
Defines functions paracoord_arules paracoord_items makeMatrix swap countCrossovers

# arulesViz - Visualizing Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets
# Copyrigth (C) 2011 Michael Hahsler and Sudheer Chelluboina
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

paracoord_arules <- function(x, measure= "support", shading = "lift", 
	control=list(), ...) {

    control <- .get_parameters(list(
		    main =paste("Parallel coordinates plot for", length(x), "rules"),
		    reorder = FALSE,
		    interactive = FALSE,
		    gp_labels = gpar(),
		    newpage = TRUE,
		    alpha = NULL,
		    quality = 2,
		    verbose = FALSE
		    ), control)

    ## remove short rules
    x <- x[size(x)>1]

    ## sort rules to minimize occlusion
    x <- sort(x, by=shading,  decreasing = FALSE)
    lwd <- map(quality(x)[[measure]], c(1,5))
    col <- gray(map(quality(x)[[shading]], c(0.8,0.1)))

    l <- LIST(lhs(x))
    r <- LIST(rhs(x))
    u <- union(unlist(l), unlist(r))
    n <- length(u)
    maxLenLHS <- max(sapply(l, length))
    pl <- t(sapply(l, FUN = function(x)  {
			x <- match(x, u)
			# reordering items of antecedent
			#if(control$reorder) x <- sort(x, decreasing = TRUE)
			length(x) <- maxLenLHS
			rev(x) ## so NAs are to the left (we could also use na.last for sort)
    ## make the items increasing
    pl <- t(apply(pl, MARGIN=1, sort, na.last=FALSE, decreasing=FALSE))

    ## RHS is always 1 for now
    pr <- sapply(r, FUN = function(x)  match(x, u))

    m <- cbind(pl,pr)
    if(control$reorder) {
	count <- countCrossovers(m)
	noswapcount <- 0
	order <- seq(n)

	while(noswapcount < control$quality*n) {
	    if(control$verbose) {
		cat("Current best count...", count, 
			"(no swaps for",noswapcount,"/",control$quality*n,"tries)\n")

	    ### try a random swap	    
	    ij <- sample(n,2)
	    i <- ij[1]
	    j <- ij[2]

	    order_tmp <- order
	    order_tmp[j] <- order[i]
	    order_tmp[i] <- order[j]

	    pl_tmp <- matrix(order_tmp[pl], nrow=nrow(pl))
	    pl_tmp <- t(apply(pl_tmp, MARGIN=1, sort, na.last=FALSE, decreasing=FALSE))
	    pr_tmp <- order_tmp[pr]

	    count_tmp <- countCrossovers(cbind(pl_tmp, pr_tmp))

	    if(count_tmp < count) {
		noswapcount <- 0
		order <- order_tmp
		count <- count_tmp
		noswapcount <- noswapcount+1
	pl <- matrix(order[pl], nrow=nrow(pl))
	pl <- t(apply(pl, MARGIN=1, sort, na.last=FALSE, decreasing=FALSE))
	pr <- order[pr]

	m <- cbind(pl,pr)
	colnames(m) <- c(ncol(pl):1, "rhs")
	u <- u[order]


    ## start plot
    if(control$newpage) grid.newpage()

    ## main

    ## plot
    leftSpace <- max(stringWidth(u))
    pushViewport(viewport(x=unit(2,"lines")+leftSpace, y=unit(4,"lines"),
		    just = c("left","bottom"),
		    width = unit(1, "npc")-unit(4,"lines")-leftSpace,
		    height = unit(1, "npc")-unit(4+4,"lines"),
		    default.units = "native", gp=control$gp_labels,

    gParacoords(m, xlab="Position", discreteNames = u, 
	    col=col, lwd=lwd, arrowPos =ncol(m), 


paracoord_items <- function(x, measure= "support", shading = NULL,
	control=list(), ...) {

    control <- .get_parameters(list(
		    main =paste("Parallel coordinates plot for", 
			    length(x), "itemsets"),
		    reorder = FALSE,
		    interactive = FALSE,
		    gp_labels = gpar(),
		    newpage = TRUE,
		    alpha = NULL
		    ), control)

    ## remove single items
    x <- x[size(x)>1]

    ## sort to minimize occlusion
    x <- sort(x, by=measure,  decreasing = FALSE)
    lwd <- map(quality(x)[[measure]], c(1,5))
    #col <- gray(map(quality(x)[[shading]], c(0.8,0.1)))
    col <- NULL 

    i <- LIST(items(x))
    u <- unique(unlist(i))

    ## reorder
    ## maybe we can do better here (reorder items and positions)

    maxLen <- max(size(x))
    m <- t(sapply(i, FUN = function(x)  {
			x <- match(x, u)
			if(control$reorder) x <- sort(x, decreasing = TRUE)
			length(x) <- maxLen

    colnames(m) <- c(1:ncol(m))

    ## start plot
    if(control$newpage) grid.newpage()

    ## main

    ## plot
    leftSpace <- max(stringWidth(u))
    pushViewport(viewport(x=unit(2,"lines")+leftSpace, y=unit(4,"lines"),
		    just = c("left","bottom"),
		    width = unit(1, "npc")-unit(4,"lines")-leftSpace,
		    height = unit(1, "npc")-unit(4+4,"lines"),
		    default.units = "native", gp=control$gp_labels,

    gParacoords(m, xlab="Position", discreteNames = u, 
	    col=col, lwd=lwd,


#no use of this funtion can be deleted later
makeMatrix <- function(l=NULL, r=NULL, u=NULL, control=NULL)
    maxLenLHS <- max(sapply(l, length))
    pl <- t(sapply(l, FUN = function(x)  {
			x <- match(x, u)
			if(control$reorder) x <- sort(x, decreasing = TRUE)
			length(x) <- maxLenLHS
			rev(x) ## so NAs are to the left (we could also use na.last for sort)

    ## RHS is always 1 for now
    pr <- sapply(r, FUN = function(x)  match(x, u))

    m <- cbind(pl, pr)
    colnames(m) <- c(ncol(pl):1, "rhs")

swap <- function(v=NULL, i=NULL, j=NULL)
    temp <- v[i]
    v[i] <- v[j]
    v[j] <- temp

countCrossovers <- function(m=NULL)
    count <- 0
    for(i in 1:(ncol(m)-1))
	for(j in 2:nrow(m))
		x <- m[j,i]
		y <- m[j,i+1]
		o <- which(m[1:j-1,i+1] > y)
		# p <- which(m[1:j-1,i] < x)
		l <- which(m[1:j-1,i] > x)
		if(as.integer(length(o)) != 0)
		    for(k in 1:length(o))
			#print(paste(o[k],i, sep=","))
			    if(m[o[k],i] < x)
			    #	    print(paste(o[k],i, sep=","))
			    count <- count+1
		if(as.integer(length(l)) != 0)
		    for(k in 1:length(l))
			    if(m[l[k],i+1] < y)
			    count <- count+1

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arulesViz documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:50 p.m.