Man pages for gRbase
A package for graphical modelling in R

arrayCombineCombine arrays
combnPrimGenerate All Combinations of n Elements Taken m at a Time
compareModelsGeneric function for model comparison
compile-propagateCompile and propagate functions
cov2pcorPartial correlation (matrix)
DATA-ashtreesCrown dieback in ash trees
DATA-BodyFatBody Fat Data
DATA-breastcancerGene expression signatures for p53 mutation status in 250...
DATA-cadCoronary artery disease data
DATA-carcassLean meat contents of 344 pig carcasses
DATA-chestSimSimulated data from the Chest Clinic example
DATA-dietoxGrowth curves of pigs in a 3x3 factorial experiment
DATA-dumpingGastric Dumping
DATA-lizardLizard behaviour
DATA-mathmarkMathematics marks for students
DATA-mildewMildew fungus
DATA-milkcompMilk composition data
DATA-NutrimouseThe Nutrimouse Dataset
DATA-ratsWeightloss of rats
DATA-reinisRisk factors for coronary heart disease.
DATA-wineChemical composition of wine
GraphAlgo-edgeListFind edges in a graph and edges not in a graph.
GraphAlgo-glist2adjMATCreates adjacency matrix for a graph from a list of...
GraphAlgo-is-graphCheck properties of graphs.
GraphAlgo-mcsMaximum cardinality search on undirected graph.
GraphAlgo-minimalTriangMinimal triangulation of an undirected graph
GraphAlgo-moralizeMoralize a directed acyclic graph
GraphAlgo-mpdMaximal prime subgraph decomposition
GraphAlgo-operations1Simple operations on undirected and directed acyclic graphs.
GraphAlgo-querygraphQuery a graph
GraphAlgo-ripRIP ordering and junction tree.
GraphAlgo-topoSortTopological sort of vertices in directed
GraphAlgo-triangulateTriangulation of an undirected graph
GraphAlgo-vparList of vertices and their parents for graph.
gRbaseThe package 'gRbase': summary information
gRbase-internalInternal gRbase functions
gRbase-utilitiesUtility functions for gRbase
iplotFunction for plotting graphs using the 'igraph' package.
parrayRepresentation of and operations on multidimensional tables
randomDagRandom directed acyclic graph
removeRedundantSet operations
table-operationsCompute table margin or table slice
ugdagCreate undirected and directed graphs
ZOLD-gmDataClass "gmData" graphical meta data
ZOLD-gModelClass "gModel" - graphical models
ZOLD-gRfitClass "gRfit" - fitted graphical models
ZOLD-hllmHierarchical log-linear models
ZOLD-validVarTypesAdmissible variable types in gmData objects
gRbase documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:51 p.m.