
## $Id: runit.augment.R 108 2011-08-12 12:40:32Z mariotomo $
## this file is part of the R library delftfews.  delftfews is free
## software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
## of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
## any later version.
## delftfews is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with the nens libraray.  If not, see
## <>.


EPOCH <- delftfews:::EPOCH

test.timeseries.base <- function() {
  ## test equality between zoo and timeseries contructors
  current <- timeseries(from=0, by=720*60, length.out=6)
  target <- zoo( * 43200, class=c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone="UTC"), frequency=1/43200)
  checkEquals(target, current)

test.timeseries.shape.of.empty <- function() {
  ## now test properties of new empty object
  current <- timeseries(from=0, by=720*60, length.out=6)
  checkEquals(EPOCH + (0:5) * 43200, index(current))
} <- function() {
  minutes <- (0:5) * 720
  target <- zoo(data.frame(a=1), as.POSIXct(minutes * 60, origin=EPOCH), 1/720/60)
  dimnames(target) <- list(NULL, dimnames(target)[[2]])
  current <- timeseries(from=0, by=720*60, length.out=6, a=1)
  checkEquals(target, current)
  checkEquals(c(6L, 1L), dim(current))

test.timeseries.with.more.columns <- function() {
  minutes <- (0:5) * 720
  target <- zoo(data.frame(a=1, b=1:6), as.POSIXct(minutes * 60, origin=EPOCH), 1/720/60)
  dimnames(target) <- list(NULL, dimnames(target)[[2]])
  current <- timeseries(from=0, by=720*60, length.out=6, a=1, b=1:6)
  checkEquals(target, current)
  checkEquals(c(6L, 2L), dim(current))
} <- function() {
  full <- data.frame(a=1, b=1:6, c=(0:5)*4)
  minutes <- (0:5) * 720
  target <- zoo(full, as.POSIXct(minutes * 60, origin=EPOCH), 1/720/60)
  dimnames(target) <- list(NULL, dimnames(target)[[2]])
  current <- timeseries(from=0, by=720*60, length.out=6, data=full)
  checkEquals(target, current)
} <- function() {
  full <- data.frame(a=1, b=1:6, c=(0:5)*4)
  minutes <- (0:5) * 720
  template <- timeseries(from=0, by=720*60, length.out=6)
  target <- zoo(full, as.POSIXct(minutes * 60, origin=EPOCH), 1/720/60)
  dimnames(target) <- list(NULL, dimnames(target)[[2]])

  current <- timeseries(, data=full)
  checkEquals(target, current)
} <- function() {
  data <- rep(NA, 10)
  data[4:6] <- 5
  ## 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 0
  pidata <- timeseries(1234567800, by=5*60, length.out=10, input=data)

  result <- cumulate(pidata[, 1], integration.method=1, with.partials=TRUE)
  checkEquals(TRUE, is.zoo(result))

  target <- rep(NA, 10)
  target[4:6] <- 25*60
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$partials))

  target <- rep(NA, 10)
  target[4] <- 75*60
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$gross))
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$net))

  target <- rep(NA, 10)
  target[4] <- 15 * 60
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$gross.duration))
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$net.duration))
} <- function() {
  data <- rep(NA, 10)
  data[4:6] <- 5
  ## 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 0
  pidata <- timeseries(1234567800, by=5*60, length.out=10, input=data)

  result <- cumulate(pidata[, 1], integration.method=1)

  checkEquals(FALSE, 'partials' %in% colnames(result))

  target <- rep(NA, 10)
  target[4] <- 75*60
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$gross))
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$net))

  target <- rep(NA, 10)
  target[4] <- 15 * 60
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$gross.duration))
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$net.duration))
} <- function() {
  data <- rep(NA, 10)
  data[4:6] <- 2
  data[5] <- 4
  ## 0 0 0 2 4 2 0 0 0 0
  pidata <- zoo(cbind(input=data), + seq(1234567800, by=5*60, length.out=10))

  result <- cumulate(pidata[, 1], integration.method=3, with.partials=TRUE)
  ## input duration partials totals
  ##     0       NA       NA     NA
  ##     0       NA       NA     NA
  ##     0       NA       NA     NA
  ##     2 ??TODO??        5     40
  ##     4       NA       15     NA
  ##     2       NA       15     NA
  ##     0       NA        5     NA
  ##     0       NA       NA     NA
  ##     0       NA       NA     NA
  ##     0       NA       NA     NA

  target <- rep(NA, 10)
  target[c(4,7)] <- 5 * 60
  target[c(5,6)] <- 15 * 60
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$partials))

  target <- rep(NA, 10)
  target[4] <- 40 * 60
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$gross))
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$net))

