
demoniche_population <-
function(Matrix_projection, Matrix_projection_var,  
                n, populationmax, K = NULL, Kweight = BEMDEM$Kweight, onepopulation_Niche, sumweight, noise,  
                prob_scenario, prev_mx, transition_affected_demogr, transition_affected_niche, 
                transition_affected_env, env_stochas_type, yx_tx)

     			prob_scenario_noise <-
            c(prob_scenario[prev_mx[yx_tx]] * noise
            , 1- (prob_scenario[prev_mx[yx_tx]] * noise)) 
                     rand_mxs     <- sample(1:2, 1, prob = prob_scenario_noise, replace = TRUE) 
                     one_mxs      <- Matrix_projection[,rand_mxs]    # select one matrix rand_mxs = 1
                           prev_mx[yx_tx+1]    <- rand_mxs # saves the choice of matrix
              ## Modify the chosen matrix with habitat suitability values and demographic stochasticity
          if(Matrix_projection_var[1] != FALSE) 
                       one_mxs_var <- one_mxs * (Matrix_projection_var[,rand_mxs]) 
             if(is.numeric(transition_affected_niche)) {                  ## Niche values   
                    one_mxs[transition_affected_niche] <- one_mxs[transition_affected_niche] * onepopulation_Niche    
              if(is.numeric(transition_affected_env)) {                 ## environmental stochasticity
                    switch(EXPR = env_stochas_type, 
                            normal =
                             one_mxs[transition_affected_env] <- # normal distribution
                                   rnorm(length(one_mxs[transition_affected_env]), mean = one_mxs[transition_affected_env],
                                  sd = one_mxs_var[transition_affected_env])
                            lognormal = one_mxs[transition_affected_env] <- # lognormal distribution
                                 rlnorm(length(one_mxs[transition_affected_env]), meanlog = one_mxs[transition_affected_env], 
                                  sdlog = one_mxs_var[transition_affected_env]))
               one_mxs[one_mxs < 0] <- 0 # Matrix values cannot be negative 
              #  one_mxs[one_mxs == NA]                    
            A <- 
            matrix(one_mxs, ncol = length(n), nrow = length(n), byrow = FALSE)            
          # To check if surivial and persistence columns sum to more than one.
                   Atest <- A
                   Atest[1,][-1] <- 0 # Remove number of recruits.
                              #  colSums(Atest)
           if (sum(colSums(Atest) > 1)){
             for(zerox in which(colSums(Atest) > 1) ) # zerox = 5
            Atest[,zerox] <- Atest[,zerox] / sum(Atest[,zerox])
             A[-1,] <- Atest[-1,] # the new A, <1
            } # end if

         n <- as.vector( A %*% n )                          # Matrix multiplication!
            n <- floor(n) # If the number of individuals is less than one, replace with zero
            # Allee effect here
            # Sample number of offsping from poisson distribution!
            # if(is.numeric(transition_affected_demogr)) { # demographic stochasticity
            #           one_mxs[transition_affected_demogr[transition_affected_demogr %in% 2:length(BEMDEM$stages)]]
            #         fecundity_index <- transition_affected_demogr[transition_affected_demogr %in% 2:length(BEMDEM$stages)]
                     #rpois(5, lambda = one_mxs[transition_affected_demogr[transition_affected_demogr %in% 2:length(BEMDEM$stages)]])# Poisson for fecundities
            #          rpois(length(fecundity_index), lambda = one_mxs[fecundity_index]) # Poisson for fecundities
                  #  rnorm(5, mean = one_mxs[transition_affected_demogr[transition_affected_demogr %in% 2:length(BEMDEM$stages)]],
                  #         sd = one_mxs_sd[transition_affected_demogr[transition_affected_demogr %in% 2:length(BEMDEM$stages)]])        
                  #one_mxs[transition_affected_demogr] <- 
                   # rpois(one_mxs[transition_affected_demogr], lambda = ) * onepopulation_Niche   
                    #   survival_index <- transition_affected_demogr[transition_affected_demogr = fecundity_index] 
                   #    survival_index <- diag(matrix(one_mxs, ncol = length(n), byrow = FALSE))       
         #    switch(EXPR = K,  
         #             Ricker = r_mx*(sum(n)*((K - sum(n))/K))  
         #             Scramble = 
           #  Simple density dependence                 
           #  if population size exceeds populationmax, reduce population to populationmax               
                 if( sum(n) > 0) { 
                   if(is.numeric(populationmax)) {
                    if ( sum(n * Kweight) > populationmax )  
                     n <- n * (populationmax/ sum(n * sumweight) ) 

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demoniche documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:45 p.m.