Man pages for ebimetagenomics
EBI Metagenomics Portal

analyseOtuAnalysis of OTU count data
convertOtuTadConverts an OTU count data frame to a TAD data frame
getProjectsListDownload the EMG projects list into a data frame
getProjectSummaryDownload an EMG project summary into a data frame
getRunOtuDownloads OTU count data associated with a EMG run
getSampleOtuDownloads and merges all of the OTU count data associated...
mergeOtuMerges two OTU count data data frames to produce a combined...
plotOtuPlots OTU count data
projectRunsFind runs associated with an EMG project
projectSamplesFind samples associated with an EMG project
read.otu.tsvReads OTU count data associated with a EMG run
read.project.csvRead an EMG project summary into a data frame
runsBySampleFind runs associated with a particular sample ID within an...
ebimetagenomics documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5 p.m.