#written by Jeremy M. Beaulieu & Jeffrey C. Oliver

rayDISC<-function(phy,data, ntraits=1, charnum=1, rate.mat=NULL, model=c("ER","SYM","ARD"), node.states=c("joint", "marginal", "scaled"), p=NULL, root.p=NULL, ip=NULL, lb=0,ub=100, diagn=FALSE){

	# Checks to make sure node.states is not NULL.  If it is, just returns a diagnostic message asking for value.
		obj <- NULL
		obj$loglik <- NULL
		obj$diagnostic <- paste("No model for ancestral states selected.  Please pass one of the following to rayDISC command for parameter \'node.states\': joint, marginal, or scaled.")
	else { # even if node.states is not NULL, need to make sure its one of the three valid options
		valid.models <- c("joint", "marginal", "scaled")
		if(!any(valid.models == node.states)){
			obj <- NULL
			obj$loglik <- NULL
			obj$diagnostic <- paste("\'",node.states, "\' is not valid for ancestral state reconstruction method.  Please pass one of the following to rayDISC command for parameter \'node.states\': joint, marginal, or scaled.",sep="")
		if(length(node.states) > 1){ # User did not enter a value, so just pick marginal.
			node.states <- "marginal"
			cat("No model selected for \'node.states\'. Will perform marginal ancestral state estimation.\n")

	#Creates the data structure and orders the rows to match the tree

	# Checks to make sure phy & data have same taxa.  Fixes conflicts (see match.tree.data function).
	matching <- match.tree.data(phy,data) 
	data <- matching$data
	phy <- matching$phy

	# Wont perform reconstructions on invariant characters -- why not? Seems like you should be able to.
	if(nlevels(as.factor(data[,charnum+1])) <= 1){
		obj <- NULL
		obj$loglik <- NULL
		obj$diagnostic <- paste("Character ",charnum," is invariant. Analysis stopped.",sep="")
	} else {
		# Still need to make sure second level isnt just an ambiguity
		lvls <- as.factor(data[,charnum+1])
		if(nlevels(as.factor(data[,charnum+1])) == 2 && length(which(lvls == "?"))){
			obj <- NULL
			obj$loglik <- NULL
			obj$diagnostic <- paste("Character ",charnum," is invariant. Analysis stopped.",sep="")

	workingData <- data.frame(data[,charnum+1],data[,charnum+1],row.names=data[,1]) # added character twice, because at least two columns are necessary
	workingData <- workingData[phy$tip.label,] # this might have already been done by match.tree.data	

	counts <- table(workingData[,1])
	levels <- levels(as.factor(workingData[,1]))
	cols <- as.factor(workingData[,1])
	cat("State distribution in data:\n")
	#Some initial values for use later - will clean up
	k <- 1 # Only one trait allowed
	factored <- factorData(workingData,charnum=charnum) # just factoring to figure out how many levels (i.e. number of states) in data.
	nl <- ncol(factored)
	state.names <- colnames(factored) # for subsequent reporting
	bound.hit <- FALSE # to keep track of whether min.rate is one of the rate estimates (and thus, potentially a non-optimal rate)
	# Check to make sure values are reasonable (i.e. non-negative)
	if(ub < 0){
		ub <- 100
	if(lb < 0){
		lb <- 0
	if(ub < lb){ # This user really needs help
		ub <- 100
		lb <- 0

	obj <- NULL
	nb.node <- phy$Nnode

		rate <- rate.mat
		model.set.final$np <- max(rate, na.rm=TRUE)
		rate[is.na(rate)]=max(rate, na.rm=TRUE)+1
		model.set.final$rate <- rate
		model.set.final$index.matrix <- rate.mat

	lower = rep(lb, model.set.final$np)
	upper = rep(ub, model.set.final$np)

