
    plot.randtest (as.randtest (w$SCE[-1],w$SCE[1],call=match.call()),main = "SCE",nclass=nclass)

    w$param <- w$observed <- w$vecpro <- NULL
    w$phylogram <- NULL
    w$phylo95 <- w$sig025 <- w$sig975 <- NULL
    if (posinega==0) {
      w <- as.krandtest(obs=c(w$R2Max[1],w$SkR2k[1],w$Dmax[1],w$SCE[1]),sim=cbind(w$R2Max[-1],w$SkR2k[-1],w$Dmax[-1],w$SCE[-1]),names=c("R2Max","SkR2k","Dmax","SCE"),alter=alter,call=match.call())
      } else {
         w <- as.krandtest(obs=c(w$R2Max[1],w$SkR2k[1],w$Dmax[1],w$SCE[1],w$ratio[1]),sim=cbind(w$R2Max[-1],w$SkR2k[-1],w$Dmax[-1],w$SCE[-1],w$ratio[-1]),names=c("R2Max","SkR2k","Dmax","SCE","ratio"),alter=alter,call=match.call())

    if (high.scores != 0)
        w$scores.order <- scores.order

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