
Defines functions .IssueWarn .isEqual .inArgs .isNatural .isInteger distrEllipseMASK .onAttach .onLoad

Documented in distrEllipseMASK

.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg){
#    require("methods", character = TRUE, quietly = TRUE) 
#    require("distrEx")
#    require("distrSim")
#    require(setRNG)

.distrEllipseoptions <- list(
                Nsim = 2000,
                withED = TRUE,
                lwd.Ed = 2,
                col.Ed = c(3,4),
                withMean = TRUE,
                cex.mean = 2,
                pch.mean = 20,
                col.mean = 2

.onAttach <- function(library, pkg)
  unlockBinding(".distrEllipseoptions", asNamespace("distrEllipse"))
    msga <- gettext(
    "Some functions from package 'stats' are intentionally masked ---see distrEllipseMASK().\n"
  buildStartupMessage(pkg="distrEllipse", msga, packageHelp=TRUE, library=library, 
               #     MANUAL="http://www.uni-bayreuth.de/departments/math/org/mathe7/DISTR/distr.pdf",
  VIGNETTE = gettext("Package \"distrDoc\" provides a vignette to this package as well as to several related packages; try vignette(\"distr\")."))

distrEllipseMASK <- function(library = NULL) 
    infoShow(pkg = "distrEllipse", filename="MASKING", library = library)

#### utilities copied from package distr v.2.6  svn-rev 943
.isInteger  <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps) abs(as.integer(x)-x)< tol
.isNatural  <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps) .isInteger(x, tol) & (x>0)

.inArgs <- function(arg, fct)
          {as.character(arg) %in% names(formals(fct))}

.isEqual <- function(p0, p1, tol = min( getdistrOption("TruncQuantile")/2,
                abs(p0-p1)< tol

# issue warnings in show / print as to Arith or print
.IssueWarn <- function(Arith,Sim){
    msgA1 <- msgA2 <- msgS1 <- msgS2 <- NULL
    if(Arith && getdistrOption("WarningArith")){
      msgA1 <- gettext(
       "arithmetics on distributions are understood as operations on r.v.'s\n")
      msgA2 <- gettext(
       "see 'distrARITH()'; for switching off this warning see '?distroptions'")
    if(Sim && getdistrOption("WarningSim")){
      msgS1 <- gettext(
       "slots d,p,q have been filled using simulations; ")
      msgS2 <- gettext(
       "for switching off this warning see '?distroptions'")
    return(list(msgA=c(msgA1,msgA2), msgS = c(msgS1,msgS2)))

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distrEllipse documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 3:01 a.m.