	opts <- list("algorithm"="NLOPT_LN_SBPLX", "maxeval"="1000000", "ftol_rel"=.Machine$double.eps^0.5)
		cat("Calculating likelihood from a set of fixed parameters", "\n")
		loglik <- -out$objective
	} else {
			cat("Initializing...", "\n")
			#Sets parameter settings for random restarts by taking the parsimony score and dividing
			#by the total length of the tree
			opts <- list("algorithm"="NLOPT_LN_SBPLX", "maxeval"="1000000", "ftol_rel"=.Machine$double.eps^0.5)
			dat<-phyDat(dat,type="USER", levels=levels(as.factor(workingData[,1])))
			par.score<-parsimony(phy, dat, method="fitch")
			tl <- sum(phy$edge.length)
			mean.change = par.score/tl
				ip=0.01 + lb
				ip<-rexp(1, 1/mean.change)
			if(ip < lb || ip > ub){ # initial parameter value is outside bounds
				ip <- lb
			lower.init = rep(lb, model.set.init$np)
			upper.init = rep(ub, model.set.init$np)
			init = nloptr(x0=rep(ip, length.out = model.set.init$np), eval_f=dev.raydisc, lb=lower.init, ub=upper.init, opts=opts, phy=phy,liks=model.set.init$liks,Q=model.set.init$Q,rate=model.set.init$rate,root.p=root.p)
			cat("Finished. Beginning thorough search...", "\n")
			lower = rep(lb, model.set.final$np)
			upper = rep(ub, model.set.final$np)
			out <- nloptr(x0=rep(init$solution, length.out = model.set.final$np), eval_f=dev.raydisc, lb=lower, ub=upper, opts=opts, phy=phy,liks=model.set.final$liks,Q=model.set.final$Q,rate=model.set.final$rate,root.p=root.p)
			loglik <- -out$objective
		#If a user-specified starting value(s) is supplied:
			cat("Beginning subplex optimization routine -- Starting value(s):", ip, "\n")
			opts <- list("algorithm"="NLOPT_LN_SBPLX", "maxeval"="1000000", "ftol_rel"=.Machine$double.eps^0.5)
			out = nloptr(x0=rep(ip, length.out = model.set.final$np), eval_f=dev.raydisc, lb=lower, ub=upper, opts=opts)
			loglik <- -out$objective
	#Starts the summarization process:
	cat("Finished. Inferring ancestral states using", node.states, "reconstruction.","\n")
	TIPS <- 1:nb.tip
	lik.anc <- ancRECON(phy, data, est.pars, hrm=FALSE, rate.cat=NULL, rate.mat=rate.mat, ntraits=ntraits, method=node.states, model=model, charnum=charnum, root.p=root.p)
	if(node.states == "marginal" || node.states == "scaled"){
		phy$node.label <- pr
		tip.states <- lik.anc$lik.tip.states
		#row.names(tip.states) <- phy$tip.label
	if(node.states == "joint"){
		phy$node.label <- lik.anc$lik.anc.states
		tip.states <- lik.anc$lik.tip.states

	cat("Finished. Performing diagnostic tests.", "\n")
		#Approximates the Hessian using the numDeriv function
		h <- hessian(func=dev.raydisc, x=est.pars, phy=phy,liks=model.set.final$liks,Q=model.set.final$Q,rate=model.set.final$rate,root.p=root.p)
		solution <- matrix(est.pars[model.set.final$index.matrix], dim(model.set.final$index.matrix))
		solution.se <- matrix(sqrt(diag(pseudoinverse(h)))[model.set.final$index.matrix], dim(model.set.final$index.matrix))
		hess.eig <- eigen(h,symmetric=TRUE)
		eigvect<-round(hess.eig$vectors, 2)
		solution <- matrix(est.pars[model.set.final$index.matrix], dim(model.set.final$index.matrix))
		solution.se <- matrix(0,dim(solution)[1],dim(solution)[1])

	if((any(solution == lb,na.rm = TRUE) || any(solution == ub,na.rm = TRUE)) && (lb != 0 || ub != 100)){
		bound.hit <- TRUE

	rownames(solution) <- rownames(solution.se) <- state.names
	colnames(solution) <- colnames(solution.se) <- state.names

