## plot method for a candisc object
# last revised: 10/29/2007 10:32:52 AM by MF
# --- Added code to draw boxplots and variable vectors when ndim==1
# --- Fixed bug when then term is an interaction
# last revised: 11/6/2008 by MF
# --- added suffix argument
# last revised: 12/16/2008 by JF
# --- fixed plotting of variable names in 1D case
# last revised: 12/18/2008 by MF
# --- better allocation of horizontal space in 1D case
# last revised: 2/11/2010 by MF
# --- allow 1D plots for ndim>1 by specifying which
# last revised: 6/11/2013 8:39:51 AM
# --- fixed bug in use of pch and col (thx:
# --- now use vectors() to draw variable vectors
# --- added var.labels, var.cex
# --- added rev.axes arg
# --- added var.pos, same as in heplot.candisc
plot.candisc <- function (
x, # output object from candisc
which=1:2, # canonical dimensions to plot
conf=0.95, # confidence coverage of circles for class means
col, # vector of colors used for plotting the canonical scores
pch, # vector of point symbols
scale, # scale factor for variable vectors in can space
asp=1, # aspect ratio, to ensure equal units
var.cex = 1,
rev.axes=c(FALSE, FALSE),
ellipse=FALSE, # draw data ellipses for canonical scores?
ellipse.prob = 0.68,
prefix = "Can", # prefix for labels of canonical dimensions
suffix = TRUE, # add label suffix with can % ?
titles.1d = c("Canonical scores", "Structure"),
... # extra args passed to plot
) {
term <- x$term
factors <- x$factors
rev.axes <- rep(rev.axes, length.out=2)
nlev <- if(is.matrix(x$means)) nrow(x$means) else length(x$means) # number of groups
if (missing(col)) col <- rep(palette()[-1], length.out=nlev)
fill.col <- heplots::trans.colors(col, fill.alpha)
if (x$ndim < 2 || length(which)==1) {
which <- which[1]
### is there a better way to show the 1D distributions of canonical scores?
### Show the canonical structure coeffs -- vectors from 0
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # save default, for resetting...
ng <- length(x$means)
structure <- as.vector(x$structure[,which])
canvar <- paste('Can', which, sep="") # names of canonical variable to plot
scores <- x$scores[, canvar]
if(isTRUE(rev.axes[1])) {
scores <- -scores
structure <- -structure
ns <- length(structure)
wid <- if (ns < 2*ng) c(2,1) else c(1.2,1)
#cat("ng:", ng, "\tns:", ns, "\twid:", wid, "\n")
layout(matrix(c(1,2),1,2), widths=wid)
if (is.logical(suffix) & suffix)
suffix <- paste( " (", round(x$pct[which],1), "%)", sep="" ) else suffix <- NULL
canlab <- paste(prefix, which, suffix, sep="")
# scores <- x$scores[,canvar]
formule <- formula( paste(canvar, " ~", term, sep="") )
boxplot(formule, data=x$scores, ylab=canlab, xlab=term, col=fill.col, main=titles.1d[1], ...)
xx <- 1:ns
# TODO: should set ylim = c(0,1) or c(-1,1) and maybe draw tick marks
ylim <- range( c(structure,
if (all(structure > 0)) +1 else 0,
if (all(structure < 0)) -1 else 0)
xlim <- c(0.5, ns+0.5)
plot(xx, structure, type="n", ylab="", xlab="",
xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, main=titles.1d[2])
arrows(xx, 0, xx, structure, length=.1, angle=15,
col=var.col, lwd=var.lwd )
abline(h=0, lty=2, col="gray")
vars <- if(missing(var.labels)) rownames(x$structure) else var.labels
adj1 <- as.vector(ifelse (structure > 0, 1, 0))
adj2 <- rep(-0.3, ns)
adj2[1] <- 1.1
for (i in 1:ns) text(xx[i], structure[i], paste(" ", vars[i] ," "),
adj=c(adj1[i], adj2[i]), col=var.col, srt=90, cex=var.cex, xpd=TRUE)
canvar <- paste('Can', which, sep="") # names of canonical variables to plot
if (is.logical(suffix) & suffix)
suffix <- paste( " (", round(x$pct[which],1), "%)", sep="" ) else suffix <- NULL
canlab <- paste(prefix, which, suffix, sep="")
nlev <- nrow(x$means) # number of groups
# TODO: can we be more clever about assigning default col & pch by taking the
# structure of x$factors into account?
if (missing(col)) col <- rep(palette(), length.out=nlev)
if (missing(pch)) pch <- rep(1:18, length.out=nlev)
scores <- x$scores[,canvar]
means <- x$means[,which]
labels <- rownames(x$means)
structure <- x$structure[,which]
if(isTRUE(rev.axes[1])) {
scores[, 1] <- -scores[, 1]
means[, 1] <- -means[, 1]
structure[, 1] <- -structure[, 1]
if(isTRUE(rev.axes[2])) {
scores[, 2] <- -scores[, 2]
means[, 2] <- -means[, 2]
structure[, 2] <- -structure[, 2]
# use asp=1 to make the plot equally scaled
Ind <- dataIndex(x$scores, term)
plot(scores, asp=asp, xlab=canlab[1], ylab=canlab[2], col=col[Ind], pch=pch[Ind], ...)
abline(h=0, v=0, lty=2, col="grey")
if(ellipse) {
fill.col <- heplots::trans.colors(col, fill.alpha)
radius <- sqrt(qchisq(ellipse.prob, df = 2))
angles <- (0:60)*2*pi/60
circle <- radius * cbind( cos(angles), sin(angles))
for(i in 1:nlev) {
sigma <- var(scores[Ind==i,])
mu <- as.numeric(means[i,])
Q <- chol(sigma, pivot = TRUE)
order <- order(attr(Q, "pivot"))
ell <- sweep(circle %*% Q[, order], 2,
mu, FUN = "+")
# ell <- t( mu + t(circle %*% chol(sigma)))
polygon(ell, col=fill.col[i], border=col[i], lty=1)
points(means[,1], means[,2], col=col, pch="+", cex=2)
pos <- ifelse(means[,2]>0, 3, 1)
text(means[,1], means[,2], labels=labels, pos=pos)
# plot variable vectors
# DONE: replaced previous scaling with vecscale()
# maxrms <- function(x) { max(sqrt(apply(x^2, 1, sum))) }
if (missing(scale)) {
# vecmax <- maxrms(structure)
# scrmax <- maxrms(scores)
# scale <- floor( 0.9 * scrmax / vecmax )
scale <- vecscale(structure)
message("Vector scale factor set to ", round(scale, 3))
# DONE: replaced with call to vectors()
cs <- scale * structure
if(!missing(var.labels)) rownames(cs) <- var.labels
vectors(cs, col=var.col, cex=var.cex, lwd=var.lwd, pos=var.pos, xpd=TRUE)
### why doesn't this work???
circle <- function( center, radius, segments=41, ...) {
angles <- (0:segments) * 2 * pi/segments <- cbind(cos(angles), sin(angles))
circle <- t(as.numeric(center) + radius*t(
lines(circle, col = col, ...)
# plot confidence circles for canonical means
if ( conf>0 ) {
n <- as.vector(table(factors))
radii <- sqrt(qchisq(conf, 2) / n)
symbols(means, circles=radii, inches=FALSE, add=TRUE, fg=col)
# for (i in 1:nrow(means)) {
# circle(means[i,1:2], radii[i], ...)
# ellipse(as.vector(means[i,]), diag(2), radii[i], col=col, ...)
# }
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