  ## TODO - now same duration as integration.method 1
  target <- rep(NA, 10)
  target[4] <- 15 * 60
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$gross.duration))
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$net.duration))
} <- function() {
  data <- rep(NA, 15)
  data[4:6] <- 5
  data[9] <- 5
  pidata <- timeseries(1234567800, by=5*60, length.out=15, input=data)
  ##             timestamps input
  ## 1  2009-02-13 23:30:00     0
  ## 2  2009-02-13 23:35:00     0
  ## 3  2009-02-13 23:40:00     0
  ## 4  2009-02-13 23:45:00     5
  ## 5  2009-02-13 23:50:00     5
  ## 6  2009-02-13 23:55:00     5
  ## 7  2009-02-14 00:00:00     0
  ## 8  2009-02-14 00:05:00     0
  ## 9  2009-02-14 00:10:00     5
  ## 10 2009-02-14 00:15:00     0
  ## 11 2009-02-14 00:20:00     0
  ## 12 2009-02-14 00:25:00     0
  ## 13 2009-02-14 00:30:00     0
  ## 14 2009-02-14 00:35:00     0
  ## 15 2009-02-14 00:40:00     0

  result <- cumulate(pidata[, 1], gap=3, integration.method=1)

  ##    input gross.totals net.totals
  ## 1      0                  0                0
  ## 2      0                  0                0
  ## 3      0                  0                0
  ## 4      5                100|              75|
  ## 5      5                  0|               0|
  ## 6      5                  0|               0|
  ## 7      0                  0|               0
  ## 8      0                  0|               0
  ## 9      5                  0|              25|
  ## 10     0                  0                0
  ## 11     0                  0                0
  ## 12     0                  0                0
  ## 13     0                  0                0
  ## 14     0                  0                0
  ## 15     0                  0                0
  target <- rep(NA, 15)
  target[4] <- 100 * 60
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$gross))
  target[4] <- 75 * 60
  target[9] <- 25 * 60
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$net))

  ##    input gross.duration net.duration 
  ## 1      0                    0                  0 
  ## 2      0                    0                  0 
  ## 3      0                    0                  0 
  ## 4      5                   30|                15|
  ## 5      5                    0|                 0|
  ## 6      5                    0|                 0|
  ## 7      0                    0|                 0 
  ## 8      0                    0|                 0 
  ## 9      5                    0|                 5|
  ## 10     0                    0                  0 
  ## 11     0                    0                  0 
  ## 12     0                    0                  0 
  ## 13     0                    0                  0 
  ## 14     0                    0                  0 
  ## 15     0                    0                  0 
  target <- rep(NA, 15)
  target[4] <- 30 * 60
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$gross.duration))
  target[4] <- 15 * 60
  target[9] <- 5 * 60
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$net.duration))
} <- function() {
  data <- rep(NA, 15)
  data[4:6] <- 5
  data[9] <- 5
  pidata <- timeseries(1234567800, by=5*60, length.out=15, input=data)
  ##             timestamps input
  ## 1  2009-02-13 23:30:00     0
  ## 2  2009-02-13 23:35:00     0
  ## 3  2009-02-13 23:40:00     0
  ## 4  2009-02-13 23:45:00     5
  ## 5  2009-02-13 23:50:00     5
  ## 6  2009-02-13 23:55:00     5
  ## 7  2009-02-14 00:00:00     0
  ## 8  2009-02-14 00:05:00     0
  ## 9  2009-02-14 00:10:00     5
  ## 10 2009-02-14 00:15:00     0
  ## 11 2009-02-14 00:20:00     0
  ## 12 2009-02-14 00:25:00     0
  ## 13 2009-02-14 00:30:00     0
  ## 14 2009-02-14 00:35:00     0
  ## 15 2009-02-14 00:40:00     0

  result <- cumulate(pidata[, 1], gap=3, integration.method=3, with.partials=TRUE)