		if (node.states == "marginal" || node.states == "scaled"){
			colnames(lik.anc$lik.anc.states) <- state.names
	obj = list(loglik = loglik, AIC = -2*loglik+2*model.set.final$np,AICc = -2*loglik+(2*model.set.final$np*(nb.tip/(nb.tip-model.set.final$np-1))),ntraits=1, solution=solution, solution.se=solution.se, index.mat=model.set.final$index.matrix, opts=opts, data=data, phy=phy, states=lik.anc$lik.anc.states, tip.states=tip.states, iterations=out$iterations, eigval=eigval, eigvect=eigvect,bound.hit=bound.hit) 
	if(!is.null(matching$message.data)){ # Some taxa were included in data matrix but not not used because they were not in the tree
		obj$message.data <- matching$message.data
		obj$data <- matching$data # Data used for analyses were different than submitted data; return this matrix
	if(!is.null(matching$message.tree)){ # Some taxa were included in tree, but lacked data.  Coded as missing data.
		obj$message.tree <- matching$message.tree
		obj$data <- matching$data # Data used for analyses were different than submitted data; return this matrix

#Print function
	output<-data.frame(x$loglik,x$AIC,x$AICc,ntips, row.names="")
	param.est<- x$solution
		index.matrix <- x$index.mat
		#If any eigenvalue is less than 0 then the solution is not the maximum likelihood solution
		if (any(x$eigval<0)) {
			cat("The objective function may be at a saddle point", "\n")
		cat("Arrived at a reliable solution","\n")
		cat("At least one rate parameter equals the boundary value set by user (lb or ub).  This may be a non-optimal solution.  Try running again or changing boundary values.\n")
	if(!is.null(x$message.data) || !is.null(x$message.tree)){
		cat("\nThere were differences between the tree and matrix; see message.data and/or message.tree attribute of this rayDISC object for details.\n",sep="")


	nb.tip <- length(phy$tip.label)
	nb.node <- phy$Nnode
	TIPS <- 1:nb.tip
	comp <- numeric(nb.tip + nb.node)
	phy <- reorder(phy, "pruningwise")
	#Obtain an object of all the unique ancestors
	anc <- unique(phy$edge[,1])

	#This bit is to allow packages like "selac" the ability to deal with this function directly:
		if (any(is.nan(p)) || any(is.infinite(p))) return(1000000)
		Q[] <- c(p, 0)[rate]
		diag(Q) <- -rowSums(Q)

	for (i  in seq(from = 1, length.out = nb.node)) {
		#the ancestral node at row i is called focal
		focal <- anc[i]
		#Get descendant information of focal
		v <- 1

		for (desIndex in sequence(length(desRows))){
			v<-v*expm(Q * phy$edge.length[desRows[desIndex]], method=c("Ward77")) %*% liks[desNodes[desIndex],]
		comp[focal] <- sum(v)
		liks[focal, ] <- v/comp[focal]
	#Specifies the root:
	root <- nb.tip + 1L
	#If any of the logs have NAs restart search:
	if (is.na(sum(log(comp[-TIPS])))){return(1000000)}
		equil.root <- NULL
		for(i in 1:ncol(Q)){
			posrows <- which(Q[,i] >= 0)
			rowsum <- sum(Q[posrows,i])
			poscols <- which(Q[i,] >= 0)
			colsum <- sum(Q[i,poscols])
			equil.root <- c(equil.root,rowsum/(rowsum+colsum))
		if (is.null(root.p)){
			flat.root = equil.root
			k.rates <- 1/length(which(!is.na(equil.root)))
			flat.root[!is.na(flat.root)] = k.rates
			flat.root[is.na(flat.root)] = 0
			loglik<- -(sum(log(comp[-TIPS])) + log(sum(flat.root * liks[root,])))
			#root.p==maddfitz will fix root probabilities according to FitzJohn et al 2009 Eq. 10:
				equil.root[is.na(equil.root)] = 0
				loglik <- -(sum(log(comp[-TIPS])) + log(sum(equil.root * liks[root,])))
			#root.p!==NULL will fix root probabilities based on user supplied vector:
				loglik<- -(sum(log(comp[-TIPS])) + log(sum(root.p * liks[root,])))

	k <- 1
	factored <- factorData(data, charnum=charnum)
	nl <- ncol(factored)
	obj <- NULL
	nb.node <- phy$Nnode

	#rate is a matrix of rate categories (not actual rates)

	stateTable <- NULL # will hold 0s and 1s for likelihoods of each state at tip
	for(column in 1:nl){
		stateTable <- cbind(stateTable,factored[,column])
	colnames(stateTable) <- colnames(factored)

	ancestral <- matrix(0,nb.node,nl) # all likelihoods at ancestral nodes will be 0
	liks <- rbind(stateTable,ancestral) # combine tip likelihoods & ancestral likelihoods
	rownames(liks) <- NULL

	Q <- matrix(0, nl^k, nl^k)




#    match.tree.data    #
# Compares a tree and data to make sure they include the same taxa
# Taxa which are in the tree, but not the data matrix, are added to the matrix and coded as missing data.
# Any taxa in the data matrix which are not in the tree are removed from the matrix
# The function returns an object with three parts:
#	$phy: the tree
#	$data: the matrix, omitting taxa not in tree and taxa that were present in the tree but not in the matrix
#	$message.data: a brief message explaining modifications (if any) to the data
#	$message.tree: a brief message explaining modificatoins (if any) to the tree
match.tree.data <- function(phy, data){
	matchobj <- NULL
	matchobj$phy <- phy
	matchobj$data <- data
	matchobj$message.data <- NULL
	matchobj$message.tree <- NULL
	# First look at data matrix to see if each taxon in matrix is also in tree
	missing.fromtree <- NULL
	for(datarow in 1:length(data[,1])){
			missing.fromtree <- c(missing.fromtree,datarow)
	if(length(missing.fromtree) > 0){ # At least one taxa is listed in the matrix, but is not in the tree
		# Make message so user knows taxa have been removed
		matchobj$message.data <- "The following taxa in the data matrix were not in the tree and were excluded from analysis: "
		first <- TRUE
		for(toRemove in 1:length(missing.fromtree)){
				matchobj$message.data <- paste(matchobj$message.data,as.character(data[missing.fromtree[toRemove],1]),sep="")
				first <- FALSE
			} else { #not the first one, so add leading comma
				matchobj$message.data <- paste(matchobj$message.data,", ",as.character(data[missing.fromtree[toRemove],1]),sep="")
		matchobj$data <- data[-missing.fromtree,] # omits those data rows which have no match in the tree
		for(datacol in 2:length(matchobj$data[1,])){
			matchobj$data[,datacol] <- factor(matchobj$data[,datacol]) # have to use factor to remove any factors not present in the final dataset

	missing.taxa <- NULL
	for(tip in 1:length(phy$tip.label)){
			if(is.null(matchobj$message.tree)){ # The first missing taxon
				missing.taxa <- as.character(phy$tip.label[tip])
				matchobj$message.tree <- "The following taxa were in the tree but did not have corresponding data in the data matrix.  They are coded as missing data for subsequent analyses: "
			} else { # not the first missing taxon, add with leading comma
				missing.taxa <- paste(missing.taxa,", ",as.character(phy$tip.label[tip]),sep="")
			# missing taxa will be coded as having missing data "?"
			addtaxon <- as.character(phy$tip.label[tip])
			numcols <- length(matchobj$data[1,])
			newrow <- matrix(as.character("\x3F"),1,numcols) # absurd, but it works
			newrow[1,1] <- addtaxon
			newrowdf <- data.frame(newrow)
			colnames(newrowdf) <- colnames(matchobj$data)
			matchobj$data <- rbind(matchobj$data,newrowdf)
	rownames(matchobj$data) <- matchobj$data[,1] # Use first column (taxon names) as row names
	matchobj$data <- matchobj$data[matchobj$phy$tip.label,] # Sort by order in tree
	rownames(matchobj$data) <- NULL # remove row names after sorting
		matchobj$message.tree <- paste(matchobj$message.tree,missing.taxa,sep="")