  ##    input gross.partials net.partials
  ## 1      0             NA           NA
  ## 2      0             NA           NA
  ## 3      0             NA           NA
  ## 4      5           12.5|        12.5|
  ## 5      5           25.0|        25.0|
  ## 6      5           25.0|        25.0|
  ## 7      0           12.5|        12.5|
  ## 8      0              0|          NA
  ## 9      5           12.5|        12.5|
  ## 10     0           12.5|        12.5|
  ## 11     0             NA           NA
  ## 12     0             NA           NA
  ## 13     0             NA           NA
  ## 14     0             NA           NA
  ## 15     0             NA           NA
  target <- rep(NA, 15)
  target[4:10] <- 12.5 * 60
  target[5:6] <- 25 * 60
  target[8] <- 0
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$partials))
} <- function() {
  data <- rep(NA, 10)
  data[2:6] <- 5
  data[9:10] <- 5
  pidata <- timeseries(1234567800, by=5*60, length.out=10, input=data)
  ##             timestamps input
  ## 1  2009-02-13 23:30:00     0
  ## 2  2009-02-13 23:35:00     5
  ## 3  2009-02-13 23:40:00     5
  ## 4  2009-02-13 23:45:00     5
  ## 5  2009-02-13 23:50:00     5
  ## 6  2009-02-13 23:55:00     5
  ## 7  2009-02-14 00:00:00     0
  ## 8  2009-02-14 00:05:00     0
  ## 9  2009-02-14 00:10:00     5
  ## 10 2009-02-14 00:15:00     5

  result <- cumulate(pidata[, 1], gap=3, integration.method=1)

  ##    input gross.totals net.totals
  ## 1      0                  0                0
  ## 2      5                175|             125|
  ## 3      5                  0|               0|
  ## 4      5                  0|               0|
  ## 5      5                  0|               0|
  ## 6      5                  0|               0|
  ## 7      0                  0|               0
  ## 8      0                  0|               0
  ## 9      5                  0|              50|
  ## 10     5                  0|               0|
  target <- rep(NA, 10)
  target[2] <- 175 * 60
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$gross))
  target[2] <- 125 * 60
  target[9] <- 50 * 60
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$net))

  ##    input gross.duration net.duration 
  ## 1      0                    0                  0 
  ## 2      5                   45|                25|
  ## 3      5                    0|                 0|
  ## 4      5                    0|                 0|
  ## 5      5                    0|                 0|
  ## 6      5                    0|                 0|
  ## 7      0                    0|                 0 
  ## 8      0                    0|                 0 
  ## 9      5                    0|                10|
  ## 10     5                    0|                 0|
  target <- rep(NA, 10)
  target[2] <- 45 * 60
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$gross.duration))
  target[2] <- 25 * 60
  target[9] <- 10 * 60
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$net.duration))

test.cumulate.zoo.all.NA <- function() {
  pidata <- timeseries(21000000*60, by=5*60, length.out=10)
  pidata <- cbind(pidata, input=NA)

  result <- cumulate(pidata[, 1], integration.method=1)

  target <- rep(NA, 10)
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$gross))
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$net))
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$gross.duration))
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$net.duration))
} <- function() {
  pidata <- zoo(cbind(a=c(6:1,5:2)),*3600, class=c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")))

  result <- cumulate(pidata[, 1], integration.method=1, skip.first=TRUE)

  target <- as.numeric(rep(NA, 10))
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$gross))
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$net))
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$gross.duration))
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(result$net.duration))
} <- function() {
  pidata <- zoo(cbind(a=c(6:1,5:2)),*3600, class=c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")))

  result <- cumulate(pidata[, 1], integration.method=1, skip.first=FALSE)

  target <- as.numeric(rep(NA, 9))
  checkEquals(c(126000, target), as.vector(result$gross))
  checkEquals(c(126000, target), as.vector(result$net))
  checkEquals(c(36000, target), as.vector(result$gross.duration))
  checkEquals(c(36000, target), as.vector(result$net.duration))
} <- function() {
  pidata <- timeseries(to=21000000*60, by=10800, length.out=1)
  target <- c(12)
  pidata$z <- target
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(pidata$z))
} <- function() {
  pidata <- timeseries(to=21000000*60, by=10800, length.out=1)
  target <- c(12)
  pidata <- cbind(pidata, z=target)
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(pidata))
} <- function() {
  pidata <- timeseries(to=21000000*60, by=10800, length.out=1, a=1)
  target <- c(20)
  pidata$z <- target
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(pidata$z))
} <- function() {
  pidata <- timeseries(to=21000000*60, by=10800, length.out=1, a=1)
  target <- c(20)
  pidata <- cbind(pidata, z=target)
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(pidata$z))
} <- function() {
  pidata <- timeseries(to=21000000*60, by=10800, length.out=1, a=1, b=2)
  target <- c(20)
  pidata$z <- target
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(pidata$z))
} <- function() {
  pidata <- timeseries(to=21000000*60, by=10800, length.out=1, a=1, b=2)
  target <- c(20)
  pidata <- cbind(pidata, z=target)
  checkEquals(target, as.vector(pidata$z))

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