#  findAmps  #
# A function to find positions of ampersands for separating different states.  
# Will allow character state to be greater than one character long.
findAmps <- function(string, charnum){
	if(!is.character(string)) return(NULL)
	locs <- NULL # Will hold location values
	for(charnum in 1:nchar(as.character(string))){
		if(substr(string,charnum,charnum) == "&"){
			locs <- c(locs,charnum)

# factorData #
# Function to make factored matrix as levels are discovered.
factorData <- function(data,whichchar=1,charnum){
	charcol <- whichchar+1
	factored <- NULL # will become the matrix.  Starts with no data.
	lvls <- NULL
	numrows <- length(data[,charcol])
	missing <- NULL

	for(row in 1:numrows){
		currlvl <- NULL
		levelstring <- as.character(data[row,charcol])
		ampLocs <- findAmps(levelstring, charnum)
		if(length(ampLocs) == 0){ #No ampersands, character is monomorphic
			currlvl <- levelstring
			if(currlvl == "?" || currlvl == "-"){ # Check for missing data
				missing <- c(missing,row) # add to list of taxa with missing values, will fill in entire row later
			else { # Not missing data
				if(length(which(lvls == currlvl)) == 0){# encountered a level not seen yet
					if(length(factored) == 0){ # Matrix is empty, need to create it
						factored <- matrix(0,numrows,1)
						colnames(factored) <- currlvl
						rownames(factored) <- rownames(data)
					} else { # matrix already exists, but need to add a column for the new level
						zerocolumn <- rep(0,numrows)
						factored <- cbind(factored, zerocolumn)
						colnames(factored)[length(factored[1,])] <- currlvl
					lvls <- c(lvls,currlvl) # add that level to the list
				} # already found this level in another state.  Set the value to one
					whichlvl <- which(lvls == currlvl) # this index number should correspond to the column number of the state
					factored[row,whichlvl] <- 1
		} else { #At least one ampersand found, polymorphic character
			start <- 1
			numlvls <- length(ampLocs)+1
			for(part in 1:numlvls){
				# Pull out level from levelstring
				if(part <= length(ampLocs)){ # Havent reached the last state
					currlvl <- substr(levelstring,start,(ampLocs[part]-1)) # pull out value between start and the location-1 of the next ampersand
				} else { # Final state in list
					currlvl <- substr(levelstring,start,nchar(levelstring)) # pull out value between start and the last character of the string
				if(currlvl == "?" || currlvl == "-"){ # Missing data, but polymorphic?
					missing <- c(missing,row) # add to list of taxa with missing values, will fill in entire row later
				else { # Not missing data
					if(length(which(lvls == currlvl)) == 0){# encountered a level not seen yet
						if(length(factored) == 0){ # Matrix is empty, need to create it
							factored <- matrix(0,numrows,1)
							colnames(factored) <- currlvl
							rownames(factored) <- rownames(data)
						} else { # matrix already exists, but need to add a column for the new level
							zerocolumn <- rep(0,numrows)
							factored <- cbind(factored, zerocolumn)
							colnames(factored)[length(factored[1,])] <- currlvl
						lvls <- c(lvls,currlvl) # add that level to the list
					} # already found this level in another state.  Set the value to one
						whichlvl <- which(lvls == currlvl) # this index number should correspond to the column number of the state
						factored[row,whichlvl] <- 1
					start <- ampLocs[part] + 1
	#Need to deal with any rows with missing data; fill in NA for all columns for that row
	for(missingrows in 1:length(missing)){
		for(column in 1:length(factored[1,])){
			factored[missing[missingrows],column] <- 1 # All states equally likely
	factored <- factored[,order(colnames(factored))]

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